54 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. That doesn’t surprise me.
    This situation began 50 years ago when West Germany imported foreign Gastarbeiter as a way of dealing with a labour shortage. Those workers stayed on. According to one of my relatives in Berlin, they formed their own neighbourhoods, complete with facilities such as schools in which only their native language was spoken.

  2. Ha HAA! Funny Pro-Putin video. Way to polish Putin’s Knob, tovarish! You good Chekist, Da?!

  3. Pride of Regina-Wascana….Gun Control Redux
    Goodale cant let a good crisis go to waste.
    The bumbling oaf can’t string together coherent sentences explaining in simplest terms how Jaspal Atwal a convicted terrorist got past the RCMP, CSIS and CBSA (his ministerial portfolios).
    But he’s ok to legalize weed adding more impaired drivers on the road and of course HAS to revisit gun control.
    Arent there already laws in place to regulate handguns and ANY gun used while a crime is being committed??
    How about more ENFORCEMENT of laws already in place!!!

  4. I have 3 dogs. One is an Olde English Bulldogge. I don’t have to check for shit, jackass. I don’t even have a doorbell. My dogs are my doorbell.
    A mouse couldn’t even get in my house.
    If you or any of your Leftist faggy Trash associates were to try to enter my home or hide under my bed, my Bully Boy would rip your heart out your asshole. I shit you not. My boy Sirius crushes bones for snacks and funzzies. He is a one-Bite-dog from a one-Bite-dog breed and if you meet him your time on this earth will be short.
    (and my carpet cleaning will be long)

  5. Funny? You really have to be as pathetic as the target demographic of this POS to find this to find it funny.

  6. I didn’t realize some of you had a government placed gay guy living with you. Or are the government placed gay guy. My bad.

  7. Trudeau’s family trip to India is difficult to forget, the more you think of it the more unbelievable it is.
    Representing the people of Canada and expecting to drum up trade, be taken seriously, by wearing ceremonial garb picked up at some costume rental is asinine. They succeeded in making a laughing stock of themselves and embarrassing us all.
    Can anyone even visualize Stephen Harper doing such a thing?

  8. “This situation began 50 years ago when West Germany imported foreign Gastarbeiter as a way of dealing with a labour shortage. Those workers stayed on. According to one of my relatives in Berlin, they formed their own neighbourhoods, complete with facilities such as schools in which only their native language was spoken.”
    The Gastarbeiters aren’t the problem here; they were mostly Turkish and are now a couple of generations into the country.
    The problem is the current wave of asylum-seekers et al., not the Gastarbeiter community of 50 years ago.

  9. “‘There are such areas and one has to call them by their name and do something about them,’ she said.
    Asked to name the areas, Merkel’s spokesman Steffen Seibert told reporters today ‘the chancellor’s words speak for themselves.'”
    Translation: they don’t exist. Merkel is pandering to Germany’s equivalent of Trumptards. In any event, neighborhoods that others ‘fear to enter’ aren’t ‘no go zones’. NGZs are places where the government just doesn’t control. Bad neighborhoods are found all over the world.
    Meanwhile, in the world of real problems, President DealMaker has shaved 2% of the DJI with his retarded trade policies, and says that ‘trade wars are good, and easy to “win”‘.
    I guess this is his way of enacting gun control, you know since guns are made of steel which will now be more expensive along with aluminum. Too bad cars, appliances, refineries, and pipelines are too and that is why a bunch of them won’t be built in America now.

  10. “Eat this UnMe!” Don’t waste your breath.
    The worldā€™s largest LNG trader, Royal Dutch Shell Plc, believes there will be a massive 275 million tonne supply shortage beginning in 2020 as an investment decision looms for its proposed plant on Canadaā€™s West Coast.
    A number of LNG plants were planned in Canada during the last LNG rush, but most of them were cancelled due to a combination of high cost of building projects in greenfield sites in British Columbia, low gas prices and competition from other jurisdictions such as the United States.
    However, Shell ā€“ along with partners Korea Gas Corp., PetroChina and Mitsubishi Corp. ā€“ is nearing an investment decision for the LNG Canada project in Kitimat, B.C. that could alleviate roughly 10 per cent of that shortfall, exporting as much as 26 tonnes per year.
    Don’t hold your breath hoping this will pass, as Prime Minister Dressup will find a way to kibosh this resource initiative.

