53 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. Honderich has his begging bowl out and has been rejected. I suspect that may be influencing the latest editorials and opinion pieces in the Torstar Media Group criticising Trudeau. A cynic might suggest that, although a welcome move, their about face is driven by the dollar and not by a change in ideology or a search for the truth.

  2. I dare them to ask white and asian people to pay more. But the cowards won’t do it!

  3. Big story on the (radio) BBC world news.”Why are indigenous people being killed in Canada?”
    ‘The accused was aquited by an all white jury’ was prominent in the story.
    We haven’t heard the last of this.

  4. …-
    “Nolte: 7 Anti-Trump Politicians and Institutions Who Colluded with the Russians
    For months and months, our fake news media have been freaking out over a meeting Donald Trump Jr. took with a Russian lawyer in the hopes of getting some dirt on Hillary Clinton. Again and again, we have been told that this is the smoking gun of collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russian government.
    Of course, that is nonsense. Moreover, Don Jr. and the others in attendance caught on to the scheme within a few minutes, and as far as we now know, that was the end of that.
    Unfortunately, the same cannot be said of others, who actually have colluded with the Russians as a means to dig up dirt on Trump.
    Here are seven American politicians and institutions who have or are at least suspected of colluding with the Russians as a means to destroy President Trump.
    The CIA” (more)

  5. yes, five drunk teenagers with a gun invade a man’s property with the intent to steal, yet the farmer is the guy who was wrong. Canadians are ?????. You can easily guess. i wonder what it is about Indians that prevents them from raising their kids to be responsible adults?

  6. Does anyone think Butts and Trudeau could have enough material to take a gaffes for laughs show on the road?

  7. As I read between the lines Boushie and his friends drove to a farm to steal quad-runners after a drinking session on the reserve and made sure to bring a fully loaded gun with them.
    Our justice system is broken, white people are getting away with murder (if you read CBC news), but nothing on the responsibilities of First Nations people. Who is saying “you don’t get drunk and then try to steal things with a gun or bad things will happen”? If this group broke into Justin Trudeau’s home would he still feel the injustice?

  8. The reserves are 600 little communist enclaves. There is nobody living the traditional way of life – it’s impossible to maintain a stone-age culture while immersed in the information age.

  9. “Does anyone think Butts and Trudeau could have enough material to take a gaffes for laughs show on the road?”
    You mean all those townhall meetings were actually supposed to be serious?
    And here I thought they were some sort of travelling comedy act.

  10. AGW RIP Record Browsing CO2llection.
    Record Montana snowfall for the season
    Record snowfall in British Columbia
    Record snowfall in Wisconsin
    New snowfall record for Calgary, Alberta
    Michigan city’s snowfall totals climbing toward record highs

  11. “If this group broke into Justin Trudeau’s home would he still feel the injustice?”
    Perspective is everything, isn’t it?
    Anyways, I suspect the media and leftards in general will be running for miles with this one. I mean, it’s a liberal 2-fer, a damned signalling extravaganza…. let’s get the evil racist white man AND their just as evil guns!
    I will now be watching for Canada’s media and other ‘elites’ to start ‘innocently suggesting’ that violence would be a just and fair reaction for our natives. Also, I’ll bet we see a surge of natives in masks pulling their usual disruptive BS by pointlessly barricading some stuff as well as craploads more anti-gun rhetoric in general.

  12. PET POT Cemetery Report.
    Stupid Liberal Justine say, Duterte dirty.
    “Ottawa will move ahead with review of helicopter deal with Philippines: Trudeau” (g-m)
    “Duterte cancels helicopter deal with Canada, orders military to shop elsewhere
    President Duterte has ordered the military to scrap its procurement of helicopters from Canada and shop for the aircraft elsewhere.
    The President issued the decision after Canada decided to review the $233-million helicopter deal over concerns the aircraft will be used for anti-insurgency operations.”

  13. That seems to be typical of the BBC nowadays. It’s become little more than a gaggle of loud-mouth elitist leftists who think they are smarter than everyone else.
    It’s an example of the self-righteous snobbery that it peddles. The mother country, after all, has to make itself look better than those uncouth colonists.
    This is the same news service that, years ago, devoted an hour-long program to the announcement that David Beckham was going to play for Real Madrid. The announcers treated the matter as a national tragedy.

  14. *
    “made sure to bring a fully loaded gun with them.”
    “They were shitface drunk. They stopped at two previous
    farms and attempted to steal vehicles. They broke the
    stock on their rifle attempting to smash a truck window.”

    the subsequent perjury was just the icing on the cake.
    this could very easily have been a story about a dead farmer.

