46 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. On Tuesday in South Africa, a shocking vote in the National Assembly ruled that white South African farmers will be removed from their land. The vote, prompted by a motion brought by radical Marxist opposition leader Julius Malema, was not even close; 241 legislators voted for it with only 83 voting against it. Malema told his supporters in 2016 he was “not calling for the slaughter of white people — at least for now.”
    Thank you Brian Mulroney.

  2. And so it ends. Sadly, tragically, entirely predictably, that is what happens when low IQ majority sets its sights on successful high IQ minority. “Democracy – The God That Failed” Hans-Hermann Hoppe had it right.
    And it is guaranteed that PM sockpupet and his mooselimb immigration minister will stand idly by and not let those farmers into Canada, they have the wrong skill color and values, you see.
    Pity Canadian whites are only about a generation, two at the most, away from the same fate.

  3. ‘PM sockpupet and his mooselimb immigration minister will stand idly by and not let those farmers into Canada’
    Some may think that is an exaggeration but it is not. Potential immigrants to Canada are given greater priority if they are from a poorer less developed country. People from first world countries need not apply because your application goes to the bottom of the pile. It has already been a factor for applicants from the UK.

  4. “Some may think that is an exaggeration …”
    … yeah, those who have not been paying attention. The Librano long term goal is electorate replacement by low IQ immigrants from socialist societies.

  5. And it is guaranteed that PM sockpupet and his mooselimb immigration minister will stand idly by and not let those farmers into Canada, they have the wrong skill color and values, you see.
    Worse yet is that the great-grandfathers of many current Canadians fought in the Boer War.

  6. Bang on Ken.
    And Mulroney was a big Mugabe supporter when he took over Rhodesia.
    Trudeau was a bastard too, said Rhodesian whites should stay in Rhodesia.
    All of that was a prelude to South Africa’s eventual woes.
    The West should condemn South Africa for this vote but they will not. When it is black on white then any atrocity is allowable. Double standards are the rule by which elitist, leftist politicians live by.

  7. Double standards are the rule by which elitist, leftist politicians live by.
    That’s not surprising. When I first encountered “liberation theology” nearly 40 years ago, I sat through numerous Sunday sermons filled with diatribes against South Africa.
    Now that the country is in such a horrid mess, the church has been silent on the matter. I guess the “social gospel” has been rightfully fulfilled as far as it’s concerned.

  8. “The West should condemn South Africa for this vote but they will not. ”
    Of course they will not, and when self inflicted and fully deserved mass starvation hits South Africa the western Quislings will demand we take millions of those worthless parasites as refugees. All according to plan.

  9. AGW Kills.
    Socialism’s natural end result.
    Green Blob says it’s caused by “extreme weather”.
    People have left scarves on park benches for homeless people in the snow”
    “The UK is running out of gas on day Met Office issues red weather warning for Wales
    A perfect storm of freezing weather and supply problems has prompted a rare call for more fuel immediately”
    “The National Grid issued a “gas deficit warning” early on Thursday morning saying that demand is high due to the extreme weather.”

  10. AGW Kills.
    “a significant part of the existing coal park could be safely discarded,” the CNMC said.”
    “Now snow causes chaos in SPAIN while 24 are killed in Arctic conditions sweeping Europe” (mail)
    “Spain’s Market Regulator Rejects Attempt to Save Coal Plants”
    “a significant part of the existing coal park could be safely discarded,” the CNMC said.”

  11. Colonialista;
    Does this mean Canada will welcome white S.African refugees and subsidize their integration into Canadian society? Of course this will all be predicated on their political re-education.

  12. Liberation theology was created and is still pushed by the Roman Catholic “church”. As is socialism. Trudeau and Mulroney were both Roman Catholics.
    Follow the bread crumbs. All roads lead to Rome.

