
Meanwhile back in Liberal land, a story likely to be buried by 10 year old he-made-a-pass at me allegations.

Campbell Soup Company says it’s shuttering its 87-year-old Toronto manufacturing facility within the next 18 months, impacting 380 jobs, as the food purveyor gets set to relocate it Canadian headquarters to a new location.
The company says the Toronto closure is necessary to improve its operational efficiency, citing a challenging retail environment that has seen volume declines of canned soup in North America.[…]
The company says soup and broth production at the Toronto facility will be transitioned in phases over the next 18 months to three plants in North Carolina, Ohio and Texas.

29 Replies to “Wynneing!”

  1. The power rates are killing everything, pretty soon you’ll be able to lie down right on the 401 and take a nap without being run over!

  2. Maybe that crook Wynne could get her Union buddies to “protest” in front of the Campbell’s soup company like they did over at Tim Hortons, nothing a little “culture wars” won’t solve.

  3. Poor Canada… we’re getting a real kick in the teeth and a boot in the arse from the U.S.A. this is only the beginning.
    Venezuela here we come…to a theatre near you.
    Tell your kids to move to the States, if they want a life.

  4. But the laid off workers can all get a selfie with Prime Minister Socks Zoolander as they wait in the unemployment lines. How exciting!

  5. To be fair that plant is very old and very run down. It is in a part of Etobicoke that is transitioning from industrial to residential. I’m no chef, but I wouldn’t cook in a kitchen that look like that place.

  6. Campbell’s Soup decision will be blamed on Trump.
    However PC leader in Ontario Patrick Brown has resigned due to sexual misconduct allegations dating back in time only to come out when they can do the most damage. The election was his to lose, now the scramble to find a new leader less than six months before the election. I find this highly suspect.

  7. socialism, killing cities, provinces and countries one business at a time. captcha………business

  8. Cons can sure mess up when it comes to choosing leaders. I sometimes wonder if memberships are being bought by Liberals to choose the leader easiest to beat in an election.

  9. The original sad story is when they left their origins in New Jersey (aka. The Garden State) for greener pastures. Campbell grew to prominence by making soup from Jersey tomatoes.

  10. Brown resigns BUT I’M INNOCENT!
    Can this country get any lower in quality of its politicians? I am quite used to a low level of financial literacy in all the parties but ineptitude runs rampant in all aspects of governance. I suspect Whinny calls a snap election. After all members of her party were molesting children and that did not really cost them.

  11. Snap election? Hmmm…
    That could happen, since you mention it. The Wynners didn’t suffer at all from that Toronto school board guy being a kiddie porn freak, the TDSB is chock full of all manner of perverts and they’re openly bringing their perversions into the school curriculum.
    The Wynner voters will not know or care a damn that an 87 year old food company is leaving Ontario, the land of food, to let US plants turn their production dial up a notch and easily handle the volume.
    Toronto people generally have NO fricking idea where their food comes from, where their job comes from or any other damn thing. They don’t understand why the lights come on when you turn the switch. Funny this is the immigrants certainly do, but the masses of home-grown Liberals don’t. They think a reduction in traffic on the 401 is a -good- thing.
    So yeah, Kathy the sexy librarian might very well Wynn an election right now.
    How fricking sad is that?

  12. We design electronic systems that require printed circuit boards. For years we have used the same Canadian company even though it is much cheaper to have them made in China. Just before Christmas I found out this company hasn’t made pc boards in Canada for years and instead just sends the digital files to China for manufacturing, then adds a mark-up.
    Last week I was contacted by a Chinese company that wants to manufacture our products in China. We sell internationally, mostly outside of Canada. I would make more money if I outsourced manufacturing to China and just took a cut. China is one of my larger customers. My Clients have to pay a 25% duty to import hardware. If I make the product in China they pay no duty.
    I don’t think our government understands international trade.

  13. There are changing demographics to consider as well. Immigrants to Canada don’t eat canned soup. (Soup kitchens might see unprecedented demand, but they don’t use canned soup either.)

  14. Soup sales declining? It wouldn’t have anything to do with removing most of the salt leaving a product that tastes like diluted piss? Sure I can add salt, but it would likely be too much or too little.

  15. try and find a campbells soup that isnt loaded with MSG.
    the stuff is the grandaddy of bloody crack or something. I cant eat any of it after 5 pm or it keeps me up all *&$%$%&%* night. I used to think it was just jet lag but then I started looking into food additives.
    curiously, *other* soup brands dont have the supersalt and taste just fine.

  16. Don’t take it personally. Trump has nothing against good working people in Canada or anywhere else. It’s liberals around the world he’s giving a real kick in the teeth and a boot in the arse. Sadly, a lot of good people will suffer from failed liberal policies.

  17. How sad. Just when Campbell’s soup had become such a WONDERFUL Canadian Corporation … by agreeing to … “transition” … their workers into new jobs.

  18. Heinz makes much better soup. I usually by broth and make my own soup from that. I never buy Campbell’s.

  19. Hey guys soup is the easiest thing in the world.
    Make your own. You stick some stuff in a large pot with H2O, some herbs and let it boil slowly.
    Then you worry about Canada.

  20. this is off topic but I don’t know about the rest of you but I am really getting tired of this native B.S. How much money and how many committees do we need to realize that the problem is with the corruption on the reserves by their leaders. We have been funneling billions into these reserve over decades and they still don’t have clean water. Something fishy here, but I guess we should not worry Justin eliminated the need for financial accountability so the tab for this ruse will continue to rise.

  21. Patrick Brown was in favor of a carbon tax. That is a far worse crime than hitting on his staffers, no matter how gauche his conduct was.
    Andrew Scheer should take note. Promote his wimmin staffers to some other part of the conservative party at some other location far away. Time to fill the ranks with male assistants, though only a few should be Gay or Bi. If they have a test to determine the difference. Do they use litmus paper? And then dump his stance on the Carbon Tax, Global warming, and Diversity. Grow up for Gods sake!
