25 Replies to “This Is CNN”

  1. The radical left is not interested in solutions to the problems creating mass shootings. They are only interested in disarming the people. In Canada, for example, the Coalition For Gun Control under the direction of Wendy Cukier has outright said they want the eventual banning of all firearms own by the public. This same mindset also exists in the radical left of the Democratic Party of the US.

  2. So Fake Town Hall then. Hosted by Fake Tapper.
    I skipped it. Of course I don’t have cable so I really didn’t have the opportunity to watch. lol
    Does anyone know if the FBI sent a spokesdummy?

  3. So, CNN’s compassionate response to the teen survivor of a school shooting is to publicly call him out as a liar. But, this does fit their established history in dealing with the public rather well, doesn’t it?
    Who else remembers when they publicly exposed a civilian for creating that funny meme and strong-armed him into an apology? Well, they are still at it, in case you missed this very recent attack by CNN on yet another innocent American……
    “As part of its obsessive coverage of Russiagate, CNN sent reporter Drew Griffin to Florida to interview an elderly woman who runs a Facebook group that was targeted by Russian trolls prior to the 2016 election.”
    Let’s be honest here, she was targeted ONLY because she supported Trump. Of course, when he left there, I am sure this unbiased, completely professional investigative journalist was on his way to confront the liberal icon Michael Moore with the exact same accusations. These media pricks are partisan hacks, nothing more.

  4. Well said. I have to agree with Greg Gutfeld (my fellow Bay Arean) … that a CNN “Townhall” is nothing more than a Jerry Springer styled sh*t-show … https://static.pjmedia.com/instapundit/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/Screen-Shot-2018-02-22-at-8.22.39-AM-600×234.png
    Jeering crowds of anti-gun, leftist, students egged on by the very WORST of FAKE Newspeople is only suitable for viewing fare for the lowest-IQ third of America’s population bell curve.

  5. Since this event, I haven’t been able to stomach watching anything on FOX News. I tried a few seconds this morning to learn that Senator weasel Marco Rubio is OK with raising the selling-to age for rifles from 18 to 21. The latest psychopathic monster certainly got his 15 minutes worth of fame. Without addressing the thoroughly degraded welfare-state progressive and deranged culture of the US (they are not alone), suffice it to say that only guns carried by good people could have prevented or reduced the carnage, period.

  6. There needs to be some “common sense” gun controls. A national easy access data base listing those not allowed to own or buy guns such as serious criminals and the mentally ill. What is so bad about that?

  7. “There needs to be some “common sense” gun controls. A national easy access data base listing those not allowed to own or buy guns such as serious criminals and the mentally ill. What is so bad about that?”
    That’s what the have. The FBI ignored it.

  8. In a perfect world, nothing. In today’s America having a law on the books and enforcing it are two different things. The state is at the mercy of politicians, IOW prone to corruption therefore can’t be relied upon. The more power to the state, the more potential corruption. A “gun-free” zone such as a school is an invitation to monsters to have at it. Easiest things in the world to lock down and defend. For example, once the Bell rings, everybody goes in past a guard. After the second ring, no one gets in. They are already virtual prisons anyway!

  9. @Scar: “The FBI ignored it.”
    The FBI missed the two tip offs that came in. But Cruz was able to buy guns legally in spite of obviously skating on thin ice(mentally wise) Having the guns and with the tip offs ignored, he was free to carry out his crime.

  10. “he was free to carry out his crime.” He certainly was as are all potential criminals. He was expelled from a school where you can get expelled for drawing pictures of guns and yet the same school that perhaps “stigmatized” the little snow flake, celebrates their feel-good gun-free status which is an invitation to come back and freely “kill us all” because we feel good about our pixie-dust vision of reality regardless of the perp’s demented ideas on grievance or vengeance or whatever motivates monsters.

  11. It didn’t help that he was at a school and in a school district that actively avoids any possible formal police involvement with their problem students. So a lot of stuff that should have given the kid a record which would have prevented his being able to purchase a firearm never got to the right authorities.

  12. I think I got the nra pegged.
    for ages it puzzled me why they oppose revisions to american gun laws that for instance, allow craaaaaazieeeees to pick one up legally.
    or ban the sale of ‘accessories’ that turn a rifle into an automatic fire. etc.
    well, here it is.
    the nra has a core list of beliefs and rights and laws they have now and will defend.
    the further away present laws are from that core central list of wants, the better.
    in other words, loosey goosey regs that continue to facilitate record gun crime, is the requirement to keep legislators AWAY from what they REALLY want.
    and they are willing to let things like school shooting to happen, 100s of kids getting shot by the likes of mr florida trigger, *in order to create this ‘margin of safety’ for their core beliefs*
    and in my book, that is truly evil selfishness. anything else is just shades of grey.

  13. OMG! You’re so wise to remind us of what happens to a kindergartner if he nibbles his piece of Wonderbread into a handgun shaped profile (a rough ‘L’) and pantomimes a cowboy shooting an Indian. The kid would be taken into protective custody by CPS and the parents investigated thoroughly … but the FBI cannot be bothered by actual “triggered” Adults (19yo qualifies) with their fingers on the REAL trigger of a gun.
    I keep getting more and more jaded and concerned that the FBI are NOT doing their JOBS anymore. They are all spying, and capering around for their DNC bosses whilst observing the utmost of PC rules of engagement. I am guessing that the FBI refused to pursue Cruz … because of his “HEspanic” surname … the same way they would avoid a Mohammad or Ahmed.

