Infamy Shooters

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17 Replies to “Infamy Shooters”

  1. If I may, you have the wrong thread.
    Topic at hand. I am by no means an expert on anything to do with these mass killings, but it seems to me that groups trying to advance ideological political agendas such as more gun laws or outright banning and confiscation are dead wrong in particular for free people. Those are agendas of the radical left and we see those policies historically with the communist, fascist, and NAZI regimes. More recently with western governments that have been under the control of successive socialist governments who like people control and the collective under the delusion of a utopia just around the corner with just one more law.
    Ari Shulman seems to be advancing the idea of choking off publicity for the killers who are a sick product of a sick society. That would be a great idea.
    Society has broken down in so many ways ranging from the wilful destruction of the family by progressives, to the cheapening of human life through abortion and now euthanasia, to an entertainment system geared toward movies and computer games glorifying and focusing on excessive violence. The deliberate undermining of the faith side of human existence by the progressives has left a vacuum and we know that a vacuum is always filled, in the case of western society by moral degeneracy and lack of regard and love for our neighbour.

  2. The bulk of these scumbag little balled losers doing the shooting in the back, are Democrats, registered and followers! Ban Democrats, that would solve 95 percent of this BS. Does’nt take more than a degree in common sense to see that.

  3. Great point, Ken. The greatest mass shooters of all time were likely the Einsatzgruppen murdering a completely disarmed population as an instrument of government policy. Disarming the population most certainly does not eliminate mass murder.

  4. It’s not even possible to disarm everyone in the US and even most democrats know and acknowledge that. The thing I keep thinking about is why don’t we have a lot of mass shootings? You can fairly easily buy any kind of gun you want here with exceptions for the stupid aesthetic based bans. I mean there’s AK-47 clones that are unrestricted even.
    In Canada if you’re under 18 you can’t own a gun but you can shoot one and really there’s nothing preventing parents from leaving weapons accessible to kids. We have no armed guards at our schools. We have the same cultural rot as the US, probably even more so. So what gives?

  5. “We have no armed guards at our schools. We have the same cultural rot as the US, probably even more so. So what gives?”
    Great question! I have no answer other than population size. We have had a couple of school shootings and if you multiply those couple by ten for population size difference. Grasping at the only answer I can come up with off hand.

  6. *
    the wrong stuff…
    Peterson was armed and on campus during the shooting Israel said.
    Since he met the requirements for retirement, Peterson opted to resign
    after he was told he was being suspended… Broward County Sheriff
    Scott Israel said.”

    something he’ll have to live with, the rest of his life.

  7. “I mean there’s AK-47 clones that are unrestricted even.”
    Don’t mean to nitpick, but that it is wrong. There are some guns that look somewhat similar to AK and are unrestricted (most notably versions of VZ 58 and Type 81) but anything AK based is verboten.

  8. Oh please just another one of your jackboothed heroes always ready to victimize except for when there is a threat to “officer safety” because they “get to go home safe at the end of their shift”. Shooting someone who does not play Simon Says fast enough is much more rewarding after all.

  9. Type 81 IS an AK-47 and it’s unrestricted. Thank god for the sake of the children of course, an AR-15 is restricted.

  10. Type 81 is not AK 47, despite appearance it is more SKS than AK. AKs and clones like Type 56 are prohibited by name.

  11. “The greatest mass shooters of all time were likely the Einsatzgruppen”
    Not at all.
    The greatest mass shooters were the Bolshevik Cheka(NKVD) who killed a whole order of magnitude more people with mass shootings than the Einsatzgruppen.
    If it is to be believed, the Cheka killed more people than Mao Ze Dong’s Chinese Communist terrorists.

  12. I have no numbers total for the Cheka or for their various name changes over the 70 years, but according to Richard Pipes, they shot 7,000 Orthodox priests and nuns in one day alone in the early 1920s. They shot quite a few hundred thousand for sure including some of my extended relatives.

  13. The ones advancing their ideological agendas are the far Right and the NRA. The later has duped a large portion of the population into believing the 2nd Amendment gives them the right to bear any and all and any number of arms. That is complete garbage. It was never the intent of the founding fathers. Unfortunately, a corrupted SCOTUS sided with the NRA’s lies. America’s status in the world (particularly with Western allies) is plummeting.
    These kids are rocking. I hope to see tens of thousands in the streets. They have my blessing to tar and feather Alex Jones and Tucker Carlson.

  14. I checked my books and it was Orlando Figes, not Richard Pipes, in Orlando’s book “A People’s Tragedy”.
    Based on Soviet government own records, on 26 February 1922 a decree was sent to all the local Soviets instructing them to remove from the churches all precious items. The people resisted but Cheka and Red Army troops shot their way through the peasants and looted the churches. The excuse given was the famine of 1921-2. In 1,414 bloody clashes during 1922-3 7,100, including 3,500 were killed. In March, Lenin issued a secret order for the extermination of the clergy. Total estimates of 8,000 people executed in 1922 alone. Estimates for 1922 based on a Soviet publication cited by Figes.
    The point of this being that, given the power, there are political elements in every society that will execute an unarmed people using any number of psychopaths as their tools.

  15. You got some good books Ken. Pipes is among my favorite authors on the topic. When you have a chance read his economic history of Tsarist Russia. A fascinating read that largely explains why things happened the way did in the 20th century.
    As for the more recent history, in case you haven’t read it already, reach for Bloodlands by Snyder, a depressing but excellent read.