  11. I just had to mention that I strongly dislike the term ‘no go zone’ and find it very misleading.
    I personally ‘denied’ their existence for a long time, but only because ‘no go’ seems to have a different meaning to most everybody else than it does to me. I researched, looking for stories of ANY neighborhoods in Europe where first responders regularly refused to enter, there was NOT ONE that I could find. To me, THAT is what should be accurately defined as a NO GO zone. But, I did find lots of European neighborhoods that are under siege by Muslim immigrants and where emergency personnel, even cops themselves, are regularly targeted when they enter. Sadly, even some local media were using the term ‘no go’ to describe these areas.
    So, in a rare show of accuracy and transparency in this partisan world, I think we should stop calling these immigrant hellholes ‘no go’ zones. Another problem with the term is that it DOES NOT mention Muslim or Islam in it. Hell, why don’t we just put all the cards on the table and call these areas what they actually are…. the new front line in the bloody war against Islamic domination!
    Anyways, quibbling about definitions changes nothing about the fact that ME immigrants are turning enclaves of Europe into lawless ghettos. Still, it is shocking that hardcore globaist Merkel would dare utter the loaded term in public, though.
    Way to go, EU! The French have taught you all very well on the fine art of submission.

  12. The problem is the current wave of asylum-seekers et al., not the Gastarbeiter community of 50 years ago.
    Many of the problems Germany now experiences began with the Gastarbeiter. Many refused to integrate with German society, they formed their own enclaves, and they demanded cultural concessions, and got them.
    This often led to friction with the rest of the citizenry.

  13. AGW Kills.
    “UK weather recap as girl, 7, became 10th victim of horrific weather and more snow was forecast
    Severe ‘red’ weather warnings were issued in Scotland, Wales and Devon as the army was called in amid travel chaos”
    “Record cold and snow around the globe linked to ā€˜global warmingā€™
    ‘Big Freeze Means Global Warming Is Worse Than Ever, Alarmists Warn'”

  14. I’m a bit of a stickler on accuracy in geography, especially in news stories. Hence, I thought the the Drudge link that was up all day yesterday (Forbes article) was kind of humorous. Apparently, Boise City, Idaho is the fastest growing city in the US. There is no Boise City, Idaho. There is a Boise. The real Boise City is about four states away. In Oklahoma.

  15. Liz J:
    Liberals bill it as a successful trade mission, yet yesterday India increased duties on chickpeas by 50%, and Jr didn’t even have room on the junket for the Agr Minister whoever that is. Also note that Goodale, and other Liberals answering questions Jr will not, insist on repeating the party line of $1B investment, even though the correct figure is $250M. Should be apparent by now, trade missions just aren’t Jr’s thing.

  16. PET POT Cemetery Report.
    Idem: Canadian Liberal PM Lester Pearson, Stupid Justine Liberal’s political ancestor say, Better Red than dead.
    “Red Famine, Stalinā€™s deliberate starvation of millions of Ukrainian peasants in the early 1930s fully deserves its place among these, the worst infamies in human history.”
    “You can now go to prison in Canada for providing raw milk. Seriously” (FP)
    “Starving Venezuelans Abandon Dogs, Buy Dog Food for Themselves” (breitbart)
    “Red Famine, Stalinā€™s deliberate starvation of millions of Ukrainian peasants in the early 1930s fully deserves its place among these, the worst infamies in human history.”
    “Starved for Communism
    Review of ‘Red Famine’ By Anne Applebaum”
    “In the middle decades of the bloodiest century in human history, new technology made it possible for civilian men, women, and children to be murdered in the millions simply for who or what or where they were.
    The Armenian genocide of 1915, the Holocaust of the 1940s, the Great Leap Forward of the 1950s, the Cultural Revolution of the 1960s, and Pol Potā€™s slaughter of the Cambodian urban population in the 1970s are the most notable on the list.
    But, as Anne Applebaum shows in her beautifully written and deeply disturbing new book, Red Famine, Stalinā€™s deliberate starvation of millions of Ukrainian peasants in the early 1930s fully deserves its place among these, the worst infamies in human history.
    Applebaum, a columnist for the Washington Post and the author of highly regarded books on the history of Eastern Europe after World War II and the Soviet Gulag, has written a profoundly detailed but never boring history of this vast human tragedy.
    In the histories of nations, geography is often destiny, and Ukraine is both fortunate and unfortunate in this respect.”

