19 Replies to “Y2Kyoto: ‘Snowfalls are now just a thing of the past’”

  1. Well, have to ration it – so Westminster gets their heat turned off. Then all the ridings whose constituents voted in “green” MP’s. Everyone else gets gas.

  2. so Westminster gets their heat turned off
    The MPs won’t freeze, considering all the hot air they generate.

  3. Gee, we’d love to help with some LNG but our PM Butts and his idiot socks puppet are into de-carbonizing whether we want it or not.

  4. They voted for it.
    Zero sympathy.
    No bailouts.
    No rescue teams.
    Let them freeze in the dark.

  5. Canada, exporting snow and cold weather courtesy of Butts and Trudeau to help with promoting the understanding of the complexity of global warming, enjoy.

  6. Cue the brilliant Global Warming scientists to devise a scheme for towing Welsh Ice to the Arctic … to restore the balance upset by your Co2 generation. No need to seed clouds. Just tow English Ice Northward. Using giant sailing vessels of course. Navigating the ice-free Arctic waters. Problem solved. Your sins against Gaia are reversed thanks to eco-scientists. Don’t bother thanking them … they’ve already been amply compensated by your taxes

  7. Let’s face it, without the gulf stream, this is what a mild winter would like in Britain. London is only two degrees latitude south of Edmonton.

  8. Off topic
    Is there any way for me to block a specific commenter.
    S/he hasn’t commented on this thread yet.
    I’ve wasted enough time reading their drivel that I’m Okay with never seen my another of their comments.
    Or anyone’s response to his comments.

  9. Why?
    You are not obliged to read their comments.
    Some names are a clear roadmark, read no further, brain drench included.
    This cool weather makes me snicker.
    In the interests of fairness,cause it is 2018 and we cannot be geographically insensitive any longer..
    The Parliment of Canada must be relocated to the exact Geographical centre of this proud post nation state.
    I cannot think of a better winter time location for these parasites.
    The wind whipping across the barren landscape, no road access, polar bears following the scent of slime up from the sea.
    The cost will be well worth it.

  10. All kidding aside, just suppose that the revolving sphere we are living on has an unmeasurable, by we mere mortals, wobble in its rotation. This wobble would account for the poles migrating every 10,000 or so years. Hence we are living at the birth of the next ice age. It may take 100-150 years to really get rolling but fear not for the PM who is a master at rethinking concepts of space and time will deliver us from the Beast from the East. He will continue to dig a hole so deep in the economy with his carbon tax and green lifestyle that we’ll all freeze to death before we get buried under the coming glaciers.

  11. “The MPs won’t freeze, considering all the hot air they generate.”
    Beauty. Still I can’t help feeling for the common people who will suffer never knowing why or connecting it to their vote.
    Just as I said feeling… doesn’t mean it’s good feelings.
    Yeah, Westminster are supposedly the Commons yet they are so estranged from the common folk. God Bless the Queen.
    “and may God bless us, everyone.”
    ~tiny Tim

  12. I think mutha natue is toying with them:
    ??? WHAT?? you think YOU control the weather???? watch me lefties . . .

  13. Immediately cut off all gas supplies to climate alarmist professionals like Phil Jones and all environmentalist organizations like Greenpeace, and their membership. Then cut gas to the BBC whose official policy is to only report the warmist side. Next cut off all gas to wind and solar companies, because we know they aren’t heating their offices with their own products. Then cut off politicians who promote the scam and their families too. And so on.
    That should leave enough gas for the “deniers” to keep warm.
