38 Replies to “Cold, Dead Hands”

  1. Its funny how conservatives want to defend the 2nd amendment but have no issues with Trump violating the 10th. I would argue it’s more importamt as well.

  2. Its funny how the left has learned well from Hitler that if you tell a lie often enough people will start believing the lie.

  3. It’s funny how liberals want to defend the 10th amendment when it serves their purpose in trying to undermine Trump, but had no trouble when Obama stomped all over it to ram Obamacare down America’s throat.

  4. You mean how thr 2017 “trump miracle economy” economy was pretty much a carbon copy of 2016?
    How about his overturned exevutive orders? I dint believe hes won a single court case either. Blaming it on liberal judges is a convenient excuse. Notice how he doesnt talk about this any more? Theres a reason for that.
    How many times has his immigration ban been rewritten?
    When will he put together a sanctuary jurisdivtion strategy that doesnt viokate the 10th amendment or commerce clause?

  5. Please refer to what Ken said. Average growth under Obama was what, under 2%? Even that includes a correction in 2008 to the 2006-2007 trough.

  6. Let’s not let common sense in when specious links of devolution of Constitutional powers and such other diversions to pet interests will do.
    Food for thought. When we create gun free zones in schools/elsewhere, besides identifying a soft target, aren’t we inviting losers with guns in?
    Prevention and deterrence. I know; the old way of thinking – actually thinking. Pure emotion and confirmation bias, that always works best.
    “There is a reason why the massacre at Marjory Stoneman High School in Parkland, Florida could never have happened in an Israeli school. Israel does not consider its schools gun-free zones, where armed predators can freely roam the campus and hallways, picking targets at will. Whether it be terrorists or armed loons, we all live in a war zone these days, and the fact is that the best way to stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun.”
    Few Americans are aware that in an October 1997 shooting spree at a Pearl, Miss., high school that left two students dead, assistant principal Joel Myrick retrieved a gun from his car and immobilized the shooter until police arrived, preventing further killings.”
    Or, in another school shooting in January 2002 at the Appalachian School of Law in Virginia, a disgruntled former student killed Law Dean L. Anthony Sutin, associate professor Thomas Blackwell and a student. Two of the three Virginia law students who overpowered the gunman were armed, preventing further deaths.”
    As much as Americans are reluctant to turn their schools into what critics might call armed camps, it would be a better situation than the free fire zones that exist today. Would allowing guns in school be dangerous? We allow guns in schools right now by not having secure entrances; by not heeding warnings from those who did see something and did say something; and by not having adequate armed security on campus, including armed teachers.”

  7. *
    it’s funny how everyone who didn’t vote for hillary is a nazi.
    dear allans snackbar… read slower…
    “The regulation was opposed not just by National Rifle Association
    but by several mental health and disability groups… and by the
    ‘American Civil Liberties Union’.”


  8. Actually the supreme court overturned part of obamacare due to the 10th amendment. Rightfully so.

  9. Just talking with two guys at work here; they are certain Trump will be perp walked in cuffs out of the Whitehouse before the end of the year. They think the Mueller investigation will be wrapped about November. I guess an entire year of nothing burger is not enough to convince people it ain’t happening.

  10. The problem is “Violence”.. Violence that Young Children learn from Hollywood & Video Games….The insane folks in Hollywood make all their Money from selling Violence… Video games that glorify Rape and Killing set an Anti-Female attitude that plays out in reality…
    Children! March against yourselves and your ignorant Violent agenda…The children demand Violence & Hollywood provides…
    Guns, Knives, Bombs, Poison, and all ways of Killing are the winning way…

  11. You were generally being an idiot . . . . . and still are. Go away and get some rest before you open your yap again, troll.

  12. The problem isn’t “Hollywood selling violence” [no, they sell movies, mostly crappy movies, if you want to buy violence hire a dominatrix] or violent video games. The problems is lack of parenting. the problem is parents abdicating the responsibility to teach their children value and letting the state do it. Films and games are no more responsible for violence than guns are.

  13. “”The regulation was opposed … by the
    ‘American Civil Liberties Union’.”
    Oohh Noooo! They must have turned nazi?

  14. “They think the Mueller investigation will be wrapped about November. I guess an entire year of nothing burger is not enough to convince people it ain’t happening.”
    Then Trump can pardon those that didn’t roll on him.