  15. Liberalism’s Infamous Fraudulent Globalist Olympics.
    “water based make up literally is freezing on your face it’s that cold!”
    Help! Send Fossil Fuel “oil-based cosmetic” makeup.
    “Help, our make-up is FROZEN!
    BBC Winter Olympics presenters are struggling to talk because their cosmetics are freezing solid in Korea’s bitter -23C chill
    Amy Williams send out a plea for oil based cosmetics after make-up froze
    Temperatures in Pyeongchang dropping to -23C as presenters teeth chatter
    Eilidh Barbour asked whether it would be ‘too cold even for a Winter Olympics'”

  16. The Tea Party Is Officially Dead. It Was Killed By Partisan Politics.
    “Gone are the Tea Party’s biggest and most hard-fought policy victory—mandatory caps in domestic and defense spending. The budget deal replaces them with $300 billion in new spending over the next two years, and, in all likelihood, sets a precedent for greater spending in the decade to come.
    It’s 2009 all over again, with trillion dollar deficits, and red ink as far as the eye—or at least CBO projections—can see. As budget deals go, it’s a total fiasco.”
    I think the TP has been dead for years, but it’s definitely over now. Basically, 2012 is where it started to die. Attracted too many wackaloons who became the driving force after Romney’s defeat caused fiscal conservatives to give up. Now it’s just another turd on the road.

  17. Dinosaur Death Watch.
    MSM Dinosaur is Deader than Newsweak.
    “Chaos at Newsweek Continues as Staff Leaves, Editors Challenge Executive’s ‘Bulls**t’”
    “The chaos at Newsweek continues as more than a dozen staffers left the magazine and a recording of a contentious meeting between Newsweek Media Group interim Chief Content Officer Johnathan Davis and staff was obtained by the Daily Beast.
    By the time the Daily Beast reported on the meeting where one editor asked if the media outlet was a “money laundering operation” and another told Davis his leadership style was “bullshit” because he blamed journalists for the outlet’s ongoing troubles, more than a dozen people had quit.”

  18. I’m not sure what Trump’s politics are. I always thought of him as a NY liberal. The same as Megan Kelly when she was on Faux.
    I don’t know much about pop culture and celebrities. Guess that comes from not have a tv set for decades. I would never have imagined him as a Republican.

  19. AGW RIP.
    Welcome to Ours Fkea CCHange noos.
    Q: for today: Why is polaer bare white howls dying to get to TO? Black howls not wanted?
    A: “We don’t fully understand why snowy owls irupt year-over-year, but more information is pointing to the fact that food abundance results in larger clutch sizes,” Karen McDonald,…”
    “In photos: Majestic snowy owls plentiful this year”

  20. oh how the “mighty” have fallen.
    $6.99 is $7.99 too much for the politically correct drivel these A .. Hats produce.
    A few years ago they asked and got $30+ per subscription, but they proceeded to insult and abuse the intelligence of everyone who can read.

  21. Liberalism’s Death March to Its Abyss.
    “It has made them blind.”
    “Democrats Are Headed for a World of (Deserved) Hurt
    After years of non-stop virtue signaling as the party of “truth, justice and equality,” the Democrats are slowly, inexorably being revealed to be the reverse. They are being hoisted on the petard of their own moral narcissism. It has made them blind.
    So convinced of their own righteousness were they that it allowed them to participate in, even instigate, the subversion of our justice system to the extent of lying to and deceiving a FISA court in the name of what they assumed was “good.”
    They did this in concert with people who claimed to be Republicans or “independents” working for that system in the supposedly noble cause of upending Donald Trump, before and after his election, but ended up being the deluded agents of government corruption the likes of which we have never seen in this country.”

  22. Really good video on the Bouschi/Stanley incident and trial. Many people have expressed concern about the Prime Minister and the Justice Minister commenting on the acquittal of Stanley. Neither attended the trial yet their remarks suggest an underlying current of racism was behind the acquittal. This is not good and it does feed racist antagonisms.
    Since when does the Prime Minister comment from outside the country about the outcome of a criminal trail that he has not been directly involved in? Next thing you know, he will be paying the Bouschi family 10 million. The whole situation is sad, but the incident should not be used to foster racist views.

  23. Leftists/academics Salute Mohammed’s Cannibals.
    “CBC: Iranian-Canadian academic’s death in Iran prison a ‘profound tragedy,’ says Alberta prof
    Times Colonist: Iranian-Canadian dies in custody in Tehran after crackdown”
    “On This Day…
    Feb 11, 2015: Sirte, Libya
    Christian construction workers are beheaded
    by Religion of Peace activists: 21 Killed”

  24. Stanley through his own testimony and actions, should have been convicted of manslaughter. Stanley while sitting around the dining room table drinking coffee with his family in the aftermath of the shooting while waiting for the police to arrive, had the presence of mind to packup the handgun used in the shooting, and hide it away in a closet. With the bungled RCMP investigation, I believe the Crown did not have evidence to prove second degree murder, but they did for a manslaughter charge. Add in the optics of an all white jury and you get a movie called “Saskatchewan Burning”

