“Understand that the left doesn’t hate the NRA”

They hate you.

Just give them a listen. Those carefully selected moppet puppets are out there on TV telling Normals “We are going to outlive you.” When leftists tell you that you are going to die first, you should believe they mean it. They have a track record of making that happen.
[…] Oh, they want to have a conversation, all right. It’s a conversation about how you are going to be disarmed, disempowered, and at their mercy.

19 Replies to ““Understand that the left doesn’t hate the NRA””

  1. “It’s a conversation about how you are going to be disarmed, disempowered, and at their mercy…”
    Except the number of registered firearms in the US is estimated to be as high as 275 million. Let’s not even think about the number of unregistered firearms.
    How do they believe they’re actually going to proceed with any such disarmament?
    As always, the devil is in the details.

  2. Their kids are going to outlive them too, and hate them just as much. They are hoping to have controls in place to prevent any kind of dissent, but I wouldn’t bet on it.

  3. Strad, you know damned well he was talking about reports of incidents or actions involving firearms in A CRIMINAL ACT. For instance, if someone reported the Florida killer making threats or statements of an illegal act as it was in this case, it would have been perfectly legal to seize the weapon(s) first and apply due process after the seizure.
    Like so many laws, the power is already available and not practiced.
    I don’t like Trump but his intent was clear to me and I applaud
    him for it.

  4. “Where are guns ‘registered’ in the US?”
    Sorry, by ‘registered’ I merely meant guns estimated to be legally in private hands. And my estimate is probably a lowball one; there are no doubt millions of legacy firearms either inherited or purchased so long ago that no data exists on them.
    And again, then there are all those untold millions of illegally acquired firearms because, as we know, criminals are exempt from all federal and state firearms acquisition protocols.

  5. In the gov’t opinion, I suppose…the 2nd amendment has been turned into opinion. Everyone arguing over what daddy gov’t should do to protect and control them…thesis + antithesis = synthesis
    He also said mentally ill people shouldn’t have guns.
    “A lot of people are saying ‘oh you shouldn’t be saying that’,” Trump said. “But I don’t want mentally ill people having guns.”

  6. Empowering authorities to take guns first then apply due process sounds relatively innocuous until you actually think about it (High River?). Who determines who is mentally ill? What will the due process be? How burdensome and expensive is it? The NRA has been dealing with this issue and is far more knowledgeable about existing Laws and the Constitution than the loose cannon populist POTUS. Any caving to the left is a slippery slope to confiscation. Can anyone tell me why a nutter at 18 years of age will not be one at age 21? With parental consent, one can enlist in the US Army at 17 and without it at 18, but you won’t be legal to purchase a rifle? WTF?

  7. Gunowners in Canada have always been scapegoats. If things keep going the way they are “from my cold dead hands” will have real meaning. Not that I mean anything by that.

  8. MEC just quit carrying a product line at the behest of some Edmontonian chick and a petition because it was owned by a gun company. I’ll never set foot in that store again.

  9. The two wings of the same bird always frame the discussion to be about what daddy gov’t can do about it…Hegelian Dialectic, otherwise know as Art of the Deal, 3D chess, etc 🙂
    There Are Fewer School Shootings Now Than During The 1990s
    Four times the number of children were killed in schools in the early 1990s than today, Fox said.
    “There is not an epidemic of school shootings,” he said, adding that more kids are killed each year from pool drownings or bicycle accidents. There are around 55 million school children in the United States, and on average over the past 25 years, about 10 students per year were killed by gunfire at school, according to Fox and Fridel’s research.

  10. Make sure to tell them you won’t be back. There are alternatives. We quite patronizing MEC a number of years ago.

  11. Yet,somehow,our intellectual superiors insist that we are bigots,racists and Islamophobic, if we dare to take these people at their word.
    In our upside down,inside out politically correct illusion,accepting the statement from an individual, who says;”I hate you and intend to kill you”, as truth is wrong?
    The absolute irrationality of this mindset is baffling.
    Funny, my people speak truth.
    One says they mean to kill you,act accordingly.
    It is not a casual statement, amongst capable citizens.
    Yet when a leftist loon or a Son of the Desert Pedophile states their intention to cause death or mutilation, we are expected to let it pass?
    When the “Just Us” section of our government treats self defence as a criminal act, are they committing treason?
    As this fiasco in Broward County demonstrates, when seconds count,your friendly State Armed Protectors are minutes away, checking procedure.
    Of course arming school teachers will help, when your life is on the line, your moral perspective changes real fast..if you are a virtue posturing nitwit that is.
    President Trump is trolling all the antigun people, playing “nice” and letting them expose their positions for all to see.
    Awful lot of RINO’s in Congress.

  12. “Gotta love how Kate et alia are…”
    Pst… it’s “et alios” if you mean “and other people”; “et alia” is for “and other things”.
    A quick way to avoid this in future is to use the abbreviation “et al.” which works for both “alios” and “alia”.

  13. Sometime in the future the left may outlaw firearms. It may be at the local level first but their goal is a national outlawing. If that happens and they send police or others around to confiscate there will be dead police – or others. There will be dead citizens as well but a civil war will take place in the United States. No one on the NRA side want to see this but they are prepared for it. Remember the Bundy Ranch standoff? The Bundy supporters made the armed federal agents back down. The agent leaders will not want to back down again.

  14. *
    “desperate to avoid talking”
    don’t you mean guns & fentanyl?
    “The only outrage here is the continued persecution of people for
    committing non-crime such as drug dealing and owning guns.”

    unme, sweetie… i thought you be embarrassed to show your face
    after mounting a defense of canada’s biggest opiod dealer ever.
    you might wanna consider a little less talking yourself.
