They Admire His Basic Pricktatorship

So this happened in between costume changes.

Photos obtained by CBC News show Atwal posing for pictures with Trudeau’s wife, Sophie, and Liberal cabinet minister Amarjeet Sohi at an event with the Indian film industry in Mumbai on Tuesday.
His appearance at an official tour event could prove highly embarrassing for Trudeau, who has been at pains during his Indian trip to assure his hosts that Canada supports a united India and rejects violent extremism.
Atwal, who did not travel to India with the Trudeaus’ entourage, was convicted of the attempted murder of an Indian cabinet minister, Malkiat Singh Sidhu, on Vancouver Island in 1986.
At the time, he was a member of the International Sikh Youth Federation, banned as a terrorist group in Canada, the U.K., the U.S. and India.
He’s also been convicted in an automobile fraud case and was charged, but not convicted, in a 1985 near-fatal attack on Ujjal Dosanjh, an opponent of the Sikh separatist movement who later became premier of British Columbia.

Update! Vancouver-based celebrity chef Vikram Vij, a vocal Liberal supporter, was flown to India on the government’s dime to cook for a group of top diplomats, CTV News has learned.

29 Replies to “They Admire His Basic Pricktatorship”

  1. Our Prime Minister, his wife and kids take India by costume…what a sham fest. He obviously has no clue and neither do his advisers.

  2. Just when you think our PM could not further our embarrassment on the world stage, he doubles down on his idiocy by playing the clown with his wife and kids. This was the best the Liberals could do after Dion and Ignatieff and the moronic 38% of Canadians voted for this circus act? To paraphrase Churchill “Never in the course of personkind have so many been humiliated by so few!” We thought the pirouette was an embarrassing moment, well the son learned the lessons of the father too,too well. Oh! Canada?

  3. I suppose I should be flabbergasted, but curiously, I’m not. That he managed to reach this esteemed office and subsequently totally debase it appears to be going according to plan.

  4. It appears as though sh*thole is an adjective describing Trudeau’s retinue as well as a noun describing certain smelly countries

  5. If you take the point of view that Juthtin is just acting and in his mind he is the star attraction then you can pretty much understand that everything he does has nothing absolutely nothing to do with the office he currently occupies.
    The only thing that disrupts his world view is if he sees someone else being the centre of attention.
    So there is the cure.
    Get the media’s attention away from him and he will become unhinged and strike out at the media that has the temerity to ignore him.

  6. What does it say about the photographer that took those photos for the CBC site, that his / her name is withheld upon request?
    Probably a “nothing to see here folks” type of note.
    Don’t worry. Be happy. 😉
    ah, note: does the Government of India monitor for this sort of thing?

  7. Those who are intellects speak like intellects.
    Those who think they are intellects try to speak & act like intellects with
    Disastrous results.
    In other words never elect a highschool wanabee drama teacher.
    Because they cant get out of the class, thinking they are still lecturing smugly to the student.

  8. And this after he swore that his government was doing everything to stamp out Sikh extremism.
    Who wore it better? The white people who “India-splain” things, I guess.

  9. You just couldn’t find anyone more shallow and stupid.
    But wait a minute now – what about that 39.6 percent of the electorate who voted for him?

  10. Mr. Dressup likes the clothes but doesn’t care much for the food.
    Feds use taxpayer money to fly celebrity chef to India
    Vancouver-based celebrity chef Vikram Vij, a vocal Liberal supporter, was flown to India on the government’s dime to cook for a group of top diplomats, CTV News has learned.
    Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has been travelling across India with his family in hopes of boosting business ties with the South Asian nation.
    The government flew Vij to India to help prepare Indian cuisine for a reception at the residence of the Canadian High Commissioner on Thursday.
    Vij’s flight and hotel were paid for by taxpayers’ dollars, CTV News has learned.

  11. Most realistic comment roundup of the LPC position here. India ain’t buy’in.
    The Sikhs ain’t buy’in cause the Muzzies ain’t buy’in. Fact is, the Sikhs wouldn’t even exist if it weren’t for Muhamadan aggression.
    The Muzzies are the problem. Problem for us Canadians is that Zoolander is hanging his hat on Muzzie support.
    What a shit show.

  12. “What does it say about the photographer that took those photos for the CBC site, that his / her name is withheld upon request?”
    I would say that the photographer is looking out for #1.
    What are the chances that a person whose name was published under a photo like that would ever be allowed to take another photo at any future Liberal function or indeed remain healthy enough to take another photo at any function?

  13. I respect your view, as always, but, if I’m not mistaken, it was 39.42%, which is a sensitive point with me, actually, as Stephen J. Harper’s Party received 39.6% in the previous election (2011)…
    No matter. You’re still correct.
    This particular fake manifestation of a prime minister must be understood in context, IMO.
    It is entirely true (cross-my-heart-hope-to-die true, in the infantile sense of the current administration) that I commented to my correspondents at the time of Stephen Harper’s earlier ascendancy (prior to achieving a majority government), that “the Tories poll numbers go up when the House is in session…”
    It is equally entirely true (reference escapes me, but almost verbatim) that I heard the current fake prime minister’s father state, “We were determined not to be worn down…” in respect of showing up in the House and debating all sides, to be fair.
    On the other hand, at the moment, we have a fake prime minister who deliberately jets off, with his family, for no particular reason, at the obvious behest of whomever is in charge of managing this outfit (probably the same people who have been managing it for the past 50 years), for the precise purpose of avoiding the House.
    That much is obvious, to anyone with two eyes and…
    On the other hand, in the circumstances, I cannot imagine a situation, having lived through the Joe Clark era, that we could have, equally, ended up with someone worse than Joe Clark.

  14. Stolen happily off another comment board, “If all the village idiots in the world moved to Juthtins village,,,Juthtin would still, be the, village idiot”

  15. Bongo’s stupidity is gathering momentum. It will become unstoppable very soon.
    We have never witnessed anything like this. The vacuity of this individual is remarkable

  16. Justin fancies himself a feminist Prime Minister whose whole stick since being elected is rights for women. Why is he not condemning those men who won’t allow their women out of the house unless they wear a full body bag.

  17. Perhaps Super Socks can invite the convicted attempted murderer to his office for a Christmas photo op. As far as the chef is concerned, please remember the words of the former Liberal cabinet minister. We are entitled to our entitlements.

  18. Thanks for the correction David. I’ll cover up my error by attributing the discrepancy to those who intended to vote for His Shallowness but inadvertently spoiled their ballots in the process….then again, all things such as intellect considered, that figure would likely be much higher than 0.18 percent, eh?
    And though turdo la first talked a mean fight when it came to H of C debate, the record shows something different. In 83-84 he absented himself from Parliament and Country when he embarked on his laughable “peace initiative”, instead of facing the heat at home for his complicity in the interest rate horrors of 81 to 83 and the subsequent fallout.