  13. PET POT Cemetery Report.
    “Terry Glavin: Prime Minister Wardrobe Malfunction’s awful parade of idiocy continues
    Imagine how India’s leader must have reacted upon being apprised of headlines such as ‘Trudeau stands by official who suggested Indian factions sabotaged trip
    When Prime Minister Justin Trudeau departed from India last Saturday, it was hardly possible to imagine that Canada’s standing in New Delhi could plummet any deeper into the abyss of humiliation than eight days of non-stop travelling gaucherie, diplomatic outrage and burlesque fiasco had already sunk it. But as things have turned out, the lurid spectacle has not yet come to anything like a merciful conclusion.”
    “COMRADE JUSTIN: Trudeau Wrecks Our Relationship With Democratic India, While Ignoring Rise Of Dictatorship In Communist China
    How far has Canada’s ‘leadership’ fallen when we’re distancing ourselves from a democratic ally, at the same time as the rise of a ruthless dictatorship in Communist China is being ignored?
    As many have pointed out, Canada having a strong relationship with India should be a no-brainer.
    We share similar values of democracy, and India’s potential growth into a superpower is a positive thing for the world – and something Canada can benefit from.
    At the same time, the values of democracy and freedom are under threat from Communist China, which is becoming increasingly authoritarian and heading towards a decades-long dictatorship in the hands of Xi Jinping.”

  14. “And so it ends. Sadly, tragically, entirely predictably,…”
    And, as Robert’s link to Pat Condell’s video above reminds us, we are slipping rapidly into a new dark age everywhere in the west. Western civilization’s self immolation.

  15. In truth, Trudeau is not much of a Catholic. He ignores Catholic teachings when it suits him.

  16. PET POT Cemetery Report.
    “Canada could face bad news today after Trump tweets on unfair trade ‘decimating’ steel sector
    The President is expected to make the announcement on steep U.S. tariffs today, and the move could have far-reaching effects” (FP)
    “Foreign Direct Investment in Canada Plunges on Oil Exodus
    Cross-border acquisitions negative for first time since 2007
    Nafta worries also help send FDI down 26% to lowest since 2010
    Foreign direct investment into Canada plunged last year to the lowest since 2010, hampered by an exodus of capital from the nation’s oil patch and worries about the fate of the North American Free Trade Agreement.”

  17. South Africa: where the roads of racial blindness, reconciliation and socialism all converge.

  18. Oh he’s a perfect Catholic.
    If that doesn’t make sense to you, then you are unaware of the secret “mystery” religion of Catholicism. You know only its public face intended for the masses.

  19. LA – More Democrat success stories…
    How can a place with 58,000 homeless people continue to function?
    There’s an unavoidable, often unspoken, fear that the city around us may be in a state of irreversible decline, and a suspicion on the part of some that the rights of homeless people have trumped the rights of everyone else.
    via DrudgeReport

  20. Everything is in place for Canada to waste a lot of money on the Olympics. We have an arrogant mayor in Calgary who wants to showcase his second-class city as “world class”. We have a Premier facing re-election who needs bread and circuses to appease the masses. And we have PM Sock Boy who regards the Olympics as the epitome of globalism and is a cheerleader for Canadian women athletes who did well at the recent games.
    If Calgary bids on the games they will get them because no one else wants them as this article points out. The IOC needs Calgary more than Calgary neeeds the IOC.
    Why (almost) no one wants to host the Olympics anymore
    Pyeongchang, South Korea, built a brand new Olympic stadium to host the Winter Games this year. The 35,000-seat stadium cost $109 million to build. And it will be used just four times before it’s demolished.

  21. PET POT Cemetery Report.
    Our Enemy, the State.
    “Pharmacare won’t be free for all Canadians, Bill Morneau says” (yahoo)
    “Statscan’s latest report shows how badly the government’s demolished business investment
    Investment has fallen steadily since 2014, with a total decline of almost 18 per cent, making it one of the weakest in the G7”
    “There is no clearer sign that Canada’s long-term economic prospects are diminishing than yet another drop in business-investment intentions. But that’s exactly the dismal news delivered by Statistics Canada’s annual survey, released Wednesday. The steady erosion of business investment in the country, even as it strengthens in the U.S., offers a blanket condemnation of our federal and provincial policy trajectories.
    Investment in Canada has fallen steadily since 2014, with a total decline of almost 18 per cent. Once the strongest in the G7, it has been the weakest over the past four years. This latest decline will surprise the Bank of Canada, whose own most-recent survey revealed “broad-based positive investment intentions” returning investment “back to near post-recession highs.” Why are the two reports so different? The Bank of Canada’s covers 100 firms; Statcan’s includes about 25,000.”

