68 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. Tuvalu – the Pacific island group often cited by climate alarmists as the nation most immediately at risk from rising sea levels caused by ‘global warming’ – is not sinking after all.
    In fact it’s getting bigger, scientists now admit.

  2. Ah, Creedence Clearwater Revival…. one of my all-time favourite bands. John Fogerty’s still touring, by the way.
    Another reason I like CCR is that bassist Stu Cook is a fellow radio amateur.

  3. “all prophecy given in moons concerns satan.”
    Yeah?! You do know all of the OT prophets were Hebrews and that Hebrew culture is moon based? Maybe not.

  4. I heard their songs on the radio while I was in high school but it wasn’t until I was an undergrad in the mid-1970s that I took a liking to their music.
    It was during that time that I heard the song Proud Mary…. a lot. My buddies and I haunted a number of pizza parlours on Friday or Saturday nights and it was a rare occasion when one of the other customers didn’t have that playing on the jukebox. During those days, I also went to a lot of keg parties (which were hard to avoid when one lived in a campus residence) and that song was bound to be on the playlist. I’m also sure that just about every bar band one could name had it in its repertoire.

  5. Ever heard of a lunartic?
    1Th 5:5  Ye are all the children of light, and the children of the day: we are not of the night, nor of darkness. 

  6. Yeah, I do like CCR. I listen to their music and to me it harks back to better times. Times were never easy for any generation, but CCR gave voice to a sort of grass roots feeling. And feelings aren’t bad. I never thought that CCR was political, I felt that CCR gave voice to what people felt at the time and the times happened to be politically dividing times.
    It was very sad for me that they broke up over such a simple misunderstanding as envy.
    Men should be honourable and that should raise them above pettiness like envy.
    I know, I know. But I have to say that although many do not share my view, during this time I really had a tangible feeling that as a Generation; we were making history day by day.

  7. Regardless of your witty response, the Hebrew culture is Lunar based, your ignorance of the culture notwithstanding.

  8. Not so, the moon gives no light of it’s own…originally written in Hebrew.
    Gen 1:14  And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years: 

  9. Man, you are so daft.
    Why don’t you ask a Jew or Hebrew about their culture. They are real contemporary people.
    Don’t make me beat you down with your own ignorance. I will do it if you persist.
    The Hebrew culture is a Lunar based culture. It isn’t even an arguable point.

  10. The Hebrew Day begins at about 6:00 PM or Dusk. What? Yeah, it’s true.
    The Hebrew “Sabbath” starts at about 6:00PM on a Friday but Hebrews recon it as being Saturday morning.
    Why? Because of the MOON. Yes, the MOON.
    I won’t explain more to you. That’s all you get. It’s against my *faith to cast pearls before swine, which you are.
    *yes, I’m a sinner. That’s why i need Jesus.
    Get it right swine, or shut up. If not I will grind you. You have no idea how ignorant you are.

  11. And Oz, you have no idea how smug, arrogant and self righteous you are coming across as..
    To say that the Hebrew culture is simply a lunar based culture is shallow and misleading. Yes, their calendar, feasts and observances are based on the cycles of the moon, but that’s about it. It would be more accurate to say that the Hebrew culture is a culture based on loyalty to and worship of the God of the Bible (YHWH) rather than the ‘small g’ gods of the surrounding nations. (read Deut 32:8-9 (ESV), Genesis 10-11, and Ps 82)

  12. So you’re cheerin’ for Ford, eh?
    Then watch this CTV Ottawa interview where he says:
    (a) he does not think government is too large
    (b) he believes in the manmade climate change horseshit.
    Despite all the hype and the huffin’ and puffin, he sounds pretty much like any other “progressive” conservative.

  13. Macleans has a new gimmick, where they are selling their magazine to men for 30% more than for women. It’s a gamble as they’re assuming it’s worth paying anything at all for.

  14. Yes, not really an appropriate thing for the PM to comment on, given that he did not attend the trial. His and the Minister’s comments undermine faith in the justice system.

