54 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. For the last 6 months Trudeau has been boastfully taking all of the credit for job creation and an growing the economy as he continually told us he was strengthening our middle class and those working hard to join it. Watch the narrative change. The previous government will now get all the blame for the falling dollar, the lack of foreign investment, the drop in the TSX, and let`s not forget the old standby the supposed failure of Harper to get any pipelines built.

  2. “Everywhere you dump sufficient weight of turd world scum they will ghetto the neighborhood and civilized people will run. ”
    So name the neighborhood where this fantasy has played out. I dare you.

  3. *
    “So name the neighborhood where this fantasy has
    played out. I dare you.”

    oh my gawd… what sort of illiterate tool are you?
    There is almost always a link with Molenbeek,”
    commented Belgian Prime Minister Charles Michel.
    “Molenbeek is considered Europe’s ‘terrorist factory.’

    i could throw in a dozen more, but a true believer
    is never gonna budge.
    c’mon unme, let’s hear you defend the muslim
    pedophile rings in rotherham.

  4. You need examples of lawless ghettos in Europe? So when I again give you the list you will run screaming this is all lies? And you will argue that because sometimes cops are seen rushing through this or that shithole with lights and siren on and not stopping for crime it is not a lawless ghetto no-go ghetto because see seee cops go there?
    Hamtramck Michigan used to be 90% Polish, now mooselimbs invaded and Poles run, it is majority koranimal now.
    Why don’t you move to a majority koranimal area and see how long you will last?
