41 Replies to “Pride Of Regina-Wascana”

  1. Ah yes. The pride of Regina-Wascana.
    When a Liberal from Saskatchewan lies while running away, you can watch him spin his lies for days and days.

  2. One day Bobblehead Ralpie is going to lose it and holler “I’m tired of standing up here and defending that phuhqyn dope of ours, He’s an incompetent idiot.”
    Yeah, like that would ever happen, they’re cut from the same cloth.

  3. Yep. The only reason anyone gets into politics, is to belly up to the trough. As long as he gets to stay at the trough, he don’t care who is with him.

  4. The Sikh MP with the white turban only said about five words and the only word I understood was “No”.
    That’s one word more than I understood after listening to thousands of words of blather and BS from Mr Goodale, the Hon Member from Obfuscation. The man is hopeless just like his boss.

  5. Of all the slime that sits to the right of the Speaker, Ralph Goodale has consistently and without fail, been the oiliest, simiest one of them all. At least since Herb Grey retired.
    Interesting to actually see our sycophantic media actually doing their job.

  6. Given Canada’s recent federal budget, the Judge Mooring of Ontario’s PC leader and the sudden turn on Prince Fancy Socks juxtaposed against Trumps drastic recharging the US economy by cutting red tape and taxes.
    I think the five or six families that own Canada just decided it’s time to change the politicians.
    Guess who amongst the new Ontario would be leaders has a Daddy that sits on Bell media CTV (outed Brown) board of directors?

  7. “Trumps drastic recharging the US economy by cutting red tape and taxes.”
    Which will be undone by restrictions on trade and dollar devaluation.

  8. He wants us to believe that those who have watched or read the news know more about the bureaucrat comments regarding rogue elements in India than the Public Safety minister (and heir to the throne should the PM have a fatal incident) does.
    Can anyone in Regina/Wascana publicly admit and give reasons why they voted for this clown? Repeatedly? For decades?
    We’re doomed.

  9. I’m sorry, but for me that was damn funny at the end.
    “Mr. Sarai, are you part of the rogue element?”
    I was waiting for them to pile back out of the elevator, screaming, I’m the rogue, element… No, I’m the rogue element… No. I’M the rogue element!!
    Maybe it only seemed surreal, kinda like a Monty Python sketch, because ‘rogue element’ is such a deliciously nasty sounding moniker that you wouldn’t think the media would waste it on non-Conservatives. Ha, perhaps the question was asked by a ‘rogue’ Rebel reporter.

  10. “Ha, perhaps the question was asked by a ‘rogue’ Rebel reporter.”
    That would require a level of cleverness no one at ‘The Rebel’ is capable of.
    A threshold may have well been breached here: a lot of media, possibly a critical mass, is really alarmed by what just happened and it’s lingering.

  11. The cold hard reality of U.S. tariffs on aluminum and steel being announced tomorrow are so much more important than this childish game of subterfuge to save PM JT’s precious face from appearing to be exactly the name privileged never-ready idiot he is. I miss Harper’s competence.

  12. Does classified mean the same thing as it does in the US? – Anything that would embarrass intelligence agencies is classified.

  13. Goodale’s best before date expired 15 years ago yet the people in his constituency keep voting for this fool. Sorta like the definition of insanity. On a totally related topic the government of Nova Scotia has put forward a motion to abolish school boards. All I can say it is about time, school boards use revenue that should go to the students not the fat cats. Too bad Ontario would not follow suit. Hopefully if the conservatives get in they can do the same.

  14. There’s been some interesting noises coming from NewFoundland and Nova Scotia lately. NewFoundland has been one of the very few polities serious about not going completely broke.

  15. How embarrassing.
    It would be very beneficial for everyone other than the Liberals (even the ones willing to be thrown under the bus) if India made such a big deal out of this that it expelled Canadian nationals from India, raised tariffs or did something as equally injurious.
    It’s not like Canada can be trusted anymore. The Liberals have seen to that and the only way it can be remedied is if the Liberals were to disappear.

  16. Ralph Goodale reminds me of Squealer in George Orwell’s “Animal Farm”.

  17. Ralphie in this clip reminds me of a line by Joe Pesci is Goodfellas – “ya stuttering, mumbling prick, ya”. You have to imagine it in the Pesci voice.