  15. I am surprised that Sock Boy didn’t say something like: “If I had a son he would look like Colten Boushie.”

  16. As LindaL commented, it is absolutely inappropriate for Justin to comment on this…. but then appropriateness wasn’t at play with his immediate response to a little girl’s hijab fable either, was it?
    There is NO WAY Justin is going to pass up a chance to exploit the racial tone of this story. Natives being cheated out of justice against a white man? That is nothing less than a social justice gold mine. The CBC must be thrilled.
    As per CCR, was never a big fan, but that doesn’t mean I haven’t enjoyed their music over the years. Just like with The Doobie Bros, when I do hear their music it often takes me back to my 70’s high school dances.

  17. Great News!
    Let this be a lesson to those miscreants who arrogantly assume that they can strut across others property (a home invasion essentially) with impunity. The jury did the right thing. People in Saskatchewan can sleep easier now, if only slightly.

  18. Exactly. The CBC article was totally sympathetic to the Boushie family and not a word about how the Stanley family felt during the ordeal. PM Numbn*ts opening his mouth and taking sides is not helpful and will aggravate the situation.
    Furthermore, as someone commented a suggestion somewhere, the Stanley family would be advised to change their name and go underground for a while. I suggest maybe sell their farm as they will now be even bigger targets.
    We had visitors to our farm one morning at 4 AM, and while my wife stayed in the house in a state of fear, I went outside with some insurance at hand and having some military experience, knew what I might have to prepare for. Thankfully they were not inebriated and only wanted some assistance with a wheel nut wrench for loose buttered wheel nuts on a “borrowed” car.
    An appropriate cartoon for PM Selfie.

  19. Stupid Liberal Justine’s favourite dictator: communist Mao.
    “Bookseller Gui Minhai surfaces in Chinese custody to deliver staged confession” (grauniad)
    “China sends 100 Christians to ‘re-education’ camps amid fury over crackdown on religion
    CHINA has sent more than 100 Christians to so-called “re-education” camps in the most secretive region country, sparking outcry and concern at a state-sponsored crackdown on religion.”

  20. AGW RIP.
    “Now satellite images show that three quarters of the islands in Tuvalu are growing rather than shrinking.”
    “Climate change creates free real estate in Tuvalu: “climate refugees” can all go home
    The Green Blob is going to have to get rid of satellites. Real data is so inconvenient.
    For years many people called scientists have assumed, like any smart 5 year old would, that islands are fixed blobs of rock and sand that just sit there and sink as oceans rise. Now satellite images show that three quarters of the islands in Tuvalu are growing rather than shrinking.
    Total land area is up 2.9%. Total government funded scientists who predicted reality, down 97%.”

  21. Bongo was in San Francisco yesterday laying on lavish praise for CA’s cap/trade system and climate change fight. It’s all good folks – and coming to a country near you.
    Wonder what bongo did in his off time in SF?

    “Go in and think like a liberal” was the advice two FBI agents gave Jonathan Gilliam prior to his taking an FBI entrance exam. Gilliam shared his anecdote during a Wednesday interview on SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Tonight with co-hosts Rebecca Mansour and Joel Pollak. 
    Former FBI Agent: Bureau’s Top Brass Climb Ladder by Ideology, Not Merit

  23. AGW RIP.
    “… if she is now also getting frostnip, then there is no reason … we should make them be out another night at -40 C.””
    ““It’s not warming up yet. It sure is still cold today.””
    “Yukon Arctic Ultra ends early”
    “The Montane Yukon Arctic Ultra came to a halt in the early morning hours of Feb. 8, when organizers decided to end the race early”.
    “That temperature, somewhere between -45 C and -50 C, is also the area when athletes face higher risks of exposure.”
    “we will never be able to hold people’s hand when they’re out there,””.