  22. AGW Kills.
    AGW Goes to War.
    “RAF mobilised to help hospitals amid freezing conditions” (IndependentUK)
    “Snow storm Emma to UNLEASH weather HELL on UK: Terrifying charts of FURIOUS lashing TODAY
    TERRIFYING winter weather charts show furious Storm Emma unleashing hell across Britain.”
    “Britain is on RED ALERT for what now threatens to be the most dangerous snowstorm to hit the nation in three decades.
    Storm Emma will spew almost 12 STRAIGHT HOURS of blizzards, torrential snowfall and violent 70mph gales across England through tonight.
    Britons have been warned to stay home and avoid all but essential travel from later this afternoon and into tomorrow with TWO FEET of snow forecast.”

  23. In my case, my encounters with liberation theology was through the Lutheran church, so I’m not entirely sure as to which denomination was the source.

  24. In my case, my encounters with liberation theology was through the Lutheran church, so I’m not entirely sure as to which denomination was the source.

  25. Large sporting events have become rather pointless, something which became clearly apparent to me the last time I was in the Montreal area.
    Nearly 30 years go, I flew there on business, and our plane’s flight path into Dorval Airport (yeah, I know it was re-named, but I refuse to acknowledge that person) was over the Olympic stadium–the same one that was built for the “76 frivolities. The roof, which wasn’t finished in time, was still not in place, despite promises that it would eventually be installed.
    I guess after the closing ceremonies more than 40 years ago, interest in actually completing the facility faded, making me wonder just what the fuss was all about.

  26. Green-red Blob Spotted Demorat Turkeys.
    h/t AGW RIP.
    “Jaguar I-Pace revealedAn all-electric family SUV at the front of the electric revolution” (telUK)
    Demorat McAuliffe:
    “GreenTech, the electric car company once led by McAuliffe, files for bankruptcy”
    “The electric car company founded by former Gov. Terry McAuliffe filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy this week, blaming in part a wave of negative coverage by a conservative news website for its financial woes.
    GreenTech Automotive’s bankruptcy petition cites 76 articles by the website Watchdog.org it says “negatively affected governmental, investor and public perception of GreenTech” and prompted investigations by the Securities and Exchange Commission and the Department of Homeland Security.
    GreenTech in 2013 sued Watchdog.org, operated by the Franklin Center for Government and Public Integrity, for $85 million. A judge dismissed the case in 2014.”

  27. what a coincidence.
    fyi, an hour and 1/2 ago, I just took the first step to leave fully HALF my estate to a wildlife rehabilitation organization.
    I truly, deeplu respect wildlife and ALL that implies, which most assuredly does NOT include charters to ‘see the orcas in their natural habitat’.
    BLAT. wrong answer !!! LEAVE THEM ALONE. STOP *harassing them* to ‘get a better shot’. ferfcuksake use a small drone if you have to but again, NOT in a manner to put them at risk if the thing was to fall out of the air etc.

  28. this:
    this puts a lump in my throat. the hope for the future when all the crud and injustice is a looooong distant and quickly fading memory.
    but in the present, I CHOOSE to be fierce unwavering and totally unafraid advocate for JUSTICE and TRUTH and true equality and respect for others *including myself*. Im white, 66 yrs, the product of poverty and sexual abuse. but I ROSE ABOVE IT because something, somehow kept a whisper in my heart that it would get better. and it did. that FACT tells me that despite the current ‘death spiral’ towards the ground we are witnessing, it will all, again, one day, get better.
    in the mean time I continue to throw VICIOUS and *very deserved* criticisms at the buffoonery and self serving BAST**DS running rough shod over the CENTURIES of work and success of our previous generations.
    and a hearty tq tq tq to Kate and you contributors for providing a constant source of new targets. and I might add, a HUGE tq to the American military for *going after* a different set of targets.