  18. Nova Scotia? Interesting noises? What are you on about? Nova Scotia is in the grip of a Liberal government intent on centralizing its control of every aspect of life in the province. They already centralized the health authority and packed it full of Liberal donors, and have just introduced a bill to do the same to the education system, by abolishing elected school boards so as to replace them with.. A central authority that will be appointed by, you guessed it, the Liberals. Guess who need not apply there?
    There’s little industry to speak of in this province any more, save Michelin I suppose, and the capital city is rampant with loony leftists. And, oh yeah, this is one of the stupid provinces that went 100% Liberal in 2015.
    Interesting noises. Bah. Ever hear the phrase about opening your mouth and removing all doubt that you’re a fool?

  19. When you are called on to defend the indefensible claim ‘confidential information’.
    That aside: I wonder when Justin will get a psyche analysis? I honestly think he has a mental condition that needs medical/psychiatric attention.

  20. Don’t forget Dalhousie University’s politically correct hiring policy for one of its senior administrative positions. White men need not apply.

  21. “Uh, Ralphie? Get off the stage, sweetheart!”
    Chief Wiggum of the Simpsons telling his son to get out of the way.

  22. Ralph Goodale is one detestable, annoying old twit who just doesn’t know when to hang it up. He’s a good example for having term limits for all who serve in politics.
    He’s simply a brown nosing tool, defending the indefensible for whoever happens to be leader of the Liberal party.

  23. If he had a neck it would be different.
    Now have a look at that pencil-necked Schiff down south. Looks fairly tall. How he can even balance that boogly-eyed egg-shaped noggin on such a scrawny gullet is amazing in itself.
    Some time back, TSN did a comedic parody of NHL analyst Bob McKenzie who is renowned for having a rather large head. Partway through his commentary, despite using both hands, he’s unable to keep his head from plopping down onto his desk. I keep waiting to see that happening to Adam Schiff(head).

  24. Waiting (not holding my breath) for Sheer or the lazy MSM to call out Trudeau on his blatant lie in HoC today.
    He said the invite was rescinded…. but Atwal attended the gathering.
    Sheila Gunn-Reid has a great vid out tonight explaining how CPC caved on an anti-terrorism motion today. And she also includes many photo’s of PM Socks and his buddy Atwal together,

  25. I’m sure they’ll find a way to invite a bona fide convicted National Socialist on the PMs next trip…
    Nazi Knock-Knock Joke
    Ve vill ask ze questions!
    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group ‘True North’

  26. In speaking with a few fellow employees who are from India and Pakistan, they have informed me that a great many of their nationals who have served in the military and government move here to Canada, dragging as many family members with them as legally possible. They move and live within Canada long enough to collect full Canadian pensions, then move back to their homeland and collect those Canadian taxpayer’s monies and live like kings and queens. It is the best scam out there, they have told me.
    Wondering if Atwal and his merry band of scammers are a part of the coaching team? Wonder how many Liberal cabinet ministers and MPs know and participate in this scheme.
    Would Ralph know about this? What would be his comments?

  27. “They move and live within Canada long enough to collect full Canadian pensions, then move back to their homeland and collect those Canadian taxpayer’s monies and live like kings and queens. It is the best scam out there, they have told me.”
    Since to collect one of those “full Canadian pensions” you have to work in Canada for a set amount of time, how exactly does this amount to a scam?

  28. Family members are usually aged parents, never paid into the system but get “free” health care and all the usual stuff that has been exposed and talked about on this blog for a long time.
    I know, math is hard!

  29. “That aside: I wonder when Justin will get a psyche analysis? I honestly think he has a mental condition that needs medical/psychiatric attention.”
    My sister-in-law, a college sociology prof says that he is nuts.

  30. Yeah, who needs pesky old democratic votes when you can just stuff the system full of political hacks instead?
    Why do you come here?

  31. “Family members are usually aged parents, never paid into the system but get “free” health care and all the usual stuff that has been exposed and talked about on this blog for a long time.”
    You’ve changed your argument, which was about Canadian pensions, not “‘free’ health care”.
    It would seem math is particularly hard for you then.

  32. Rolf Goodyear comes from the Provincial Capital City, and his area is area is chock full of provincial government employees. The only surprise is that they don’t vote in some total socialist NDP, but I guess Rolf has enough cache to hold onto the seat.
    I wonder if he was smart enough to see through Socksy from the start, or if he has only begun to see the light as the bong addled drama queen continues to embarrass all of the rest of us Canadians.
    Sorry to say he is from Saskatchewan.

  33. A person I know, who slept with him for some time, indicated he is indeed stupid. There’s lots more to uncover, but journalism as such is basically non-existent here.