  17. AGW Kills.
    “Nor’easter Grounds Flights, Leaves Thousands Without Power”
    “Coastal flooding expected from Maine to Virginia on Friday
    Slow-moving storm may dump heavy snow on upstate New York”
    “A potentially record-breaking norā€™easter began pummeling the U.S. East Coast with wind, snow and rain Friday, grounding more than 1,800 flights and putting billions of dollars of coastal real estate at risk from ā€œunprecedented flooding.ā€”
    Bolshevik Wynnetario:

  18. *
    “unme shrieks… Merkel is pandering to Germany’s equivalent
    of Trumptards.”

    unme, sweetie… i thought you be embarrassed to show your face
    after mounting a defense of canada’s biggest opiod dealer ever…
    “The only outrage here is the continued persecution of people for
    committing non-crime such as drug dealing and owning guns.”


  19. is this tacit admission the whole friggin province is suffering a form of dementia?

  20. is it right to kill a bully?
    when a victim kills their tormentor, this happens:
    – it works instantly
    – it works completely
    – it works every time
    – it works permanently
    kinda like a baseball ‘grand slam’
    is there *any* area of human endeavor that comes with such an effective sol’n to a problem? any? religion, medicine, technology, politics, finance, social programs? ANY?
    furthermore, when a victim kills their tormentor, this also happens:
    – the bully stops bullying them (see above)
    – the bully stop bullying anyone else
    – other bullies see what happened and stop bullying that victim
    – hopefully other victims likewise see what happened and proceed to kill anyone bullying them
    ANOTHER ‘grand slam’. I cannot think of any other area in human experience, anywhere in the world at any time that has TWO very very convincing SETS of reasons for utilizing that solution.
    so, again, given the effectiveness of this countermeasure, *is it right to kill a bully*?
    just a thought.
    p.s., I was 12 yrs old when a schoolyard bully decided it was his turn to knock me on my ass like he had seen others do. I proceeded to pout out 7 YEARS of fury and pummeled him the worst he had ever experienced. he hung himself soon after because of the humiliation.
    I killed a bully at 12 yrs of age and ALL the above followed suit.

  21. Liz
    He did say
    “Ready right now to do those things that Stephen Harper won’t do ”
    Juthtin likely believes that if he recieves a round of applause in front of a crowd he’s done his job.

  22. Who needs standards? Outcome is all that matters….
    Women comprise just 10 per cent of police candidates in Ontario, and more than half of them fail physical testing required to apply for a job. At a time when police services ā€” including Ottawaā€™s ā€” are trying to become more diverse, those numbers are causing concerns.

  23. Germany is in suspense
    463,000 SPD members will vote whether or not the Socialists will honor an agreement to form a coalition with Merkelā€™s ā€œcentristā€ CDU/CDS party. Apparently a dog named Lima is eligible to vote, raising doubts regarding the validity of this whole process
    All of Europe anticipates a YES vote. Germans are less sanguine
    The rebel youth wing of the SPD refuses to tow the party line
    Macron in Paris is particularly irked as he is bent on imposing a politically correct United States of Europe where national identity becomes a relic of the past and the EU anthymn is replaced with John Lennonā€™s song: ā€œImagineā€… everywhere in Europe that is, except France

