27 Replies to “WHAP!”

  1. oh horror of horrors, there will be soldiers in the streets. remember the idiocy from the liberal press in Canada. harper was going to take control with the military. it was just confirmation of the idiocy of liberal socialists, ditto for the U.S.

  2. They just blew threw all the spending caps and brought back trillion dollar deficits, and your response is ‘hur hur muh teem better dan ur teem’. What the hell is wrong with you?

  3. All Trump did was suggest a military parade to honor the American military.
    He SUGGESTED it, yet leftard heads are exploding worldwide like he just ate a baby on live TV. Trump is a master at trolling the Dems and they are masters at willingly being sucked in, as their latest embarrassing over-reaction yet again proves.
    For crissakes, America is drowning in a mind-numbing amount of emerging treasonous Democrat crimes and scandals and parades are now the major issue? This latest lefty tantrum is nothing more than a lame and desperate diversion tactic. Oh well, what else can we expect from the party that just publicly stated it values illegal foreigners over American citizens. A party bent on destroying the best democracy on the planet…. cowardly, lawless haters that liberals are. And their brainless sycophantic minions eat it all up…. no questions asked.
    BTW, there is NO BIGGER LIE or display of UTTER HYPOCRISY than a leftard whining about overspending.

  4. what spending caps??
    the last 8 years saw a 8 trillion increase
    in the debt..
    to keep up ,to that restraint ,requires
    a 2 trillion dollar deficit per year..
    otherwise I agree with you.. that “free” money
    is just a loan from the future..
    which is being supported by all current govs
    in the world ,which are also spending beyond
    their means..

  5. Even MSN has noticed that the US Markets have outperformed Canada’s by a large value. After Monday’s sell off the Dow Jones and S&P were still up 19% and 12.5% respectively, year over year. The TSX was down 3.1%!! And it notes that “The date when the (US and Toronto) indexes split is no coincidence. The US markets began to climb after Donald Trump was elected President”…

  6. “Whap! That’s the sound of the Democrats stepping on another rake.”
    That is just one of the best short comments ever to describe how the Democrats are flailing around in their slime created when they decided to move to the radical left and let the Alynskites, Obama and cabal, take over the party.
    B A Deplorable Sewer Rat, short answer is yes. Ever watch him being interviewed on Fox. He looks like a cornered rat.

  7. If Americans realllllly wanted to toe the funding line they would have given the republicans 60 seats needed to get policies through without having to have the Dems on board. You have to buy Dems votes with something.

  8. 20 trillion in debt. Borrowing at the rate of a million dollars a minute.
    Interest rates on the rise.
    The stock market smells a rat. Bear market
    on the horizon.
    What could possibly go wrong?

  9. Dems are doing what they have always done. The difference is now there isn’t a president who is going to play the role of the Washington Generals.
    No more failure theatre.
    The left do not, nor have they ever had winning positions or arguments.
    They have enjoyed a compliant opposition and cheerleading media.
    Trump has taken that away and has exposed that fact.

  10. Ha, the Dems are now absolutely surrounded by rakes…
    The FBI did not notice that some emails from Hillary Clinton’s private email server were marked classified with a “(C)” when they were sent, until the Intelligence Community inspector general caught them, according to texts between FBI agents Peter Strzok and Lisa Page.
    “Holy cow,” Strzok texted Page on June 12, 2016 — less than a month before the investigation into Clinton’s email server ended. “If the FBI missed this, what else was missed?”
    “Let me repeat what I have repeated for many months now,” Clinton said July 2, 2016. “I never received nor sent any material that was marked classified.”

  11. “The stock market smells a rat. Bear market
    on the horizon.”
    The Fed is helping to create a bear market by hiking interest rates. One – they gave Obama a free ride for 8 years. Two – with a real recovery maybe the brakes need to be slowly applied.

  12. Some of the best rake takage surely was the camera work at SOTUS.
    Lol, the African chiefs looked like the missionary was under cooked and Pelosi was having trouble resetting her Goblin Shark Jaw.

