24 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. https://jonrappoport.wordpress.com/2018/02/21/skullbones-antony-sutton-and-bankrolling-the-enemy/
    Millegan wrote about Antony Sutton in 1999: “Antony C. Sutton, 74, has been persecuted but never prosecuted for his research and subsequent publishing of his findings. His mainstream career was shattered by his devotion towards uncovering the truth. In 1968, his Western Technology and Soviet Economic Development was published by The Hoover Institute at Stanford University. Sutton showed how the Soviet state’s technological and manufacturing base, which was then engaged in supplying the North Vietnamese the armaments and supplies to kill and wound American soldiers, was built by US firms and mostly paid for by the US taxpayers. From their largest steel and iron plant, to automobile manufacturing equipment, to precision ball-bearings and computers, basically the majority of the Soviet’s large industrial enterprises had been built with the United States help or technical assistance.”
    Sooner or later people will wake up. First we have to dump the trap of right and left, this is a Hegelian trap to divide and control. The battle is not between right and left; it is between us and them…
    “Who were the government officials responsible for this transfer of known military technology? The concept originally came from National Security Adviser Henry Kissinger, who reportedly sold President Nixon on the idea that giving military technology to the Soviets would temper their global territorial ambitions. How Henry arrived at this gigantic non sequitur is not known. Sufficient to state that he aroused considerable concern over his motivations. Not least that Henry had been a paid family employee of the Rockefellers since 1958 and has served as International Advisory Committee Chairman of the Chase Manhattan Bank, a Rockefeller concern.”
    “Henry Kissinger has been a friend of mine,” the president said. “I’ve liked him. I’ve respected him. But we’ve been friends for a long time, long before my emergence into the world of politics, which has not been too long.” – October 10, 2017

  2. How do you say Shithole in Cree??
    Yes this is the same Red Pheasant reserve that’s been in the news as of late.
    It is full blown socialism there with a family caste system that focuses on looking after their own. What they really need is to get the land surveyed and a title system in place for individual ownership. Its too radical of an idea that the native leadership wont accept. Why would Chief Clint Wutunee, Bobby Cameron or Perry Bellgarde want to give up their power and control?
    I wonder if PM socks admires this basic dictatorship??
    There is always an excuse for the work not being done. They look to the council and chief for upkeep of the rez house that they don’t own. But, they don’t have to make mortgage, insurance, utility bill payments nor taxes.
    They lack the ability to replace broken water heaters, water pumps, windows let alone installing a septic system!!!!
    Also. The local RCMP have their hands full.

  3. Who is supplying the costumes for the Trudeau family excursion to India? They’re putting on quite the show, going to be some great photos for the family album.
    Imagine the tab for this one, costumes, nannies for the kids and sundry other Liberal MP’s and operatives.
    Let’s say, it’s a really big show, maybe CBC can do a documentary on it…at least a vignette.

  4. PET POT Cemetery Report.
    Stupid Liberal Justine say, Sikh murderous terrorists’R’Not Moi friends.
    “Is Trudeau ‘hobnobbing’ with terrorists? Why India doesn’t trust Canada all that much” (NP)
    “In India, Sophie Gregoire Trudeau poses with B.C. man convicted in 1986 terrorist shooting” (NP)
    “History: June 23, 1985: Canada’s worst terrorist air tragedy
    On June 23 1985, hundreds of happy passengers boarded a flight in Canada destined for India.
    The Air India 747 designated as Flight 182 left Toronto with a stop in Montreal for more passengers before heading across the Atlantic to London and then on to Delhi.
    Hours later as the plane cruised at almost 10,000 metres above the ocean, the plane suddenly disappeared from radar screens.
    The aircraft was torn apart with pieces falling into the ocean off Ireland. All 329 passengers and crew members aboard were killed, 280 of them Canadians.”

  5. PET POT Cemetery Report.
    Ugly Canadian Abroad Stupid Liberal Justine ask, Wanna buy a used Sikh turban c/w kerpan? Cheap.
    “Canadian Retail Sales Drop Unexpectedly at End of a Banner Year”
    “Canadian retailers ended their strongest year in two decades on a down note, with a disappointing Christmas shopping season pulling back sales in December.” (bloomberg)
    “From ‘snub’ to scandal, Trudeau’s India visit sparks outrage”
    “Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s week-long trip to India has gone from bad to worse.
    Already dogged by bad press and speculation that the prime minister had been “snubbed” by the Indian government, on Thursday Canadian officials were again on the back-foot, after it was revealed a Sikh extremist convicted of attempting to murder an Indian politician had been invited to dine with Trudeau at the Canadian High Commissioner’s residence in New Delhi.”