  24. Germany is in suspense
    463,000 SPD members will vote whether or not the Socialists will honor an agreement to form a coalition with Merkelā€™s ā€œcentristā€ CDU/CDS party. Apparently a dog named Lima is eligible to vote, raising doubts regarding the validity of this whole process
    All of Europe anticipates a YES vote. Germans are less sanguine
    The rebel youth wing of the SPD refuses to tow the party line
    Macron in Paris is particularly irked as he is bent on imposing a politically correct United States of Europe where national identity becomes a relic of the past and the EU anthymn is replaced with John Lennonā€™s song: ā€œImagineā€… everywhere in Europe that is, except France

  25. Germany is in suspense
    463,000 SPD members will vote whether or not the Socialists will honor an agreement to form a coalition with Merkelā€™s ā€œcentristā€ CDU/CDS party. Apparently a dog named Lima is eligible to vote, raising doubts regarding the validity of this whole process
    All of Europe anticipates a YES vote. Germans are less sanguine
    The rebel youth wing of the SPD refuses to tow the party line
    Macron in Paris is particularly irked as he is bent on imposing a politically correct United States of Europe where national identity becomes a relic of the past and the EU anthymn is replaced with John Lennonā€™s song: ā€œImagineā€… everywhere in Europe that is, except France

  26. Nah, it is not about you realizing anything or not. It is about you being a low IQ dipshit who finds Pootin’s torturous attempt at humor funny.

  27. PET POT Cemetery Report.
    Stupid Liberal Justine ask, What’s the name of the C leader?
    Poller Pricker say,
    “ā€œThe remarkable thing about it is very little of it has to do with any of the qualities of the opposition parties.”
    “Justin Trudeau would lose if an election were held tomorrow, India trip a symptom of shift in mood: Ipsos poll
    If a federal election were held tomorrow, the Conservatives would win.
    According to a new Ipsos poll conducted exclusively for Global News, public reaction to a recent troubled trip by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to India two weeks ago might be a symptom of a growing problem.
    Liberals would win 33 per cent of the national popular decided vote if Canadians went to the polls this weekend, while Andrew Scheer and the Conservatives would receive 38 per cent of the same vote and win the election.”

  28. PET POT Cemetery Report.
    Stupid Liberal Justine say, This is not a damning condemnation of Moi; nor, should it be conscrewed as such.
    “If the Prime Minister does not act immediately to address this problem of his own making, the domestic damage to the credibility of the NSA and the international damage will be long-lasting.”
    “Photos of him [Manveer Singh Saini] and his family holding signs that state Prime Minister Modi of India is a terrorist would seem to indicate a lack of journalist integrity for such a trip.”
    “Failed Integrity: The National Security Adviser and the Trudeau Trip to India”
    “Prime Minister Trudeau has set the wheels in motion for an internal government crisis with serious international implications.”
    “Initially blaming a backbench Member of Parliament, then denying that the Prime Minister knew Mr Atwal, and then blaming the Government of India for the entire situation simply does not pass the smell test.
    India, if it chooses, could demand a formal apology, thus further damaging this governmentā€™s already shaky reputation on international matters.
    If the Prime Minister does not act immediately to address this problem of his own making, the domestic damage to the credibility of the NSA and the international damage will be long-lasting.”

  29. Excellent. I thought Canadians were stupid, but maybe they are not that stupid and are waking up to the Liberal nonsense we are being force-fed. On another note, a huge chunk of money is going to Status of Women (or whatever it will have as a new name). Monsef leads SoW. So do we know her citizenship status at this point or is it being ignored? Now I don’t mean to go after her in a personal way, but surely this is an issue. Some people feel bad for her because the “lie” was from her mother. I do not feel sorry for her because she is only in that position because she is an immigrant and the right religion. I also have some concerns about her ties to Iran. I believe she made trips there not so long ago. I do not think she has cleared herself at this point of the questionable citizenship issue.