  14. “allow craaaaaazieeeees to pick one up legally.”
    1) crazies cannot legally buy a firearms (see NICS)
    (one of many clauses: “Has been adjudicated as a mental defective or committed to a mental institution”)
    2) Does a crazy care if he’s illegally acquiring a firearm?
    Good that NRA is looking out for the interests of normal people.

  15. IF you are a Canadian then read the Article below. This is a MUST for any Canadian with Children or Grandchildren under the age of majority.
    This Article is also important for American readers, but not as critical as Canadians, understanding the Values direction Canada’s Leadership believes should replace Canada’s Culture & Values. The Children of My Wife and I are all Mature Citizens and we do not have Grandchildren. Our Children are positioned within Canada Culture & Values and able to resist the Cultural Changes the {Justin Trudeau/Gerald Butts__ lackadaisical__ self-serving__ federal Liberal Cabinet} is allowing to be forced as a Replacement for Canada’s Culture.
    IF the Opposition M.P.’s in Parliament stand together in Opposition, to the Disastrous Direction the Trudeau/Butts co-operative P.M.O is moving and changing Canada’s Values;__ it only requires– somewhere between Sixteen & Twenty Liberal Party Members of Parliament–to stand with the combined Opposition__ for a Vote of Non-Confidence in the Federal Government. This will bring A Course of Damaging Regulations to an End.
    This Cutural Damage; Now rests on the shoulders of Liberal M.P.’s voted into Office by Canadians believing Justin Trudeau’s Campaign Promises_Justin would not Lie as did His Father Pierre Elliot Trudeau.
    Community Leaders across Canada, especially if your responsibility for Local Citizens is in a Liberal Party Federal Riding, understand what destructive forces will accrue with enclaves of unassimilable People demanding evermore welfare entitlements. The assimilated Individuals of the well documented “islamic gender apartheid” of the Community, You as a Leader have accepted responsibility are likely fearful for Their Family Members in Canada and in the Countries of their birth.
    Liberal Political Ridings and Oppostion Political Ridings need to be properly informed about the on-going destruction of Western Civilization throughout Europe. It will be Your Community electorate who will remember Your indiffernce as a Leader if the Changes planned by Justin Trudeau/Gerald Butts are allowed to place more Laws and Regulations into effect which discourages Canadians from__ “fighting for their Rights of Free Speech and to Assemble”.
    Use your experience and skills as the Leader of Your Community to initiate this political action of Free Speech and Assembly regardless of What the Present Federal Government puts into place contravening Canada’s Constitution and Bill of Rights. Start with a Practical Approach of initiating some manner of your choosing and Community Support TO Recall the Member(s) of Parliament based in Your Community; especially if the Member(s) of Parliament are part of the Liberal Party of Canada.
    Bring the Fight for Canada’s Culture & Values TO the Individuals who are truly allowing the Trudeau/Butts Cabal force Canada to it’s knees when faced with a similar European/Middle-East capitulation to the well-documented Barbarism of “islamic gender apartheid”.

  16. and a ARMED cop, in uniform, waited outside for 4 minutes, rather than go inside and confront Cruz. There are so many break downs in this case, butt lets just enact laws that effect every one.

  17. cruz is a wacko.
    reports are he had 10 of them. legally.
    I guess it depends on what the word ‘is’ means.
    the gun laws in the great US of A look like someone used them as a target sheet.
    there HAS to be *some* room for improvement. my point stands, the nra will forever oppose ANY move in that direction
    for fear of the trend stepping on their toes 50 years hence.

  18. So John, what is your view of the NRA who stubbornly refuse to accept much needed improvement in gun and enforcement regulations?

  19. If you could guarantee me that by somehow taking his gun(s) away, by some extension his murderous intent would also be removed – I’d be all for it. But simply taking the gun away does not mean that they no longer have the ability to kill. An by extension, if they grabbed the nearest bag of fertilizer and diesel, it could have been much worse. Look how many have perished in Europe and Australia simply by being run down by vehicles. It’s the intent, not the tool that should be addressed.
    IF you have an open mind, listen to this: https://videopress.com/v/LTpcV1Cs

  20. The NRA fights all attempts at futile legislation knowing that incremental surrender leads to Canada, the UK, and eventually disarming all (law abiding) citizenry. In rural America, they are somewhat of a cultural icon, actively involved in community events geared toward responsible use of guns. They actually do more to help schools with security than progressive politicians who only manage to deem them as safe places for nut-jobs to use as live target shooting galleries (see: https://www.nationalschoolshield.org/ ).
    I don’t know what motivates the nut jobs but ignoring the real gun culture in America with some form of institutionalized pretense in schools that they must be avoided and demonized and magically won’t be used against them in fairy-tale “gun free” zones. Perhaps safe gun use and handling should be (an optional) part of school curricula to dispel the stigma and it might just make a nutter think being involved with guns isn’t such a rebellious activity.

  21. “The NRA fights all attempts at futile legislation knowing that incremental surrender leads to Canada, the UK, and eventually disarming all (law abiding) citizenry.”
    That my friend is exactly where it would go. We have seen that in the UK, Australia, and Canada. The National Firearms Coalition headed by Wendy Cukier has outright said that their ultimate aim is the banning of all firearms in private hands. Only the police and military should have firearms. The ultimate aim in the US would be the same.

  22. Exactly. The cop who was there to stop this refused to engage. I see he’s since resigned from the force. Coward

  23. The Left loves more regulations, more legislation, more enforcers
    ALL while avoiding enforcement, except when it suits them in harming their opponents.
    Gun free zones don’t work (eg. schools and Chicago) so you want to expand “gun free” zones!?
    Would the kids be alive if Cruz obtained guns illegally? The failure was not the law, but lack of enforcement and follow up.