  24. Nice return Mr Trump.
    “The Democrats sent a very political and long response memo which they knew, because of sources and methods (and more), would have to be heavily redacted, whereupon they would blame the White House for lack of transparency. Told them to re-do and send back in proper form!”
    A tale of two memos, both vetted for security, one passed, one didn’t; despite what Shiffless and the rest of the DeMarxists bleat.

  25. Here are the moments when Republicans, including professed deficit hawks, snuffed out the 2009-2014 flicker of budgetary sanity
    Most interesting part: “Romney, to a degree that escapes the notice of most political journalists, was in many ways an ideological precursor to Donald Trump. He was the GOP field’s biggest hardass on immigration in 2012, and (as I wrote at that Republican National Convention), “campaigned on ‘rebuilding’ the military, restoring Medicare cuts, and shoring up Social Security.” Sound familiar?”

  26. The 1000 miles Yukon Quest dog race started last Saturday. Fairbanks Alaska to Whitehorse Yukon. They’re running in the same weather the Arctic Ultra ran in.
    It’s a test of man and dog. You can follow it live now on the net.

  27. PET POT Cemetery Report.
    Stupid Liberal Justine say, Moi will win a Free NoBall Lethter Pearthon Prize after Moi settles this war.
    “In Reagan country, Trudeau espouses virtue of free trade” (g-m)
    ‘We should not fight among ourselves
    The ties that bind Alberta’s energy wealth and the B.C. Interior are strong. But some fear a trade war over pipelines and wine could open a long-lasting rift” (g-m)

  28. The Hebrew culture is a Lunar based culture. It isn’t even an arguable point.
    Ohhh, you mean the ‘culture’ they picked up from the surrounding heathen, and in Babylon? The ‘culture’ that worships a moon god, like certain other nearby peoples? The ‘culture’ that caused God to divorce both Israel and Judah? That ‘culture’?
    Isa 1:13  Bring no more vain oblations; incense is an abomination unto me; the new moons and sabbaths, the calling of assemblies, I cannot away with; it is iniquity, even the solemn meeting. 
    Isa 1:14  Your new moons and your appointed feasts my soul hateth: they are a trouble unto me; I am weary to bear them. 

  29. Everyone calls it The Justice System but that is a misnomer.
    It should be referred to as The Legal System.
    The Boushie family, Natives and their leadership demand Justice. PM Socks and his minister of Justice are calling for “justice”.
    What an illusion they have created. Justice for Colton Boushie. Actions have consequences.
    Many lives were ruined that day. Those 5 irresponsible, extremely intoxicated adult Aboriginals in that vehicle brought hell to the Stanley farm. Lied about what happened on that day for the past 18 months. Lied about it at the Preliminary Inquiry.
    The prosecution went to court with Stanleys son to ensure his story would be told, 4 witnesses who each had a different story about what happened and an RCMP firearm investigator who never experienced a hang fire. Said its extremely rare.
    Hang fire and misfires are taught in the Firearms Safety course. Apparently not rare enough that it should be taught. Hang fire has more to do with the ammunition not the gun.
    http://www.gov.pe.ca/photos/original/CFSCmanualVer2.pdf see page 94
    Stanley is innocent until proven guilty beyond any reasonable doubt. The Stanleys story didn’t change. The testimony and evidence submitted by the defence and Crown (including the distorted brass) results in an acquittal within the courts.
    What Justice does everyone want? A rope and hanging tree?
    Stanley should/must serve time? He and his family will, for the rest of their lives. So will Boushies family and the others in the SUV.
    Actions have Consequences, Remember that PM Trudeau and “Justice” Minister Raybould

  30. MawDernity’s People’s Mandated, er Peoepeldated Powder Page. FYI.
    “Walgreens Caves to ACLU, Allows Men in Women’s Restrooms”
    “Walgreens will now allow men to use women’s restroom facilities in all stores across the country on the basis of “gender identity” as opposed to biological sex.”