  30. PET POT Cemetery Report.
    Stupid Liberal Justine’s Atwal Affair Scandal.
    The Liberal Party elohtihs is not capable of accommodating together both Stupid & his Sikh MP.
    Trudeau must step down, quit, retire to the Senate even; exit stage Left.
    “EXCLUSIVE: Surrey MP Randeep Sarai speaks out for the first time since Atwal controversy
    ā€˜I didnā€™t invite the person,ā€™ he said of Jaspal Atwal”
    “ā€œI didnā€™t invited the person,ā€ he said of Atwal. ā€œHeā€™s a media personality; heā€™s associated with Media Waves, the radio, and heā€™s there for, around everwhere. We did go on his radio pre-election, kind of during the writ period time, afterwards Iā€™ve been on it a couple of times, heā€™s been around socially in the community here in Surrey for years now.
    Iā€™ve seen him around but I donā€™t have anything beyond socially when we see him at media events or at public events, I donā€™t have any other relationship with him.ā€
    READ ALSO:Embattled Surrey MP Sarai steps down as caucus chair”

  31. “the fact that ME immigrants are turning enclaves of Europe into lawless ghetto”
    That’s a lie. There’s no evidence of this. There’s also no evidence that MJ legalization will increase the number of impaired drivers on the road as someone else asserted.

  32. AGW Kills.
    “Four skiers killed in French Alps avalanche”
    “The French Alps have experienced heavy snowfall since the start of the week, as a blast of icy weather from Siberia ā€“ dubbed ā€œthe Beast from the Eastā€ ā€“ engulfs Europe.
    ā€œA lot of snow had fallen the past few days and the warmer weather since Thursday has destabilised the fresh snowpack,ā€ said Jean-Gabriel Delacroy of the Alpes-Maritimes prefecture.
    The avalanche risk for the region is high, currently at four on a scale of one to five, according to the Meteo France weather agency.”

  33. PET POT Cemetery Report.
    Next up: Stupid’s Chickpea tourney results.
    “Trump doesnā€™t need to rip up NAFTA ā€“ heā€™s already winning” (G-M)
    “‘Canadian team is absolutely furious’: Trump’s steel trade war threats sour NAFTA talks” (FP)
    “Economy slows more quickly than expected, lowering bets of Bank of Canada rate hike next week
    The slump was driven in large part by household spending, which fell to its slowest pace in two years”

  34. PET POT Cemetery Report.
    Stupid Justine Liberal …
    “TRAIN WRECK: Watch Trudeauā€™s Incoherent Attempt To Discuss Steel Tariffs
    Uhā€¦ Ummmā€¦ Uhhhā€¦ Canada is not in good hands.
    Justin Trudeau tried to discuss Donald Trumpā€™s plan to impose tariffs on steel and aluminum imports.
    He attempted to explain the trade relationship between Canada and the US when it comes to steel.
    It was a train wreck.
    Between the umms and uhhs, Trudeau had to start his thoughts over and over again, and couldnā€™t explain trade surpluses.
    Watch the video below:”.

  35. AGW Kills.
    “The Met Office has announced that the UK has officially broken its record for the lowest maximum temperature for March in a 24 hour period.”
    “UK weather: Mutiny on trains as passengers let themselves out on to tracks as Storm Emma brings blizzards, floods and freezing rain”
    “In south-east London commuters took matters into their own hands, pressing the emergency door release and getting out onto the tracks when their train was held outside the station. As a result, all lines through Lewisham station were blocked.”
    “… hundreds of people were trapped on freezing trains overnight as railways froze. Some resorted to sleeping on luggage racks, and many complained they were not given water for hours.”

  36. “That’s a lie. There’s no evidence of this. ”
    LOL you worthless subhuman, you lie in someone’s face while simultaneously accusing them of lying. Typicall commie tactic, the more truth stares you in the face the louder you scream: “it is all lies”. Yes it is true everywhere. Everywhere you dump sufficient weight of turd world scum they will ghetto the neighborhood and civilized people will run. Applies especially to mooselimbs.