  25. Um, the crown has to ALSO charge him with that offence, and/or instruct the jury of that option as well, or, get him to plead down to the charge.
    Neither happened. Maybe the crown lawyer is incompetent.
    Or maybe, just maybe, it was self-defense against a bunch of drunken, armed thugs.
    As has been stated elsewhere, if it was a native farmer, defending his place against a bunch of drunk whiteys trying to steal his goods, the verdict would STILL be correct. This isn’t about race, its about self-defence against drunken armed thugs

  26. AGW RIP.
    ““Amazingly cold””
    “What AGW?”
    “Lake Louise claims greatest ski circumstances in 20 years after 57-cm dump” (luxora)
    “Land Of The Rising Cold …Japan Sees One Of Its Worst Winters In Decades …Heavy Snow And Bitter Cold”
    ““Amazingly cold”
    Not only had it been cold and brutal in January, but the story was the same already back in mid December as well, as Japanese skeptic blogger Kirye here tweeted:
    “What AGW?
    This year December has been really cold in many parts of Japan.”
    “On December 10th, the Japanese blogger tweeted here:
    This year early December in Japan amazingly cold throughout the country. In particular, the daily mean temperature in Sapporo city has been well below 1981-2010 average.”
    Coldest October in 46 years
    Already back in October Kirye had been tweeting of Japan getting started on the very cold side as she noted how Tokyo had seen its coldest October in almost 50 years:
    October 2017 in Tokyo the mean monthly temperature was 16.8℃, the coldest October since 1971.”
    In fact the cold in Japan started even well before October, 2017.
    Already in September Japan had had a colder than normal month when Kirye informed me that “Japan’s temperature anomaly for September, 2017, was -0.22C,” and then added she expected the coming winter to be “very interesting”.”

  27. *
    “self-defense against a bunch
    of drunken, armed thugs.”

    you forgot… “who subsequently
    perjured themselves to police and

    firewater, firearms & unapologetic
    felons. same old, same old. should
    count their blessings. could easily
    have been a bigger bodycount.

  28. Indian spokeperson speaks socialist-Bolshevik spiel tripe on behalf of Indian outlaws.
    “Clark has always positioned himself as a left-leaning “progressive,”…”
    “Acquittal of Gerald Stanley ‘a defining moment,’ says Saskatoon Mayor Charlie Clark” (NP)
    “Budget challenge stalls Clark’s progressive paradise”
    “During last year’s election campaign, Clark admitted he once belonged to the NDP, but his party connections run deeper than many may have realized. Candidate Clark consistently played down ideology and partisan political connections, blasting “simplistic labels.”
    The disclosure in 2017 of contributors to his election campaign war chest, which topped $200,000, revealed prominent NDP donors. These included Saskatchewan NDP leadership candidate and Saskatoon MLA Ryan Meili, longtime Saskatoon MLA Cathy Sproule, Saskatoon MP Sheri Benson, former premier Lorne Calvert and former provincial cabinet minister Peter Prebble.
    Meanwhile, Clark’s chief of staff, Michelle Beveridge, serves as a director of the left-wing think tank the Broadbent Institute, named for former federal NDP leader Ed Broadbent. She was rewarded for Clark’s successful mayoral campaign with a job at city hall.
    In April, Clark appeared at the Broadbent Institute’s Progress Summit in Ottawa, the only mayor among the event’s scheduled speakers. He spoke on the topic “Municipal victories: rebuilding Canada’s progressive future.”
    While Clark has always positioned himself as a left-leaning “progressive,” you can imagine the reaction from the left if a mayor was so closely aligned with the right-wing Fraser Institute.”

  29. Leftist Oxfam charity immured in Haiti elohtihs.
    h/t HillBilly Clinton Foundation.
    “Oxfam must provide detailed timeline of investigation into allegations staff used prostitutes” (grauniad)
    Oxfam faces losing funding as crisis grows over abuse claims
    Government threatens to end funding unless charity demonstrates ‘moral leadership’ over Haiti sex misconduct claims” (grauniad)

  30. Barf.
    s’ElohtihS “Olympic Venue” earns 16 glod merdeals, 10 sliver, 9 broozes, according to our anonymous restauatmt critcijks.
    “Olympic Venue Surrounded by Dog Meat Farms, Dog Soup on Menus Despite Protests
    The South Korean government offered restaurants serving dog-meat soup money to take it off the menu during the 2018 Olympic winter games taking place in Pyeongchang but most refused, according to media reports.”

