29 Replies to “This Is My Brother Mohammed, and This Is My Other Brother Mohammed”

  1. Speaking of Omar, does anyone know if another well known Omar is still enrolled at Red Deer College? Or, has he taken the money and gone walkabout?

  2. Muslim dating site?? Muslims don’t date. They have arranged marriages.
    This is either a joke or it’s a test to determine how ignorant the GenPop is of Muslim culture.

  3. Hee hee. Dummy is taking a beating in the replies, as many correctly point out that the ads are not served by The Rebel, but by Gurgle based on the viewer’s browsing history. Shot himself right in the junk, he did.

  4. When Muslim daughters date … and Dad finds out … he usually teaches the girl about family Honor … and other Muslim traditions. Because Uncle Mahmed doesn’t like his child brides to be … used.

  5. I recollect a moment from a Cheech and Chong movie.
    Things are tough all over…
    Mr. Slyman: Now I am sure of it.
    Prince Habib: You are sure of what?
    Mr. Slyman: That your mother messed around with a goat herder.
    Prince Habib: Noooo, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh

  6. I have cat toilets following me around these days, after accidently clicking on one 2 months ago. It is driving me nuts.

  7. “Muslim dating site?? Muslims don’t date. They have arranged marriages. This is either a joke or it’s a test to determine how ignorant the GenPop is of Muslim culture.”
    Sorry Oz, but that seemed like a rather boldly ignorant claim so I had to check. Sure enough, there are craploads of Muslim dating sites out there. No doubt there are probably still many arranged marriages going on, but your sweeping assertion is absolutely uninformed and simply not true. Who is the one displaying ignorance of Muslims, now?
    As per divisive bigots like Alghabra, it is well past time that we drown these leftards in their own cesspool with unrelenting accusations of CONSERVAPHOBIA!!!! We could start by redefining the ‘war on free speech’ to what it actually is…. the ‘war on conservative speech’.

  8. “…it is well past time that we drown these leftards in their own cesspool with unrelenting accusations of CONSERVAPHOBIA!!!! ”
    Or, all the public derision they deserve.

  9. a muslim dating site is a contradiction because as oz said approvals are necessary. i guess a potential date would contact the father and hope to be approved.

  10. This is a video of a courageous Times reporter, Andrew Norfolk, telling the story of the staggering sex-slaving going on in the UK particularly around Rotherham beginning a few years ago.
    Literally thousands of young girls were attacked over a decade by these muslim men and the authorities did nothing! I take that back as in one case a man’s 14 year old granddaughter went missing, he contacted police who just said she would come back when she was hungry, well she didn’t. A lady heard screams coming from the house next door to her and called the police who came and found the young girl nearly naked with 7 Pakistani muslims in the room. The police arrested the GIRL, charged her with being drunk and disorderly and she was convicted. The 7 men were not even questioned.
    The reporter spent 5 years on this story and at one time he was given from one of the social workers boxes filled with cases of these crimes on which nothing had been done, just ignored. As he mentioned it was only through a powerful paper like the Times that this even saw the light of day.
    Well worth 20 minutes to listen to his story.

  11. Homer Algebra is virtue signalling to the libranos. He knows a cabinet shuffle is probably in the works following the continuing saga of goofs that bongo and his cabinet have inflicted upon themselves. He sees himself as cabinet material and what better way to demonstrate your bona fides than to attack the Rebel.

  12. Sure enough, there are craploads of Muslim dating sites out there.

  13. Made me spit out my coffee … because I have portable bidets chasing me … because I clicked on the one in the margins of WUWT! Geeze. Anthony Watts … for the love of all that is holy … I’d rather you beg for money than chase me with plastic squeeze bottle bidets.

  14. When I see news sites, blogs, forums, I see camera ads, eBay / Kijiji, plumbing / hydronic ads, and sometimes, Alfa Romeos or hunting gear.
    I’m looking forward to the escalation of this to, “why does The Rebel link gay porn to my Twitter” ?
    I have no idea Omar, none whatsoever… 😉

  15. Now I am curious,what other “services” does the algorithm offer our fine “Minister of The Crown”.
    Where is Wikileaks when we need them?
    Would be most revealing to see what our MPs “research”.
    Just as in the USA, the millions spent to cover up sexual perversions ect by congresspersons has fallen off the radar.
    Oh look..a Memo.

  16. Holy cow! Parliamentary Secretary to Minister of Foreign Affairs. His Internet browsing patterns exposes him to blackmail by foreign actors. Nah..he just exposes himself.

  17. dave; great editorial about Andrew Norfolk, this man does deserve a medal or the Noble Peace prize. The things he uncovered in Rotherham in UK. People don’t understand this will come to Canada if we don’t stop M-103 and the Trudeau gov’t. I can only hope more people have read this story..Thanks for the link. Girls and I mean just that young girls 13/14 yrs. being used for SEX SLAVES by Muslim men!!!!

  18. anybody actually read M-103?
    I got a copy from the local LIEberal mp.
    it mentions ONLY the muslime faith. twice. aka ‘islamophobia’
    how’s dat for ‘religious discrimination’? hmmm PM fartcatcher?
    ever since then Ive mailed and called the constituency ‘orifice’ citing regular news stories about muslime violence and killing, coyly inquiring if to do so is an ‘irrational fear’:
    so far no response.
    so I have since included the rich source of news stories about the exalted LIEberal pm.
    so far no response.

  19. Hey guys…is this the person (Omar) Kinsella was talking about with skeletons in his closet! JUST A THOUGHT!!!

  20. .LOLOL, at your description of being chased by tiny plastic Bidets…had me on the floor laughing….
    keep it up..!!

  21. I think we have all been chased by ghosts of our past on-line purchase researches. This is what I have figured out.
    I keep a few classic car auction and sales sites bookmarked and fairly regularly pop in for a quick peek at some beautiful rides, you know, to sake my ‘metal fetish’. The extra bonus is that now, my margins are mostly always filled with pleasing pics(to me, anyways)of beauty muscle and classic cars.

  22. Don t mistake this for me defending muslims, I don t like them, I don t like their violent barbaric cult, I don t like that they tend to impose islam on everyone else, I would prefer if we did not import millions of them, but I know not all muslims are the same.
    Some are very ” pious” and follow the rules of sharia law very closely, some don t and go on dating sites and go on dates.
    not all muslim women wear a burka or a hijab, some are normal people and wear normal clothes.
    but I still would prefer that we import very little of them.
