They Admire His Basic Pricktatorship

That didn’t take long.

The Indian government has raised the import tariff for chickpeas from 40 percent to 60 percent. This is the second time India has raised the tariff.
Published in the Gazette of India on March 1, the government said the tariff is to be imposed immediately, due to circumstances that make it necessary to take immediate action.

17 Replies to “They Admire His Basic Pricktatorship”

  1. Maurice Strong must be laughing himself silly in his grave as his dream of deindustrializing Canada is happening in one term of PM butt’s regime.

  2. 30% tariff imposed on Dec.21, raised to 40% Feb.7 and now 60%.
    Trudeau might have taken his own Ag minister to India to talk about this, especially since Trudeau was met on his arrival there by India’s Ag Minister.
    Maybe the 2 Ag Ministers could have discussed Trudeau’s daily costume schedule or something.

  3. How will this affect Ralph Goodale’s constituents? His is the only riding the feds care about.

  4. When you compare the area where chickpeas are grown with a map showing the federal ridings by party, it rather looks as if Trudeau et al are letting the Indians really screw farmers in Conservative ridings. Doubt there’ll be any action from the feds.

  5. The Liberals will make up for this by exporting marijuana. Canada is already one of only 2 countries that export medical marijuana. And exports of the illegal stuff were $1.2 billion last year. I’m sure Liberals see this as a growth industry. Who needs food crops from those farmers that never vote Liberal anyway? PM Dipshit will just shrug and say “Why should I sell your chick peas? Now look at my socks!”

  6. An idiot and self-destructive move by India. Unilateral free trade is the only sensible trade policy.

  7. His constituents are provincial civil servants, health care workers, and university professors (and increasingly, administrators,) so they don’t care if the economy is destroyed, they figure the government will look after them.

  8. I don’t see the mystery surrounding the Liberals inviting a Sikh Terrorist to dinner….they have a habit of courting extremists in Canada. Extremists and their supporters tend to vote Liberal as the Conservatives tend to frown upon assassination and terrorism.
    It’s very simple, really. Look at what has happened in the last six months or so. NDP elects a new (sikh) leader. The Liberals are afraid of losing a constituency that has a long history of voting Liberal…..but who now have the option of voting for a fellow SIKH how could one day be the Prime Minister. How do you get those voters back? Easy…piss off and insult the Indian Government. BINGO!!…you have the sikh vote for at least two more elections. Justin can continue his world celebrity tour….be on more magazine covers, and exhault in the adulation conferred upon him by dint of his birth.
    Everyone is happy…..except the taxpayers of course, and the next several batch of victims of terrorism. But hey…..what’s a few more victims if it means the Liberals get to stay in Charge. Canadian voters are as predictable, as they are pathetic.

  9. Hey, I agree with UNOWHO. However, we are yet to see free trade anywhere in the world. Let’s start in Canada!

  10. Isn’t the answer picking India’s biggest export to Canada and place the same tariff on it? How hard is that?

  11. The trudeaus have always fraternized with terrorists and communist thugs. It’s a default position and one of admiration.
    PET negotiating the safe passage of the murderous FLQ terrorists to Cuba thus avoiding the Canadian judicial system and life in prison.
    A sophisticated to quebek and a slap in the face for the rest of us. FU pet.

  12. Damn! Now the chickpea farmers will have to plant something else. Damn! It’s the end of the world as we know it.
    Humus eaters hardest hit, eh?
