Blowout 215

This week’s lead story highlights the perils of basing policy decisions on speculative computer models. It seems that the ozone layer isn’t healing as predicted after all, so the dangers of man-made CFC radiation are still with us. And if radiation doesn’t do the job other computer models now tell us that melting permafrost threatens us with death from mercury poisoning. And if neither happens the forthcoming magnetic pole reversal spells the demise of civilization as we know it. Lots more energy and climate-related stories in this bumper Blowout, too numerous to synthesize, but read on and enjoy anyway. They’re not all bad.

Blowout 215

3 Replies to “Blowout 215”

  1. NEP 2.0
    Suncor to shun major new projects amid Canada’s ‘difficult’ regulatory environment
    CALGARY – The top executive at Canada’s largest integrated oil company said it would not embark on major new projects in the country because of burdensome regulations and uncompetitive tax rates.
    Suncor Energy Inc. president and CEO Steve Williams said during an earnings call Thursday that his company would pare back spending in future years partly because Canada is not as competitive as other countries.

  2. I caught a clip of Climate Barbie talking about their new and improved “Impact Assessment” process the other day. Based on her body language, she was lying through her teeth that this was an improvement. She knows quite well that project approval of anything related to growing the economy based on Oil and Gas is a thing of the past under PM Butts and his sock puppet (and the rest of the Canadian institutional left). When even corporate cowards (who suck up to anyone in power) are calling them out, you know the game is up.
    Lets hope the invisible leader of the Conservatives uses their (poorly hidden) Butts’ anti-industrial agenda to actually differentiate themselves during the nest election as opposed the last one.