  6. PET POT Cemetery Report.
    Sikh murderers & 14 Ministers is Moi strong suit, say Stupid Liberal Justine.
    “Invitation to attempted murderer throws cloud over Trudeau’s India visit” (cbc)
    “Justin Trudeau’s India trip under renewed scrutiny over links to Sikh terrorist” (telegraphUK)
    “India gives Trudeau list of suspected Sikh separatists in Canada
    Trudeau cited a separatist movement in the Canadian province of Quebec and told his hosts he had dealt with such threats and was fully aware of the dangers of violence, Thukral said.” (reuters)
    “Justin Trudeau is ridiculed by Indians for his ‘fake, tacky and annoying’ wardrobe of traditional outfits – and finally dons a suit after criticism
    Justin Trudeau is taking part in an eight-day visit to India with his family
    For three days, the Canadian Prime Minister was pictured in traditional outfits
    While the clothing drew praise early on, the tide of opinion soon turned on him
    Perhaps sensing the mood change, Trudeau donned a suit on Thursday”

  7. PET POT Cemetery Report.
    Sikh’s Khalistan & Mohammed’s Palestine are non-existent; they do not exist.
    “Justin Trudeau’s India trip under renewed scrutiny over links to Sikh terrorist
    Justin Trudeau’s visit to India suffered another setback when it was revealed a convicted Sikh terrorist was on the invitation list for two engagements with the Canadian prime minister.
    Jaspal Atwal a pro-Khalistan separatist campaigning for an independent Sikh homeland in India, was pictured with the PM’s wife, Sophie, at an event in Mumbai on Tuesday and was on the guest list for a dinner in Delhi on Thursday.
    The Canadian High Commissioner to India, Nadir Patel, subsequently rescinded the dinner invite to Atwal, but the diplomatic gaffe is the latest unwanted headline in a trip that has seen the Indian government accused of snubbing the Canadian leader.”

  8. “They lack the ability to replace broken water heaters, water pumps, windows let alone installing a septic system!!!!”
    When I BUILT my house, before it was done, I had a well dug. Then I put in a septic tank. I always wonder why every little village has a water system that works while few Indian reserves do. Village systems are usually built with substantial provincial grants but are operated on monthly fees. The problem is likely that no Indian can or will take a technicians course so they don’t kill everyone.

  9. Trudeau must resign now.
    This is a major international issue.
    Trudeau must return to Canada now. Parliament should be meeting now to vote a non-confidence motion of censure against Liberal Justine.
    “India gives Trudeau list of suspected Sikh separatists in Canada”
    “NEW DELHI (Reuters) – India has handed Canada a list of nine people in Canada who are suspected of trying to revive a Sikh separatist movement in the Indian state of Punjab, a state official said on Thursday.”
    ““The information has been shared with them. These are part of ongoing investigations,” Singh’s media adviser, Raveen Thukral, told Reuters.”

  10. Yes. That is the correct way to do it. I built my house 20 years ago in the country. Community Planning and the local health inspectors ensured the septic system was installed correctly.
    I couldn’t get a mortgage on a new build without having a well with good potable water.

  11. “The institutional desideratum—the political antipode to hated “privilege”—is no longer equality, but diversity. This greatly eases the contradiction Furet identified, shielding the system from democratic pressure. It also protects the self-conception of our meritocrats as agents of historical progress. As was the case with the Soviet nomenklatura, and the leading Jacobins as well, it is precisely our elite that searches out instances of lingering privilege, now understood as obstacles to fulfillment of the moral imperative of diversity. Under this dispensation, the figure of the “straight white male” (abstracted from class distinctions) has been made to do a lot of symbolic work, the heavy lifting of legitimation (in his own hapless way, as sacrificial goat). We reached a point where this was more weight than our electoral system could take, as the election of 2016 revealed. Whether one regards that event as a catastrophe or as a rupture that promises the possibility of glasnost, its immediate effect has been panic in every precinct where the new class accommodations have been functioning smoothly, and a doubling down on the moralizing that previously secured them against popular anger. We’ll see how that goes.”

  12. Canada’s Prime Minister has gone to India on a family vacation with all the trimmings.
    There’s not a thing being accomplished beyond making a fool of himself and the Countries…both Canada and India.
    As far as being a benefit to the country, this trip is a Seinfeld excursion….a trip about nothing but nonsense and gaffes. Running about with the kiddies and wife wearing silly theatrical Indian costumes is a major insult to both our countries.
    If we had recall legislation that silly boy could be turfed upon his return.

