When The FBI Does It, That Means That It’s Not Illegal

I spent many months assuring people that nothing like this could ever happen — that the FBI and Justice Department would not countenance the provision to the FISA court of uncorroborated allegations of heinous misconduct. When Trump enthusiasts accused them of rigging the process, I countered that they probably had not even used the Steele dossier. If the Justice Department had used it in writing a FISA warrant application, I insisted that the FBI would independently verify any important facts presented to the court, make any disclosures that ought in fairness be made so the judge could evaluate the credibility of the sources, and compellingly demonstrate probable cause before alleging that an American was a foreign agent.
I was wrong.

8 Replies to “When The FBI Does It, That Means That It’s Not Illegal”

  1. The fix was IN..Obama’s FBI needed to wire tap Trump…All the Russian crap is just crap.. The Little piece of shit, JEFF Sessions has his Orders from Mitch McConnell….Never has the DOJ totally failed like today.. FISA court Fixed.. Page an FBI Informer… UK Spies operating in the USA….What other foreign resources has the FBI used, paid billions for Bull shit intelligence nonsense
    After 9/11 the worst Group of misfits (FBI) became powerful beyond reason… they where always bastards who pushed the ethical line to obtain prosecutions… Now they obstruct justice & perjury has become the Norm.

  2. Grassley and Graham, pair of useless and naïve politicians that should be fired for stupidity, if they believed that the DOJ, FBI, CIA and a few other alphabet agencies couldn’t be corrupt. These two fools probably also think HLO was a lone assassin.
    Knight99, step up and prove yer stupidity here would yah:-)))

  3. I read all of McCarthy’s paper. The level of criminal corruption and top level anti-Trump collusion is unbelievable. If there is any justice some a number of top people should go to jail, but don’t hold your breath as the rot appears to be deep and maybe terminal.

  4. One did mysteriously recuse himself a couple of months ago.
    The question is, is anyone going to jail? the Clintons, Lynch, Comey, Mueller, Rosenstein, Obomber? All the way down to the FBI love birds, the Orhs, Yeates, Holder.
    And where does the Washerwoman fit into all this, or is this a completely independant set of crimes?
    And byt the way, given that all this malfaescance was clear at the time to an insightful observer, the whole was aided and abetted by the various alphabet networks, ABCBSNBCNN etc.

  5. I think this week we will find out who in the “little” cabal turned and is ratting out the rest. It’s going to be someone with access to all aspects to the lawless abuses. Someone big. The conventional wisdom is that it is Bill Priestap since the committees have kept his name out of all of this despite being Peter Strzok’s superior. But, I think it’s someone else. Or, more likely, more than one person. John Carlin has been remarkably absent from most of the information released to date. And, a couple weeks ago one of the talking head shows let it slip that there is more than one informant that came forward.
    We’re getting the point where anyone who is going to turn better do it fast before someone else does and sells them out. I wouldn’t want to be James Comey right now. He can’t switch sides because doing so would put his testimony before congress in the past squarely into the Contempt category. My opinion is that he’s getting jail time no matter which position he takes…and he knows it. His tweets are a bit unhinged.

  6. The combination to the magic DeMarxist felony vault is “302.” Andrew McCabe was unable to break the code so had to go.
