22 Replies to “They Admire His Basic Pricktatorship”

  1. The Americans have Russiagate, we in Canada now have Indiagate. Best form a Royal Commission and thoroughly investigate it.

  2. http://www.macleans.ca/politics/how-canadas-top-national-security-advisor-lost-the-plot-in-india/
    A good background by Terry Glavin here. Note that Daniel Jean the “senior security source” didn’t return calls for comment. If Trudeau and Jean are bent on blurring the boundaries between the public service and political PMO, I don’t see why reporters shouldn’t be hounding him for his side of the story. Goodale based his whole non-anwser routine on the non partisan public service relationship, but these two make a mockery of that.

  3. I’m surprised at the lack of calls from ALL of our media for Trudeau’s resignation over this egregious attack on a friendly nation. As they justifiably would for a Conservative PM.
    Ha, Ha, just kidding.

  4. *
    in a previous “reader tips” thread, an sda reader
    posted a picture of justin visiting auschwitz… wearing,
    of course… the requisite striped pyjamas.
    i call that “peak pander.”

  5. As Tarek Fatah points out, Turdeau seems to have a shifting definition of friendship. Jaswal needs to buy himself a tropical island to keep Turdeau on side.

  6. Who paid for Atwal’s airfare? How does an ex-con get a passport? Enquiring minds would like to know.

  7. Poor Sock Boy. Now he’s singing to PM Modi: I’m sari, so sari, please accept my apology.

  8. I will Chair that investigation for say, $1000 bucks a day,and will drag it out until,oh, September 2019,at which point I will completely exonerate the Trudeau government,and blame it all on Trump.
    Afterward,I’ll take a position on the Board of Power Corporation and will keep my mouth shut and vote as I’m told.
    I will accept the Order of Canada, humbly,for my great service to the Country.

  9. Who let you in on the secret on how things work in Canada? You must have access to the Laurentian Elite’s meeting minutes.
    Not to worry. By April 1st the media will be back to glorifying the personality cult fake god and John and Mary Q will be more concerned about the latest survivor episodes.

  10. We all know the corrupt corporate Canadian Media cartel attack anyone who dare criticize the actor, PM Larry the Lunkhead, so get ready India because Lunkheads Media comrades are coming after you, either that or they will completely ignore this whole fiasco. All Princess Lunkhead did was travel to India with a huge entourage, including an Indian terrorist, for a family vacation, all on the taxpayer dime where he played dress up, took photos of himself, danced around like a brain damaged Bollywood extra and then blamed the whole sorry spectacle on the Indian Government… No biggie. PM Lunkhead can order as many “16 dollar orange juices” as he likes, he could even order one or two for an Indian terrorist, and he can do so while wearing a turban and dressed up like a dancing horse, doesn’t the Government of India understand that.

  11. What happens when Justin realises that he can’t silence India with his socks or the adoring CBC?
    Only Justin can waive security, thus explaining how Joshua Boyle and Jaspal Atwal can fly under the radar (and on Justin’s flight) until a sharp-eyed person notices that there is something wrong.
    This is why Justin wants to crack down on “fake news”. These sorts of associations can be embarrassing especially when people from other countries point them out.

  12. Stan: Once upon a time as a Canadian I might have looked down on India as being a corrupt third world country I don’t do that anymore. Canada trajectory is toward corrupt third world country post haste.

  13. Does Sockboy think they don’t have access to the internet in India or does he think the Indian mandarins and media are beholden to toe the Liberal line as they are here in Canada?

  14. Okay i think this one is going to cause some serious damage.
    It’s one thing to throw one of the back bench under the bus to cover for one of Juthtins screwup, but it when you start accusing the Indian government of conspiracy that’s when the media starts to take off the blinders.
    He touched a third rail with this one.

  15. He’s alienating the government of the only country that can rival China in population. WHERE ARE HIS HANDLERS!?
    @Joseph: I think you might be right. The reaction from the media all over has been a kind of stunned ‘WTF?’. Jumping the shark.

  16. Leftists are usually better than this bunch at lying. Maybe there is hope, though only a glimmer.