  29. AGW Kills: Update.
    “Snow, high winds paralyse Europe airports, trap drivers; cold causes more deaths”
    “An extreme cold snap across Europe has claimed more lives, forced the closure of airports in Scotland, Switzerland, France and Ireland, and left hundreds of drivers stranded on snowy highways.
    Heavy snow and high winds halted all flights in and out of Dublin Airport on Thursday (Friday NZ time), with authorities saying they are unlikely to resume until Saturday. Irish Rail said no trains are likely to run until Saturday.
    Forecasters said a new storm is bringing blizzards, 100kmh winds, freezing rain and thunderstorms to Ireland, southwestern England and Wales later on Thursday. It predicted zero visibility and deep pockets of snow.”
    “Winter storm WARNINGS in southern Ontario, up to 30 cm ahead” (wnet)

  30. Funny how your memory can recall certain things when you can’t remember what you had for lunch.
    When the Montreal Olympic games were being held a man on a Montreal street was asked by a reporter how he was enjoying the spectacle.
    “I hate it,” he said “the city has turned into a gigantic jock strap”
    Aggressive cynicism combined with an unexpected metaphor.
    The guy was likely a lefty back when lefties hated sports.
    Today sport and big government leftism seem to be more aligned than they once were.

  31. PET POT Cemetery Report.
    Stupid Liberal Justine say, Just don’t watch Moi*.
    “WATCH: Liberals say Trump tariffs on steel, aluminum ‘unacceptable’”
    “Trump’s tariff announcement leaves Canadian steel, aluminum producers in limbo”
    “The new tariffs could also throw a wrench into the ongoing renegotiation of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA).
    The talks between Canada, the U.S. and Mexico have been tense at times, and are now in their seventh round with no sign of a breakthrough.”
    *Tuque tip PETSr.

  32. PET POT Cemetery Report.
    Stupid Justine Sings, Oh! Say, Moi Can’t See.
    “More companies are saying no thanks to investing in Canada.”
    “Canada Signals ‘Trade War’ in Seeking Steel, Aluminum Exemptions”
    “Canada is vowing to retaliate if U.S. President Donald Trump makes good on his pledge to impose steep tariffs on steel and aluminum producers — while holding out hope that it could be exempt.” (blmbg)
    “Investment Chill Grips Canada Amid Oil Woes and Trump Threats”
    “Capex, FDI languish with firms hitting production constraints
    Government opts not to match U.S. tax cuts in its budget”
    “More companies are saying no thanks to investing in Canada.”

  33. AGW Kills.
    You like MSM’s “‘weird’ weather”?
    Red-Green Blob professor spills its blather: Global cooling?
    “It’s not clear if this year’s cold spell across Europe is unique or the first of many severe weather changes.
    “The causal relationship is always hard to make with just one event,” said Prof. Kaleschke. “The question is whether this ‘weird’ weather will happen more often now or will this be just a one-time event.”
    “‘Beast from the East’ brings worst winter weather in decades to Britain”
    “The beginning of March is supposed to bring warm sunshine and flowers to Britain, not 50 centimetres of snow and blizzards so bad they leave hundreds of motorists stranded, shut down cities and prompt dire warnings of risks to “life and limb.””

  34. PET Cemetery Report.
    Stupid Liberal Justine say, Why should Moi sell your chickpeas?
    “Foreign direct investment in Canada plunges to the lowest in eight years
    And for the first time in a decade foreign companies sold more Canadian businesses than they bought”
    “And the numbers continue to move in the wrong direction. According to Bloomberg data, foreign acquisitions of Canadian businesses fell to $3.8 billion in the fourth quarter, the lowest since 2009.”
