26 Replies to “Your Moral And Intellectual Superiors”

  1. On a related note I believe the CBC is closing the museum in the lobby of their shrine in downtown Toronto.
    They had an awesome collection of microphones. Someone had gotten all the ick off and polished them nicely.

  2. Isn’t it ironic how we read more and more each day about the death of journalism.

  3. One of the comments:
    “Journalism is the secularist’s appeal to authority, a non-religious yet no less holy writ for people for whom government has replaced God as the ultimate arbiter of truth. If scientists are the priests, then journalists are the theologians, continually developing the accepted mores and establishing the narratives of the collective morality.”
    Captcha: LIBERTAD Playground

  4. Maybe they can build the same kind of useless edifice in Canada once turdo la doo starts shovelling taxpayer “assistance” in their direction.
    They could call it Independence Hall, perhaps with a central statue, something “edgy” and provocative. You know, turdo la doo, Rod Phillips, Peter Mansbridge and whatever tuxedoed beggar currently heads up Torstar, fondling each other while dancing on the corpse of a bound, beaten, and gagged citizen.

  5. “If it wasn’t for self loving,I’d get no lovin at all”
    If the poor Presstitutes can’t sell their own myth of fearless excellence and integrity ..no wonder advertisers no longer pay them.
    here we have a subject about which the various talking heads are passionate, they are the champions, yet their temple reflects the truth of their nature.
    This is why so much of the “news” sounds like “Reports From the Circle”Jerk that is.
    Mindless detail of matter no one cares about,as the fools and bandits relentlessly loot the citizens.
    Writing corruption into law to expidite the rape.

  6. “If it wasn’t for self loving,I’d get no lovin at all”
    If the poor Presstitutes can’t sell their own myth of fearless excellence and integrity ..no wonder advertisers no longer pay them.
    here we have a subject about which the various talking heads are passionate, they are the champions, yet their temple reflects the truth of their nature.
    This is why so much of the “news” sounds like “Reports From the Circle”Jerk that is.
    Mindless details of matters no one cares about,as the fools and bandits relentlessly loot the citizens.
    Writing corruption into law to expidite the rape.

  7. I spent a whole day there about five years ago. Set aside the left-wing tone and it’s a fantastic place to see 20th century history. They have the official fbi museum there, the actual checkpoint Charlie from Berlin, the door the burglars jimmied at the watergate basement and thousands of other things. Well worth the 25 bucks IMO.

  8. It would be refreshing if it was truly a museum celebrating free speech and the First Amendment.
    I’m guessing they only really care about “Freedom of the Press.”

  9. A prime example of Canaduh’s “useless edifice” (JM) is resplendently found in Winnipeg, Peopletoba. The site is the selfie tomb of Izzy Asper, a MSM-media magnate.
    “The Museum offers admission at no charge to Aboriginal peoples, including First Nations, Inuit and Métis.”

  10. Ozymandias….. nice touch. Final verse:
    Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
    Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare
    The lone and level sands stretch far away

  11. “Isn’t it ironic how we read more and more each day about the death of journalism.”
    Journalism isn’t dying; there’ll always be someone speaking, writing and/or recording something about this or that event or issue.
    What’s dying is a particular form of journalism that perhaps isn’t really much needed anymore.

  12. Absolutely ! Brilliant punctuation mark.
    I try to live by the credo found in Matthew …
    Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also
    The only lasting legacy any of us can leave … is measured by our deeds … not things. Doing Godly work, like raising our children well is far more valuable than than any treasure we leave them (but don’t worry kids, you’re still in the will … we won’t be leaving everything to the cat rescue).

  13. I studied that poem in gr 9.
    “My name is Ozymandias look upon my works ye mighty and despair’
    the moral stayed with me ever since. some 50+ years later.
    aka ‘what are the lasting things in life?’
    thanks for the flashback Kate.

  14. “greatest example of fake writing, is a thing called the BIBLE”
    Oh I don’t know, just 2 thousand years output of art and literature and architecture and intellectual discourse flowing from all that fake stuff in the bible that has helped shape the foundations of western civilization but hey, whatever floats your boat.

  15. I agree. I have never tried to get rich, just self sufficent. My kids are also self sufficent.
