25 Replies to “Our Tax Dollars At Play”

  1. See the Reader Tip’s for last night and the Tip by “raid”, specifically Terence Corcoran’s Financial Post article on how US foundation moles have taken over our government and the lies spouted by Barbie are just part of the assault on Canada.

  2. kinda off topic, but not completely.
    when the call goes up for PM pretty hair to stfu and just ‘do your job’, I cringe.
    I DON’T want this effete trustfund baby to touch ANYTHING of importance in this country.
    PM Bubblehead needs to KEEP AWAY from the business of ‘running the country’.
    given the ghastly indicators thus far of his record setting incompetence, ‘stfu’ becomes ‘stfa’ aka stay the f AWAY.
    go hobnob with your billionaire island retreat aga khan. go there and STAY there.
    STAY AWAY from the house of commons, and blather allll you want TURDoo.
    I have been watching politicians since my early teens, and *this one* in all honesty is *the very WORST*

  3. Jeezus, that’s old news. I wrote the Harper idiots about that years ago, after reading Vivian’s blog on it at the time & got a form letter back.
    Don Braid has a column up in the Herald today, outlining the pussification of Alberta’s oil patch. They spend $1.3 billion a year keeping BC companies operating, supplying parts & services to oil & gas projects in NE BC & in Alberta, when they could just send that work to jurisdictions with more favorable politics. CAPP won’t do it. Chicken. Their members too. Screw them. I made my moves months ago & shifted my investment cash to US & foreign countries. With this dip, more is going.
    Braid then goes on to detail how much business is spread across this country, while these other jurisdictions piss on us & anything to do with oil & gas.
    We do not have a country, as it stands today. It’s done. Kenny, if he had any smarts would take this place out of Confederation, just to piss the ROC off & get the process moved along faster. It’s heading to Venezuela anyway. Nothing to lose.
    gotta love captcha: pemex 1500

  4. Butts identifies as a girl now?.. Not that there is anything wrong with that!!!!!..Wew!.. Kinda Butt ugly chick tho.

  5. We are long overdue for a national holiday in February. I am pushing a resolution for the next conservative convention to have the third Monday in February be Macdonald-Cartier Day. George-´Etienne Cartier not Jacques Cartier. Not a generic Family Day, Flag Day or god forbid Trudeau Day.

  6. “PM Bubblehead needs to KEEP AWAY from the business of ‘running the country’.”
    Heh. I had a colleague from communist China some years ago puzzling over a newspaper article about a town electing a dog for mayor. He couldn’t understand it.
    So I explained that it’s about making sure some ambitious do gooder doesn’t get in and ruin everything with big ideas. The towns’ people will take care of things themselves.
    He thought it was genius.

  7. This could have been an appealing idea at first glance, but it does not make a lot of sense with the canal so nearby. It is a “marketing” mistake. I wonder if they market tested the idea before implementing it. Anyway the fact that it is a dud pretty much falls in line with the other 150th initiatives, none of which were designed to remember history or heritage.

  8. I should also add that there is another outdoor rink just a few blocks away at city hall. I think that one gets used occasionally. I wonder why they thought this one was needed. It is also more difficult to park near Parliament Hill than near either the city hall rink or the canal.

  9. In Manitoba they honor Louis Riel a traitor on the 3rd Monday of February.
    Maybe some group might want to put Riel forward as a suitable candidate to name a national holiday after.
    Any other suggestions?

    VOTE TRUDY OUT IN 2019!!

  11. I am pretty sure the impetus behind the rink was to give Pretty Boy a spectacular back drop for a photo-op. There were big celebrations planned to close out the Canada 150 year on New Year’s Eve but the weather didn’t cooperate and it was too cold for His Hairness. Thank God we were spared having to hear once again how diversity is our strength.

  12. fwiw ab, a series ‘Nations at War’ had its version of Louis Riel, apparently he really tried to avoid violence. the ‘official’ version was just that, the ‘official’ one and we all know how that goes.
    it is an impressive series for its ‘warts and all’ approach.
    episode 3 in the guide.