  31. I have been unable to find a single msm outlet that allows comments on this one.There IS an article about it on every site,but not a word of comment is allowed,just in case the comments don’t fit the narrative.
    This case is supposed to be the Trayvon Martin of Canada,where the Liberals come out as shining progressive heroes,and the Awful Conservatives are left looking like racist rednecks. This “racism in our justice system” claim is playing big in left wing media all over the world and especially in the big cities of Canada,far far from the people who have to live next door to a Rez.
    I won’t be surprised in the Crown appeals this.
    If Scheer’s team has any sense at all,they will have Scheer make a speech about this “terrible tragedy” in the House and demand a Royal Commission,and beat the progressives to the punch.

  32. AGW Kills.
    “Snow and ice warning for days as polar vortex ‘split’ leads to ‘prolonged cold weather’
    More snowfall covered much of the north of the country on Sunday as the big freeze continued”
    “The cold weather is expected to continue into this week with forecasters indicating an imminent split in the polar vortex leading to a prolonged and severe spell of cold weather to the UK.”

  33. Dog-meat soup. Humm.
    Never have tasted dog but I’ve eaten cat a number of times. Thought about taking the back straps out of a recently departed mastiff once but the gal that was with me wasn’t interested. I had other things on my mind so I went along with her request.

  34. Mohammed crushed.
    “OPEC’s Oil Price Nightmare Is Coming True
    U.S. shale production is surging on higher crude, now the fear is waning demand growth.”
    “The latest surge in U.S. oil output will probably hasten the country’s rise to the top of the producer pile. More important, it’s starting to look as though at least half of OPEC’s nightmare scenario for 2018 — a surge in shale output and slowdown in demand growth — is coming true.”

  35. What We Need Right Now
    ““Taxol, one of the key components in breast cancer treatment, it comes from a tree in my community. This is one example of that sophisticated knowledge.”
    “War of the Blink: A story older than all of us, that we need right now”
    ““It’s a story of two communities meeting, one from what is now Canada, and the other from Haida Gwaii. The two communities have different languages and different cultures,” explains Yahgulanaas.
    “In the one community a young many suffering from an overdose of aggression and testosterone convinces someone of more influence to go to the other community and knock heads, and off they go.
    The story ends with a sort of duel that allows both communities to save face. In actual fact, these two particular communities continue to have a positive and enduring relationship.”

  36. What We Need Right Now.
    “A comic book about indigenous Canadian tribes that meet and settle their differences peacefully is what we need now because prehistoric North American cultures never warred on one another, and thus have much to teach us about peaceful cooperation.”
    “Here’s a Commentary That We Need Right Now
    Despair about Donald Trump has led liberal critics to deem various books, movies, and shows as essential to our well-being.”
    “A comic book about indigenous Canadian tribes that meet and settle their differences peacefully is what we need now because prehistoric North American cultures never warred on one another, and thus have much to teach us about peaceful cooperation.
    Another comic-book-based movie, Black Panther, about a fictional African kingdom that is the most technologically sophisticated civilization in history, is what we need now, according to Salon, “not just because of the historical sidelining and repression of black culture, but of our current administration’s attempted negation of various civil-rights efforts.”
    A Comedy Central series about an alien that kills a Japanese talk show host and takes over his show is what we need now for reasons so obscure that I can’t figure them out, no matter how many times I read this article.
    I’m not the only one to notice this trend. Tired of reading movie reviews employing the “what we need right now” phrase, a Guardian writer admonished critics (who he acknowledges are “largely progressive”) to stop categorizing every movie they like in this manner, because believing that films can change an apparently awful reality is just “wishful thinking.”
    I can see how he would be pessimistic; he admits that he saw the popularity of The Hunger Games as a signal that “Americans were finally ready to fight back against our oligarchic leaders and oppressive culture of wealth and celebrity.” He clearly misjudged the films’ success, which obviously signaled that America wanted to elect a Reality TV show host as president.
    All of which puts me in mind of The Apprentice. Now there’s a show that we need right now!”

  37. “The accused was acquitted by an all white jury’ was prominent in the story.”
    They play the blame card – blame other circumstances instead of themselves. But they can’t play the gender card because as I understand it the jury comprised of 7 women and 5 men. Can you imagine the odor coming off those natives if the jury was all or majority white male.

  38. “had the presence of mind to packup the handgun used in the shooting, and hide it away in a closet”
    I’m glad you brought up the subject of the guns that were present that day.
    Let’s talk about all the guns present, especially the gun that was between Boushie’s legs and tumbled out when the car door opened. That would be the gun that had the stock smashed when it was used to try and break into a truck at another stop along the way to Stanley’s place.
    Funny thing is the media can’t bring themselves to call the broken 22 a gun; the CBC article calls it a stock.

  39. you get a movie called “Saskatchewan Burning”
    I would have been tempted to shoot the whole gang of thieves. They were armed and intent on robbing a farmer.
    Even if found guilty all sentences in Canada are concurrent. Same length of sentence for shooting one or shooting all five.

  40. “the CBC article calls it a stock”
    Sorry. I was thinking of another media outlet. The CBC calls it a gun barrel.