  15. I don’t believe that I YET fully KNOW who David Hogg is despite the multiple attempts to “explain” him … including https://heavy.com/news/2018/02/david-hogg-florida-school-shooting-california-video/
    I am not a conspiracy tin foil coiffed true-believer. But this Hogg kid appears to be a useful (anti-gun) idiot at best. He clearly relishes the limelight, and is already a hardcore leftist having been fully indoctrinated by a mother who works for CNN (not verified by me), and a father who “retired” from the FBI. I’d like to know how old daddy-Leftist-FBI is? I suspect he is a VERY YOUNG retiree on a big FAT government pension. I would like to know where daddy works and how much he is paid$$$ today ? It also appears as though his leftist parents are divorced … which begs the question of whether this kid was actually attending two schools, simultaneously ?
    I don’t yet “buy” the “debunking” of the theory that this kid is a “crisis actor” … something is really OFF about this kid. Sorry for my apparent lack of compassion for this “victim”

  16. Kate et alia also forget to mention that Trump wants to ban bump stocks. Gun owners will take their place alongside Mexicans and Muslims as a scapegoat for Trump.

  17. that my friend is highly questionable, and should be run through the SC, as sanctuary cities pose problems as to security and taxing, which are federal areas.

  18. Not clear to me that bump stocks are not already prohibited by the National Firearms Act. (Of course, BATF called it wrong.) At best, it is a hard call, because the shooter is not actually pulling the trigger for each shot, so much as the stock is pulling his finger.

  19. “The duty of the federal government to make and enforce immigration laws is longstanding.”
    Actually, the US Constitution gives no authority to the USG to enforce immigration (only naturalization). Even if it does, the 10A ie federalism makes it clear that cities and states have no obligation to help the US federal government enforce immigration laws. They have every right to not ask for immigration status.

  20. Ugh no, illegal alien invasion = terrorism. Those aiding and abetting terrorists should be treated accordingly.

  21. That’s not relevant to the issue of ‘sanctuary cities’ and how the Turmp administration wanted to address them.
    “Ugh no, illegal alien invasion = terrorism. ”
    Says you. You may as well classify ‘illegal alien invasion’ as an ‘assault weapon’. You don’t get to molest the English language to advance your retarded fascistic political program.

  22. As a staunch gun rights, 2nd Amendment defender … I believe the bump stock is a product in search of a market. I can not imagine a more useless accessory for the average law-abiding AR-15 owner. The inaccuracy produced by the device would render it … ridiculous. Fire-away (oops, bad expression) … go ahead and BAN IT … meh. Sorry … such a decision by MY President is actually quite smart and politically savvy.
    I doubt that ANY self-respecting Tec-9 clutching Chicago gang banger would be the least bit interested in the bump stock either (let alone the AR (too bulky for the backseat). https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Tec%209
    Note: I deliberately chose the UrbanDictionary entry for UnMe … believing he/shim would understand that kinda ni&&@h-speak best.

  23. Face it dip$hi+, the only reason you want illegals to come to the western world is because they get to destroy it from within, be it through crime or by voting illegally for more socialism. That is your end game and we all know it.

  24. Yes. Secure borders = police state. It’s why there’s a ‘4A Exclusion Zone’ extending 100-miles from American borders, where the border fascists can and do pull people over to ask them for papers. ‘Papieren, bitte.’ There is simply nothing to protect the borders from, except ICE and border patrol.
    “go ahead and BAN IT … meh. Sorry … such a decision by MY President is actually quite smart and politically savvy.”
    Well you are a brain-dead drone with a dire case of hero-worship and no actual understanding the constitution or…anything else for that matter.

  25. “Secure borders = police state.”
    No. Secure Border = Protected State.
    Perhaps you, UnMe, do not comprehend the meaning of words such as Border or State, or Secure.
    Look these words up and learn their meaning. Don’t get back to us when you learn their meaning. You’re the Retard.
    We already know the meaning of these words.

  26. Multiple EOs have been tossed out due to violating the 10th and seperation of powers clause. This doesnt even need to go to the supreme vourt because it has already been ruled on in the past. If he wants to appeal and lose thats up to him.
    The better move would be to come up with a sanctuary city strategy tgay does not violate the constitution

  27. “Protected from what? ”
    From anyone who is unauthorized to cross the borders. Who then for example votes illegally and changes the course of history.
    Al Franken got voted in by the margin of illegal alien vote. And that gave US Ogabecare. See how it works? Your pretend libertarian, fell good bull$hit has consequences in the grown up world.
    But I said pretend libertarian, you want illegals to vote because it helps to advance socialist agenda that you consistently support.