  31. Considering all that’s going on in the female vs male political war, this is very interesting:
    SALT LAKE CITY — A Utah State Senator says a woman may have tried to entrap him at his hotel room, and lawmakers are asking for a police investigation.
    Sen. Evan Vickers, R-Cedar City, told reporters he was getting ready to leave his hotel room at the Little America on Thursday night when a woman knocked on his door.
    “I opened the door and there was a young lady standing there and she said ‘Hi,’ and I said, ‘Hi, who are you?’ And she said, ‘I’m your date.’ I said, ‘No, you’re not.’ She said, ‘Yes, I’m your date.'”

  32. https://globalnews.ca/news/4018386/federal-justice-minister-gerald-stanley/
    The Federal Justice Minister says “we must do better” in the Stanley verdict.By “better” he means we must come up with a more politically correct version of justice.
    What a f***ing wanker! The system worked,the jury found a verdict,there’s nothing else to discuss.
    This is or should be another nail in the Liberal coffin,apparently the Liberals envision a justice system that goes by what is trendy rather than making as decision based on evidence.
    At the risk of sounding racist,may I hypothesize that a group of drunk young Native kids probably half of them FAS,and carrying a rifle in their vehicle, invaded a peaceful farmer’s land to steal from him. One of them got shot,and if the Prime Minister had a son,he’d be just like Coulton Boushie.
    I notice none of our cowardly media allowed comments “due to the sensitive nature of the case”,which means they know damned well that most Canadians don’t buy their pc bullshit stories.

  33. “Hang fire has more to do with the ammunition not the gun.”
    I believe I read in one of the daily trial summaries that it was very old ammunition.

  34. Trump wins, wins, wins versus the demented DeMarxists and their malignant mediocracy sycophants in their never-ending slime quest:
    “If the Democrats do not bail out of this crashing plane soon, they are going to suffer a horrible electoral fate. The Russian-collusion fraud has been the dirtiest political trick in American history and Hillary Clinton, James Comey, and a number of lesser former and present officials are in serious danger of indictment. The Democrats are going to have to live with Mr. Trump and fight him on normal political ground.”
    The demented partisan ravings of former intelligence chief James Clapper don’t inspire much confidence that that branch of government has been in very capable hands either. It is likely that the Mueller investigation was implicitly largely based on the Steele dossier, but at least there are other matters — the Trump Tower meeting, the Papadopoulos-Downer drink-out in London — all nonsense unlikely to lead anywhere, but Mr. Rosenstein should try to make amends for an unimpressive performance to date by telling Mr. Mueller to wrap it up as soon as he can, or at least make an updated interim statement that the president is not a suspect of serious wrongdoing.”
    This whole episode has been a jolly-hockey-sticks, Keystone Kops farce, and the president is entitled to be free from half-wit cable-news announcers who shall be nameless, such as Jake Tapper, Brian Stelter, and Joe Scarborough, regularly announcing that “the noose is tightening around the president’s neck.” It isn’t; he’s just reaching for the sick bag as he listens to these idiots.”

  35. Conrad Black is the last person who should be calling others on ‘demented partisan ravings’. CB is thoroughly detached from reality. His prognostications about the Dems are especially hilarious-they are on track to make large gains in a very unfavorable map.

  36. *
    “that it was very old ammunition.”
    older than me, anyway… made in 1953.
    cbc fails to mention a few other details in their reports.
    you can bet your last bitcoin, that if gerald stanley had been drunk
    at the time he was holding that pistol, the cbc and pierre-lite
    would be putting together an hour long tv special on those
    irresponsible, homicidal farmers, hunters and sport shooters.
    i guess we just expect aboriginal felons to be into the firewater.

  37. exactamundo. nothing, NOTHING in the reporting about wtf were the brats DOING on the man’s property in the first place.
    ‘ah jis sum harmless fun and a wee bit of shopping’ bla bla bla.
    nice to see the jury saw right through THAT line, aka how the FCUK is any property owner supposed to *know* ahead of time what the true intent of the UNWELCOME company is? hmmm??? how???
    they saw right thru it.
