When The Democrats Do It, That Means That It’s Not Illegal

That was then.

This is now;

EXCLUSIVE – Sen. Mark Warner, the top Democrat on the Senate Intelligence Committee who has been leading a congressional investigation into President Trump’s alleged ties to Russia, had extensive contact last year with a lobbyist for a Russian oligarch who was offering Warner access to former British spy and dossier author Christopher Steele, according to text messages obtained exclusively by Fox News.
“We have so much to discuss u need to be careful but we can help our country,” Warner texted the lobbyist, Adam Waldman, on March 22, 2017.
“I’m in,” Waldman, whose firm has ties to Hillary Clinton, texted back to Warner.

Who is Waldman?A lobbyist who served as a back channel between Christopher Steele and Virginia Democratic Sen. Mark Warner served as legal counsel to Russia’s foreign minister and lobbied on behalf of a Russian oligarch with ties to Paul Manafort.

Texts can be viewed here.
Update: Two more senior government officials who were prominently discussed in text messages exchanged by FBI personnel formerly assigned to the Trump-Russia investigation are leaving their positions.

16 Replies to “When The Democrats Do It, That Means That It’s Not Illegal”

  1. I swear, reading Last Refuge has become the prime reason to get out of bed in the morning.

  2. ”We want to do this right private in London don’t want to send letter yet cuz if we can’t get agreement wud rather not have paper trail”
    I need to ask (again) … don’t we have LAWS that prevent our PUBLIC OFFICIALS from HIDING their activities? Isn’t that why Nixon was chased from office? Isn’t that why Democrats created the FOIA Law? I have said from day one, when it was revealed that SHE created a private server, then smashed and bleached everything to bits, that SHE should be in JAIL … just for THAT (let alone exposing TOP SECRETS). Not to mention the alias-email addresses SHE used to hide her conversations with Hussein Obama.
    Everywhere you look … there are Democrats HIDING their activities. Obama’s EPA Head, Lisa Jackson, used multiple alias email identities to HIDE her TRUE communications.
    Which beggars the simple question … WHY? To discuss her daughters wedding plans? Yoga positions? Of course not … because who feels the need to HIDE innocuous chatter? The Left has been HIDING their true faces … their true Marxist and totalitarian beliefs … for years.
    Lock HER up. And lock-up every liar and hider who has breached the public trust. Hurry! Please!

  3. how many congressional lobbyists are active at any given time?
    estimates from a core very influential to 100,000.
    is this *really* a good thing?

  4. Single term limits for every f…..g politician. Re-elect no one. Clean the septic tank overflowing with sludge.

  5. Kenji, “Everywhere you look … there are Democrats HIDING their activities.”
    I hope you meant to include “media/media personalities” in that statement as well.
    Personally I feel the media is a bigger threat to America than the Democrat Party, not because they’re different, but because they are one in the same.
    Democrats wouldn’t have a hope in hell, if the media reported equally and honestly. Democrats know the importance of controlling the narrative, whether it’s entertainment media, be it Hollywood or TV. News broadcasts, including 24hr news channels. Or post secondary education, just take those empty skulls of mush and fill them with neo-Marxist philosophy.
    What’s scaring Democrats as much as anything, is the Trump is just under 50% in the polls, and that’s with slatted polling, and media working over time to pull him down.

  6. If these SOB spent more time working at their jobs instead of spending hours texting bullshit to their male pimps, female sluts, and greedy lobbyist.
    Our country would have been back on track years ago.
    Trump needs to get rid of the ‘unnecessary’ federal employees that were told not to come to work during the first gov. shutdown.
    If I had that kind of down time during the war, I would have gotten my ass killed.

  7. Yeah … I’m sorry … but the shear VOLUME of texts between Stroke and his unfortunate-looking fkcu-buddy suggests that they don’t spend a whole lot of time doing their ACTUAL jobs (whatever that is). Not to mention the time they have spent trying to UNdo the votes of half the citizens in America.
    And has anyone reported on how much $$$ of our taxpayer dollars these two get paid? Are they GS-step employees, or special hires? Have they been paid any bonus $$$ in the last two years ? It’s time to examine their bank accounts (including their offshore accounts). I am willing to bet each of these two are being paid a salary of $ 200K/yr+
    Excuse me while I go toss my cookies.

  8. Agreed. And it is virtually ALL due to the internet. The MSM cannot control the narrative anymore … no matter how LOUD they SHOUT or UNHINGED they get or REPETITIVE their message. I heard someone say (or I read) that every news station has become 100% “Entertainment”, 100% TDS. Everyone KNOWS there is NO NEWS being given by the “NEWS” programs … it is all advocacy hysteria. Hmmm ? what other trainwreck has become pure advocacy hysteria ? Hmmmm ? The sciiiiii ‘nce of Glowww bul WaR mean ? Yep. Another part of our “media” that purports to be a legitimate source of “truth”.
    The media is behaving like a seriously mentally ill lunatic … who spends every hour of the day bashing their head against the wall in an effort to quiet the voices in their heads … only to eventually KILL themselves from their flailing. Their TDS is gonna put em out of their misery.

  9. Don’t look now Kenji but Obama’s hiding in the shadows doing his community organizing thing:
    Nobody’s better at affecting race outcomes using “lightly” subversive techniques than Democrats. Netanyahu’s near loss in Israel is a testament to that and I suspect Trudeau had help from his southern fried left-wingers. Btw “subversion” is the term Leftish profs describe how the Bolsheviks took over Russia’s gov’t 100 years ago. They’ve had awhile to perfect it.

  10. I hope nobody tells Mr.-evaporating legacy-Obama that the race-card that is worn and tattered won’t win the hand. We can see your hand. It’s a LOSER. So Americans will BET HEAVY on our CURRENT hand. Mature people of all races, creeds, colors, and national origins … who have lived in America for more than 30 years know better than to fall for this Soros-funded attempt at racial division. They have THRIVED in our supposed “racist” culture. Calling America “racist” is like calling a Gorgeous Woman … UGLY … because she has a zit. A temporary blemish that came and went. Meh. She’s still the most beautiful woman in the world despite the name-calling. America is the most NON-RACIST Nation in the history of the planet. The most beautiful experiment in Liberty and Freedom!
    Barrack needs a new schtick.

  11. For those calling for term limits for politicians I agree but that is not near far enough. There has to be term limits for bureaucrats as well. The elected politicians dance to the tune of the permanent government.

  12. Nothing will happen. Those who control everything will continue. Have you got it yet? Nothing Trump has done good will be written into history, and nothing Clinton has done wrong will be either. Think otherwise? OK.

  13. I really hope that the Americans get their Republic back. In my opinion the best hope of the whole World would be that the American people would realize and take hold of their Heritage and claim it for themselves and future American generations.
    I know that Canada will be going through hard times if the Americans seize their Destiny, but I am confident that the hard times that issue from America’s travails as they seize their destiny will be a salvation to all of the world.
    As Ronald Reagan said, “A rising tide lifts all boats.” I loved Ronald Reagan and as an individual, the man was right.
