8 Replies to “Preview of the Forthcoming Leftist Utopia”

  1. Pat is describing how life was in the Soviet Union for seventy years.
    My, how far we have come.
    And the people slept.

  2. A reminder of the progressive utopia FORCED by The Daily Mail against me. They BANNED me from commenting on their news stories because of my “Hate speech”. Well, of course, you say … that Kenji … he says outrageously HATEful things … so you’re not surprised. My “crime”? I commented on a story that fawned over a KISS after the Woman’s World Cup win between “out” lesbian, Abby Wambach and her wife. I simply asked if the “news” story should have also highlighted the post-game kiss between Julie Johnston and her husband, NFL stud Zach Ertz? Questioning anything LGBTQewwww … is a “hateful sin” … in the progressive utopia. So my dissenting voice has been silenced. Fascist mission accomplished.

  3. Show trials are coming.
    Your neighborhood “human rights” tribunals are an illustration of what it will look like.
    Remember it will happen little bit by little bit. You won’t even notice. Until too late.
    If you are a white guy, you are guilty as hell. You will be getting what’s coming to you
    You say that you did not do anything?
    Truth is irrelevant.
    By now you may be sick of your agent writing of firsthand knowledge of things that were done in a country run by communists.
    You could write an errorless script of where things are going.
    The first after war show trial in central European country was against the members of the first after war government, most of them were executed. And they were social democrats and communists.
    Many years later a book was written about the show trials.
    The prosecution was scripted and the defendant’s answers were scripted. The interesting thing was that the communists put the trials on the radio. If an answer was off the script they just cut it out of the broadcast.
    If you don’t believe this, you have my sympathy, it is rather unbelievable.
    It may be somewhere in forgotten libraries or it may be wiped clean out.
    The communists were rather sophisticated on how to lie, misrepresent, omit……hmmm, not talking about the current crop “journalists” here, though as anyone can tell, they have learned from the 1950’s of the past century communists “journalists” how to do it.
    And that brings us up to now. The government run by the cabal behind the airhead is giving “journalists” $50 million to pursue the proper propaganda.
    Notice how the referred to it as “Trudeau government proposes $50 million to save local journalism”.
    What the hell is local journalism?
    Heh, it’s a sleight of hand to bring the “journalists” into the government pay. This will leave opposition futile.
    Government & journalism ruling with iron fist against anybody that does not fall in line.
    Don’t thinks so
    Who you gonna call?
    It sure as hell looks that it is going that way now.
    There are so many victim options now, practically anyone else can be a victim……..of you the white guy.

  4. Having been born in 1928, I feel like this. Reading today in the Kg Whig that Queen’s U is defending their choice of speaker, Dr. Jordan Peterson, is another nail in the coffin. Why does Queen’s think they have to “defend” their choice? If it were a radical leftist they wouldn’t have to answer to anyone.
    I despair.

  5. Got a problem with the way things are going, Pat? You helped make this happen.
    Pat Condell describes losing the life and values that he worked so hard to destroy with his constant attacks on Christianity before the day he finally looked up and recognized Islam as a true enemy. Before then, 90% of his videos attacked Christianity.
    Latter in the game he looked up again and realized progressivism was an enemy too. Yet his anti-Christian diatribes and staunch Atheism are an essential tenet of Communism.
    “Our program necessarily includes the propaganda of atheism.”
    ~Vladimir I. Lenin

  6. It’s all about transferring rights and power from the Individual to elite political groups. A power grab pyramid scheme commonly called Marxism.

  7. The last 30 seconds of Pat’s rant is exactly what I imagine the belligerently pompous court magistrate will be preaching to me and the group of progressive defined racist Christian white privileged misogynistic xenophobe haters I get rounded up with during the required 5am pre-execution conviction trial before being led sans-clothing to the shower building. The line forms to the left…

  8. I disagree with Pat.
    Our presence IS required, only it’s required to support and “sustain” those who have anointed themselves superior to us.
    We are their inferiors and, given that, they grant themselves the ability to us – our time and our labour and our energy – or dispose of us, as they so wish.
    This is EXACTLY slavery. Making slaves of others, you see, is normal human behaviour. Americans had cast off their slave-owners and liberty and freedom became the norm.
    Starting in the early 1910s, slavery once again became into the American experiment – the Marxist progressive income tax, i.e., the labour tax – and slave-owners have once again come to the fore.