  13. I tried that once in my curious yout’.
    I wanted to test the ‘prank’, the ‘joke’ about stepping on a rake.
    jeezuz murphy does that thing ever come up fast !! but I was ready for it (honest injun)
    after that I never left a hard rake laying on the ground.
    try it yourself, get OUT OF THE WAY, and step on it from the side. whap ain’t the word for it.

  14. Check a site called Maggie’s Farm. There you find an article saying that Chuck Shumer suggested having a military parade in 2014. Whap!!

  15. hi ab. I genuinely admire you for running a trap line. self sufficiency and all that.
    anyway, I was at a church mens’ group about oh, yr or 2 ago and commented the world economy is run like a ginormous ponzi scheme.
    no one disputed it.
    at present I am continuing an austerity program to pay off all my debts and obligations.
    there are indeed dark clouds on the horizon.
    unmanageable debt is step one to hyperinflation.

  16. meh. they just need to give kennedy v 4.0 a chance to ‘cut his teeth’. seems they got knocked in instead.
    Booby Kennedy was the brains behind jfk’s ‘charissssma’. he was the one knew the negotiating, contacts, issues,
    etc to get things done. he eviscerated the mob whilst Att’y General. maybe that’s what killed him. sirhan sirhan has no recollection of that day.

  17. I hate to say it, but never the discount the ignorance of the voting masses. We have a PM with the intellect of a Ken doll as a result.

  18. Thank you for splaining the REAL world to the children. Lord knows the schools haven’t been doing that work. Perhaps we need Mexican immigrants to take all the public school teacher jobs … that Americans just aren’t doing?
    I honestly believe that the DEBTORS in American government believe in “the future” like they believe in Elon Musk. That some magical economic transformation is going to retire the debt … like some magical “battery wall” is going to solve our energy needs. That our brave new future won’t include “money”. And that the Mt. Everest of debt will be “forgiven” like that of a Poor banana republic.
    America will just declare WAR on the entire world, thus eliminating all of those pesky demands for payment, while simultaneously creating jobs in the military industrial complex. Problem solved! Kill all the bond holders!

  19. You’re insane. The GOP has done nothing but rack up spending.
    Re: military parades: no surprise that a small child with small hands like Trump would want one. “Look at how big and powerful I look in front of all these toys”.

  20. This is just an anecdote but it shows how the brain of the typical liberal is contaminated.
    Yesterday at facebook in a comment thread a liberal starts telling us Trump is the worse person in the world
    yes the worse in the whole world.
    the liberal can not provide one thing, no evidence, but he calls Trump names, says Trump only cares about himself not Americans, says Trump is orange , yep Trump is orange. Apparently that is an important thing.
    so we present facts, the liberal calls us morons
    then that liberal informs us he is a scientist, his thesis was about climate change.
    so we keep asking him to provide us with something to justify his hatred of Trump…but all he says is the same ; Trump is awful, Trump does not care about anyone but himself, Trump is orange.
    no examples, no facts, no evidence, no excerpts, no links to articles or videos, nothing
    just anger and vague accusations
    then the liberal tells us that he is over 80 years old, and that experience has made him much wiser than any of us morons.
    And Trump is orange.

  21. “no surprise that a small child with small hands like Trump would want one”
    Is that how you see Russia and the PRC, as small children? Because they DO have military parades. And nukes.
    I’d ask you why you think that these Commie nations need them, but you have no clues as to why so I shan’t ask.

  22. fcuk off unhinged.
    I think of the HUGE morale booster this would be for the folks IN the parade.
    fcuk OFF.

  23. It’s not the government’s job to ‘boost morale’, and I can hardly think of a worst fate than to be essentially a display for the edification of a mentally ill child that happens to be president.
    “Is that how you see Russia and the PRC, as small children? Because they DO have military parades. And nukes.”
    Not interested in emulating them.

  24. small hands is supposed to mean small pen*s
    why do you judge men by the size of their genitals?
    should we elect women only if they have big breasts?
    should men who have a small pen*s be denied the presidency?
    if it turns out Trump has a gigantic pen*s then will you admire him ?
    Should politicians running for office have their pen*s and breasts measured for size?
    what is your point?
    Do you have a point ?
    Do you know what having a point is ?
