26 Replies to “Deep Impact”

  1. Hopefully the slobs at The Globe and the Tranna Star are next. Wouldn’t mind seeing the CBC get run over by a bus too…

  2. It’s true more or less (except for me). Turmp is for the most part just a less racist version of FDR. Or a more Orange version of Juan Peron. The recent GOP-Trump budget blew all the limits on spending.

  3. Perhaps….but at least Trump is getting something for the money….unlike the Trudeau Liberals and the Obama administration.

  4. He’s getting a police state and a crushing debt burden. And knee-jerk defense from tribal partisan morons *cough cough*

  5. Don’t feed the troll.
    Unless he ever actually says anything intelligent and/or non-insulting.
    I’m not holding my breath.
    My money says he couldn’t pour water out of a boot with the instructions written on the heel.

  6. “I can’t address his point! Maybe he’ll go away if I call him a troll!”
    Loosey Trudeau is more fiscally responsible than the GOP has been at anytime this century. It’s a fact.

  7. There is reason to castigate Obama. He ran up more debt that the previous 43 presidents combined and America has literally nothing to show for it. No great wars fought, no Hoover dams or Goldengate bridges, no man in space, not even the abiljty to get there, and apparently no universal health care system. What America did get was a Wall Street bailout, insurance company bailouts, GMC and Dodge bailout, big bank bailout, and a bloated government, anemic growth and racial strife. And least I forget. Apology tours.

  8. So will these taxpayer “assisted” agencies, have to lead each opinion piece, I mean news item, with a disclaimer?
    Tonights coverage brought to you by The Liberal Party of Canada?
    And now a quick word from our sponsor…..
    Which at least would be more honest than the Canadian Media Guild.
    The Media Party of Canada knows no shame,even as the citizens make it very plain, by way of our spending, that their product stinks..
    They insist they are entitled to a “share” of taxpayers money.
    Perhaps as The Hair Apparent crashes and burns, we could launch a class action lawsuit, the media sold these stinkers to the voting public.
    They wilfully glossed over the obvious incompetence,stupidity and unethical past behaviour of our Liberals and their shiny new Leader.
    They accused citizens who pointed out these “minor flaws” as racist and homophobic or living in the past.
    This is the media parties product and now it is costing us, they wonder why no one buys their current model of newsiness.
    If the Liberals gift their promoters with taxpayer cash, the circle completes,those lovely racketeering statutes might be useful after all.

  9. ” – But we’re the GOVERNMENT! And our FRIENDS need HELP!!!”
    “A Liberal feels a great debt to Society; a debt he proposes to pay with your money.”

  10. It looks like Newsweek took this old Soviet joke too seriously:
    This is [Soviet] Radio; our listeners asked us: “What is the difference between the capitalist and the socialist trade?”
    We’re answering: “Capitalist trade means everything is to be sold. Socialist trade means everything is to be bought.”

    Newsweek, of course, doesn’t sell readers, they buy them.

  11. Boy, the presidents of Torstar and Post Media will be going on a shopping spree now! Fishnet stockings, heels, mini-skits, lipstick, and blonde wigs – so they can strut the street in front of 24 Sussex.

  12. Amazing how the Demos get fiscal religion when Trump is in power and yet gave Obama years of deficit encouragement. Multiple years of $1 Trillion deicits, no problem.
    Trump is the last roll of the dice. If he cannot pull the USA out of its fiscal dive then the world heads for an extended recession/depression. Although I wish him well the odds are against his success. In the end it will likely be a scrap over the ‘scraps’, globally. NAFTA or whatever the arrangement will be to the USA’s favor.
    Canada will be a major have not as it implodes over debt and costly entitlements. Canadians will have to realize they cannot have clowns running their governments.

  13. If You Want Bigger Government, Vote Republican
    If we look at federal spending, though, it’s easy to see that the myth of the budget-cutting Republican president is just that: a myth.

    elections are useless in reforming the government if not preceded by an ideological change. The fact is that ideologically, Americans are greatly in favor of a big-spending government. The politicians who want to get elected are well aware of this, and act accordingly. If we want smaller government, we’d have to convince at least a sizable minority that it’s a good thing. But until that changes, don’t look for the next eight-year period to be much different from all the other ones in living memory.

  14. Who cares? You have never been against the NDP -> unions -> money for NDP -> campaign for NDP -> get raise from NDP -> repeat. Why get so hypocritical over a circle jerk conflict of interest now.
    Democracy really is the worst way to run a government, except for all those other ways. A whole lot of people need to be disenfranchised.
    You get to vote if, and only if

    • you pay taxes (IE you have skin in the game)

    You lose your vote if

    • your salary is paid by government
    • you collect welfare or any other form of robbing Peter to pay Paul bullcrap
    • you donate to a political cause in any way
      • direct donation/fundraising dinner/anything of the sort
      • party membership
      • membership in any organization that is political (Sierra Club, Greenpeace, union that sits on NDP council, etc.)
      • union dues that go to a political party, or political advertisement
      • donations to any entity that is involved in any political activities whatsoever (ads, volunteers, money laundering to a political party, …)

    Basically, the system needs to be; you can either vote, or support political causes in other ways. YOU CANNOT DO BOTH.
    I am sick unto death of the crap.
    MPs, should not be voting; conflict of interest to be able to vote for yourself, and raises for yourself, and pension for yourself.
    If you are paid by tax dollars, going through the pantomime of paying taxes is a farce; “Joe hauled a whole truckload of water from the river to fill the government pool. Here is your cup of water from the government pool Bob; now please be a dear and pee in the government pool.”

  15. dare I suggest/predict that if, IF just *one* of these distressed MSMs were to start/resume thorough and honest UNBIASED research/reporting, they would see huge, certainly over time, subscription/readership rates.
    not gonna happen, despite Mr Einsteins admonition ‘stupidity consists of doing the same thing over and again expecting a different result’.

  16. My two cents: If your job depends on something called “Funding”…..it’s not a Job.

  17. “Who cares? You have never been against the NDP -> unions -> money for NDP -> campaign for NDP -> get raise from NDP -> repeat. Why get so hypocritical over a circle jerk conflict of interest now.”
    The Never Done Preying for whom we will Never Done Paying have never received a dollar or a vote from me.
    Otherwise I concur.