  13. PET POT Party Cemetery Report.
    The fish rots from the head down to its guts.
    Stupid Liberal Justine’s Liberal minister & Sikh terrorist pictured together:
    “Jaspal Atwal, a convicted Khalistani terrorist” &
    “Canadian Minister of Infrastructure and Communities Amarjeet Sohi, photographed with Jaspal Atwal at in Mumbai on 20 Feb.”
    “Jaspal Atwal no longer in MHA blacklist”
    “Jaspal Atwal, a convicted Khalistani terrorist, whose invitation to a dinner in honour of visiting Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was rescinded following a controversy, no longer figures in the Home Ministry’s blacklist of Sikh extremists, officials said.”
    “Perhaps taking advantage of the central government’s decision to remove his name from the blacklist, Atwal arrived in India and subsequently got the invitation to the dinner being hosted in honour of Trudeau by High Commissioner of Canada Nadir Patel, the official said.”

  14. That’s funny, my first thought when I saw the Trudeaus beclowning themselves was this is like a bad Beatles movie.

  15. Investing for Idiots. Sneak preview of Chapter 13, “What Could Go Wrong? How to Lose Your Shirt in One Trading Afternoon”
    “Right after the Fed at 2 p.m. released the minutes of its last meeting, the Dow Jones industrial average soared to a gain of 303 points. But around 3 p.m., it all went south.”
    By the closing bell, the Dow was down 169 points and investors were looking around to see what just ran over them.”
    What happened? The stock market looked over at the bond market and was taught a lesson.”
    Let’s go back to right after the minutes came out.”
    Stock market intelligentsia determined from the minutes of the last meeting that the Fed is on board to keep interest rates friendly to Wall Street. The new conclusion — until there’s a newer one — was that there will now be only three interest rate hikes this year and not four.”
    Those minutes were from Fed meetings on Jan. 30 and 31. Since that last Fed meeting, a number of things have changed. For one thing, the last employment report was stronger than expected.”
    And even though I’ve already proven that the gain of 200,000 jobs in January and the surprisingly strong boost in wages were misleading, the Fed wouldn’t have known about the January employment report at the last meeting.”
    The Labor Department didn’t announce those 200,000 new jobs and the wage increases until later that week.”
    There have also been a couple of stronger-than-expected inflation reports — as well as questions over a federal budget, which is still pending — since the Fed put together those minutes.”
    So, believing the opinion of the minutes released on Wednesday is like looking at the weather forecast for the end of January before deciding what to wear today.”

  16. PET POT Cemetery Report.
    “Sophie Gregoire Trudeau at a function in India with Jaspal Atwal, a Surrey businessman, who is a one-time member of the now-banned International Sikh Youth Federation.”
    Depraved, narcissistic Trudeaus are anti-Canadian panderers to Sikh murderers.
    Down with Liberals! Down with Trudeau!
    “Some people are rolling their eyes at the Trudeau
    family’s ‘extra’ fashion choices in India
    It’s a mix of fascination and surprise” (np)
    “What we know about Jaspal Atwal, the attempted murderer invited to dine with Trudeau
    Jasper Atwal already had something of a history of inserting himself into Canadian Liberal politics before he was invited to the event”
    “Atwal was once a member of the International Sikh Youth Federation, an extremist group aiming to establish an independent Khalistan that was banned in Canada as a terrorist group in 2003. He was one of four men who shot and wounded an Indian cabinet minister, Malkiat Singh Sidhu, on Vancouver Island in 1986, and was convicted of attempted murder for his part in the attack. He was sentenced to 20 years in prison, but the Toronto Sun reports that he didn’t serve jail time “because CSIS was found to have obtained evidence through an improperly obtained warrant.”
    Atwal was also charged with a 1985 attack on former B.C. premier and Liberal MP Ujjal Dosanjh, a vocal opponent of the Sikh separatist movement, but was later acquitted.”

  17. Interesting video on South Africa and the killing of the whites, particularly farmers. Crime, rapes, violence of all kinds are off the charts. Of course as with all black countries it will end up as a failed state. White South Africans have applied to Canada as refugees but are being turned down as they are obviously racists.

  18. Raymond Cormier not guilty in Tina Fontaine’s murder. Boy was that quick. Next time the crown should try using evidence. Boy is the Indian industry going to be ticked off. Trudeau will have to lecture another jury.
