68 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. tq for that Eric, like many critics, oz fails to realize for Hebrews, the moon is NOT the object of worship, but rather along the lines of a CLOCK, ie a reliable handy reference.
    I recollect some ‘biblical archeologist’ claiming he FOUND the stone god of the early Hebrews, utterly FAILING to realize it is the stone god the OT they were admonished to NOT worship. ie the true believers are the ones who carried the faith.
    this ‘schientisht’ deliberately reinterpreted the whole thing.
    spin spin spin !!!!

  2. Re: Boushie – Stanley
    This is a clash of two cultures. One of responsibility for oneself and one’s family. The other of no self-responsibility or one’s family (socialism).

  3. B.O’narcissist’s legacy stinks/sinks.
    “Poll: Americans ‘Overwhelmingly’ Believe Obama ‘Improperly Surveilled’ Trump Campaign”
    “Despite the disgraced American media’s best and most cynical efforts to bury the truth, and to even stop the truth from ever seeing the light of day, this poll (and another addressed below) demonstrate that the American people are almost entirely tuning the partisan, mostly-hysterical news media out and looking to alternative media for the truth.
    There is simply no other way to explain these poll results, which unambiguously prove that a majority of the public believe the exact opposite of what an unceasing, coordinated media campaign wants them to believe — which is that President Trump colluded with the Russians to win the 2016 campaign and that the heroic FBI is being unfairly smeared by Trump’s eeeevil defenders.
    Well, despite more than a year of this relentless propaganda coming from all four corners of the mainstream media’s fabricated reality, here are the results from all four corners of actual reality…”

  4. UK Bolshevik Corbyn apes Soviet Union Bolshevik Stalin.
    Beware Bolsheviks bearing plans.
    “Corbyn Evokes WWII Rebuild With Call to Nationalize U.K. Grids
    U.K. Labour leader seeks to ‘radically shift’ U.K. economy
    Opposition wants to use public utilities to help environment” (bloomberg)
    “A Letter to V. I. Lenin
    March 1921”
    “Comrade Lenin,
    During the last three days I have had the opportunity to read the symposium: A Plan for the Electrification of Russia.”
    “In my opinion:
    1)Not a single minute more must be wasted on idle talk about the plan.
    2)A practical start on the work must be made immediately.
    3)To this start must be devoted at least one-third of our work (two-thirds will be required for “current” needs) in transporting materials and men, restoring enterprises, distributing labour forces, delivering foodstuffs, organising supply bases and supply itself, and so on.
    4)Since the staff of the Goelro, for all their excellent qualities, lack a sound practical outlook (a professorial impotence can be detected in the articles), we must without fail include in the planning commission live practical men who act on the principle — “Report the fulfilment,” “Fulfil on time,” etc.
    5)Pravda, Izvestia, and especially Ekonomicheskaya Zhizn 2 must be instructed to popularise the Plan for the Electrification both as a whole and as regards its concrete points dealing with individual parts, bearing in mind that there is only one “single economic plan” — the Plan for the Electrification, and that all other “plans” are just idle talk, empty and harmful.”

  5. Another great volumn from Conrad Black. He is so smart — miles ahead of most political commentators. I always learn something from Conrad Black.

  6. Lets rewind back to the beginning of all this.

    Boushie’s family told Friesen the Escape had a flat tire, and the group was likely looking for help.
    In the Globe story, a police officer is reported to have stated the Escape had only a rim on the front drivers’ side.

    The Escape had a flat tire.
    1. Was there a spare tire?
    2. Did anyone of the five present think of changing the tire?
    Am guessing they had no spare since they kept driving.
    3. What would you do if you had a flat tire out in the country, and no spare? (bonus question: what is more useful on a drive out in the country – a spare tire, or a spare rifle?)
    4. Would you choose to keep driving on the rim on country roads endangering your own life and that of four other passengers? Or would one or more of you start walking to find some assistance?

  7. “What Justice does everyone want? A rope and hanging tree?” That is what I suspect. I also suspect that the feds will put pressure on the prosecutor to appeal until they get the result they want.
    In the military we were taught if there is a hang fire or misfire to lay the weapon down and call for the range officer.
    Jack, I thought so, as their life on the farm would be pure hell.

  8. Not posted for your opinion; don’t concern myself with uselessness. Noticed you have no actual rebuttal btw, comme d’habitude.
    Go sing that tune to the future DeMarxist jailbirds. Actually, more of a squawk is what we’ll hear very soon from all of you.

  9. AGW Bites Arm Off.
    “… one of the sharks suddenly became aggressive after being hugged and suddenly attacked him.”
    “It attacked Mr. Waterford and tore off his right arm right below the elbow.”
    “Greenpeace Activist Gets Arm Bitten Off After Hugging a White Shark”
    “21-year old Darrell Waterford, from Eugene in Oregon, was participating in a promotional video for Greenpeace, some 100 nautical miles away from the Australian city of Perth.
    Along with four other members of the organization, Mr. Waterford decided to dive with some great white sharks in order to improve the marine predator’s public image and raise awareness about shark hunting.
    The group shot some incredible footage during the first 30 minutes, as they swam with a group of sharks caressing and even hugging the large animals.
    Unfortunately for the young American, one of the sharks suddenly became aggressive after being hugged and suddenly attacked him.
    It attacked Mr. Waterford and tore off his right arm right below the elbow. The young man lost a large amount of blood, but was able to get out of the water and was rapidly taken to the hospital.”

  10. I see in the news that there are vigils/protests underway or planned for Boushie all across Canada. It’s official – Canada now has its own version of Trayvon Martin. Sock Boy is in for a whole lot of grief.

  11. So we have Li’l Tatter Head shooting off his mouth once again, following his great master Barak Obama’s example. ” if I had a son…” and ‘Hands up don’t shoot!’ really worked out well for America, didn’t it. America’s integration problem has been re-launched, courtesy of the big ‘0’ and it landed back in the 1930’s. Tater Head’s squawk is going to do the same here in Canada but then again that is the Liberal’s plan. Sow discord and confusion, plant the seeds of division and then when things start to turn ugly legislate more laws against the law abiding taxpayer. We’ve been trying to assimilate/integrate the indigenous people for four hundred years, some of them have become Canadians in every sense of the word while some of them are like many of the new immigrants and migrants are immersed in a clan/tribe structure that they will not abandon as long as the Liberals hand out cash. As long as the Liberals hand out tax payer money they will have a compliant “army of indolents” ready and willing to jump as needed. Look at all the protests that have occurred over the last fifty years, correct me if I’m wrong, but was there ever one that was organized and attended by taxpayers? We should be rioting in the streets over the money we hand over to the government that then uses it to ensure that there are more indolents in their congregation to ensure their grasp on power. 2019 maybe too late by half at the rate we are descending.
