23 Replies to “This Is CNN”

  1. Her talk of unification in the present circumstances could signal a shift towards détente. Kim and his sister could negotiate safe passage in spite of the horrors they have perpetrated. The remaining military complex would likely not allow change as they are stuck between a rock and a hard spot of their own making.

  2. This is all a propaganda excercise meant to soften public opinion outside NK and get the sanctions reduced or eliminated. Once the olympics are over the freeze will resume.

  3. A lot of fawning over an unknown element of a nation well known for its backward barbarity isn’t it?

  4. Both Koreas despise the USA. How many more young Americans will die protecting Korean industries and Korean millionaires?

  5. Plant some seeds that she might not be that loyal to Rocket Man and she won’t last a year. CNN might have just done that by fawning all over her. If so, no loss.

  6. She doesn’t look well. She has the color of a coma patient ready to loose their earthly bonds. Looks like nutritional deficiency.
    And this talk of unification is rubbish … unless she and fat boy intend to dissolve their police state and join the family of man. Be completely absorbed by South Korea. Otherwise they remain in the same category as Cooba, Venezuela, and the Islamic States … dangerous, pariahs to be shunned … or WORSE.
    And let me say that this display

  7. Unless her current fame has been orchestrated by her brother, I would fear for her future. Big bro hasn’t been noted for wanting to share the limelight with anyone else.

  8. This is all propaganda and lies. This is what North Korea does. Come March, it will be back to belligerence again.
    That CNN is selling this fiction shows once again how slimy that news agency is.

  9. Exactly. CNN is willingly being used by li’l Kim. The next time Trump tweets something about the Norks, they’ll point at these headlines ad accuse him of destroying detente.
    Trash is so entirely predictable

  10. Two problems with reunification. One,King Jong is not about to cede power. Two, the Sorks dd not want to adopt the economic basket case that is the North.

  11. I sent the following link to Kate last week, but I don’t think it was ever used. In light of your comment on the media being willing propagandists, it seems appropriate to offer it up here.
    “NBC News is reeling after “Nightly News” anchor Lester Holt appears to have been badly fooled by North Korean propagandists — giving a cheery report from a ski resort in the Hermit Kingdom that looked to be bustling when it was widely known to actually be a ghost town.”
    He was even openly criticized by many of his leftist media cohorts for that one.

  12. Does the name Walter Duranty mean anything to these reporters? In his defense, in 1931 it was easier for Stalin to pull the wool over his eyes because of lack of information. But in 2018 with all the social media available, it only makes NBC look like the total idiots they really are.

  13. It used to be “Follow the money”.
    Now, when analyzing news stories, it is “Follow the Trump Derangement Syndrome”.
    Trump has been honest about North Korea. He is not on “their side”.
    Therefore, it is imperative that the MSM (Bees Pee upon them) as positive about the Norks as possible. I know, Katie did say some honest things about Nork in the booth, but The Narrative will return soon. If Trump is against them, they must not be all that bad, according to TDS. So Ms Kim will be the new sensation of the Olympics.
    There was a link from SDA awhile ago when students were given quotes from Obama’s SOTU speech, and told it was from Trump. To a man (or whatever they claimed to be that day) they disparaged the remarks. TDS.
    A parade to honor the soldiers? We Hates It! TDS.
    Pretty much every story out there from CNN & co? Whether it be bonuses due to tax cuts, an overall surge in investments, or terrorist attacks anywhere in the world, once you insert TDS into the picture, you know what they will say before they say it.
    Now where is that popcorn?

  14. I apologise for missing it.
    CNN is not the only North Korea-compliant agency or person. Moon and some of the popular press in South Korea are doing fine job of kissing Kim’s ample bottom.

  15. there was a thingy last nite on the history channel about the kim dynasty.
    including a clip of madeline ‘not-so-bright’ smiling, hand shaking, back slapping etc.
    the food given to the norkes in response to that session of sabre rattling was then labelled by the norks as ‘reparations’ from the evil americans before being handed out.
    kim jong unhinged is doubly dangerous; he is very very clever, doing everything to gain and keep power including executing his own relatives.
    this is the tyranny we are dealing with, cold, cold, murderous pure evil.
    our 21st century version of stalin.
