35 Replies to “And How Was Your Day?”

  1. This is multiculturism at work…CANADIAN VALUES are not important when immigrants come to Canada.

  2. I’ll place my bets on a Muslim driver intentionally destroying a truck full of pork products and a bridge.

  3. Rules?
    Those are for the little people.
    Road rules?
    Them only for Canadian citizens with drivers licenses…
    Drivers lawyer will cite snow build up on highway as cause…judge will exonerate..cause “maths is hard”, therefore exclusionary, in Liberal Canada.
    Just watched a classic liberal fool on Hannity, while demanding that President Trump and his staff be properly inclusive of both accusing x wives and their former spouses who are on staff…
    Naturally nothing Trump and Co do is good enough..
    Then she insists that “Speaking as a woman first”is why her point of view is the only correct possibility..
    So why would President Trump, speaking as a man first, not have the right to wish his former staffer well?
    I do think it be time to become as “reasonable” as our progressive comrades.

  4. I really don’t fathom the reasoning of bloggers linking to articles on facebook or behind paywalls. I imagine they assume everyone is a member or has access. My pet peeve.

  5. “I really don’t fathom the reasoning of bloggers linking to articles on facebook or behind paywalls. I imagine they assume everyone is a member or has access. My pet peeve.“
    No…they do it because there is an interesting article there. They didn’t put the article there. They are just letting you know it exists. If you have access then enjoy. If you don’t, well don’t try to prevent everyone else from enjoying.

  6. Everyone “knows” that new immigrants cause more car accidents than Canadians of long standing: they don’t understand our signs and customs; they are unfamiliar with the way our roads are laid out and often don’t have a clue where their destinations are. But is what everyone “knows” actually true?
    Donald Redelmeier in the Department of Medicine at the University of Toronto decided to find out. … When the researchers calculated the crash frequency per 100,000 individuals, they found that, contrary to popular belief, recent immigrants were significantly less likely to be involved in a car accident than other Canadians — 158 compared to 289. In other words, recent immigrants posed about half the risk.

  7. I think on Facebook “public” means anyone on Facebook can see it. As far as Facebook is concerned, anyone not on Facebook doesn’t matter, they should be on Facebook.
    I’m not on Facebook and for me not being able to see what is there is not too high a price to pay.

  8. That could well have been anywhere around Calgary the last couple of days, except for the not realizing how high the trailer was. Let’s get real, a fair few of the “good old boys” have done the same over the years. And, given the temperature in Peopleatobia, those pork pieces will be perfectly good once picked up and re-housed.
    Thursday was a “stay at home day” – first day one offspring had ever had office declare a “snow day”. But let’s get real – for them, it was a “take your office laptops home and log in” day. Said offspring did, and then slid in to work today; resulting commute home has had a unilateral declaration of “I’m not driving anywhere all weekend”. Think this is wise. Had a seminar today which sent me across town and then back. Generally speaking, drivers very courteous and giving lots of room to the occasional lout. But did give a small prayer of gratitude when arrived home safely.

  9. I reloaded it twice and could see it the second time. Intertubes and ‘puters take some adjusting with certain sites before they shake hands.
    Patience is a virtue, repeated pounding the round peg into the square hole is a useful tactic. Patience.

  10. This situation requires MEN(and women) who are culturally suited to handle the situation.**samoans**

  11. Reminds me of the time I drove a van into the underground parking lot at our condo. Getting in was fine but on coming out the van “interacted” with the sprinkler system.

  12. It does not look like the case here but I do remember years ago a truck hitting a bridge because the snow and ice pack on the road had raised the road surface just enough to peel the trailer top.

  13. From UofT report on that immigrant driver study:
    “He and his colleagues identified all people aged 16 to 65 who were living in Ontario between April 1, 1995, and March 31, 2006. Anyone who got their very first OHIP card during that time was considered a recent immigrant.”
    That includes anyone moving there from other parts of Canada. Study is intentionally misleading and of no scientific merit.

  14. Didn’t read much on it. Butt here in Ontario, if you drive the Toronto to Windsor corridor and see an asshole truck driver, it’s either got a queerbeck plate, or a ragehead driver. I know that from personal experience and anecdotally. Every one who runs that stretch says the same thing:-)))

  15. Here in CA … the lorry drivers are all Mexican or Chinese … esp. the ones driving medium sized box trucks at 75mph in the fast lane. Hey! Immigrant drivers! YOUR speed limit is 55mph in the SLOW lane. You ain’t in Guadalajara anymore. Follow our LAWS or get OUT!

  16. another possibility is the poster may have got past the gate, in which case could they not do a copy and paste?
    or not.
    I tend to not ‘pay’ to get past the gate seeing as it requires providing identifying info. sometimes ‘they’ request an email addr to provide a link to the full article. followed by a torrent of spam. or whatever. my workaround is to do a search for another source of the same story.
    or not.

  17. Ive seen a couple of these ‘low hanging fruit’ underpasses.
    I have given up making the suggestion that in those cases where 10s of 1000s of vehicles take the short (pun intended) cut, juuuust mebbee a wee bit of distraction or inattention results in this.
    so, dear traffic control official, why not put *another* ‘low hanging fruit’ an appropriate distance ahead, consisting of WHAP a lite weight WHAP but ‘sheet metal noise’ LOUD WHAP noise to alert the truck driver WHAP the next WHAP contact is gonna be expensive.
    Like I say, I’ve given up making the suggestion. apparently amongst the bureaucraps and officials, a simple common sense sol’n is unacceptable.

  18. spot on nme. there is an enormous amount of truck traffic in the tranna windsor (ie USA border) corridor. both directions.
    I happened to be standing on an overpass once and did a count for my own curiosity.
