The Beast From the East

Europe, including the UK, has been gripped by freezing, snowy weather blowing in from Siberia. Atmospheric circulation has gone into reverse with freezing easterly winds. It has been far below zero across the whole of northern Europe all week. Global warming or solar driven climate change?
The UK has closed most of its coal-fired power generation. The 11 GW that remain have been running eye balls out all week, day and night. It has been windy, and wind has put in a strong performance, that is until the wind drops. Solar panels are buried in snow. And yesterday the UK grid operator announced we were about to run out of gas. What a mess!

The Beast from the East and European Energy Security

21 Replies to “The Beast From the East”

  1. In talking to a German resident while in Germany! He outlined the problems they were having with Solar and Wind!!! Where is intelligent thought in Canada and Britain!! Green energy cannot be relied on at present.Coal burning generators are necessary! To show how stupid it’s become look at the description –“gripped by freezing ,snowy weather”—. GLOBAL WARMING”——!

  2. Freezing in the dark may help some citizens realize Mass hysteria is Bad.
    Mass stupidity kills.
    Nothing has changed in our nature, herd beasts stampede with the herd.
    Reality in all it’s icy glory is a natural cure for virtue posturing.
    Or in old english, dying with you head crammed up you ass is a really pathetic way to go.
    Darwin Awards alround.
    As a vengeful believer in retribution in this life,I recommend the human hamster wheel of pain.
    Once the wilful destruction of our life essential systems are revealed, let those who caused it pay.
    They can be released from slavery,once they have generated,by human labour, equivalent kWatts to those they destroyed.

  3. Well said. I particularly love the phrase, “Or in old English, dying with you head crammed up you ass is a really pathetic way to go”.
    But don’t hold your breath waiting for a change in direction. Like Lemmings, we as a nation will follow the snake oil AGW pied pipers of social justice and empty factories.

  4. “Solar panels are buried in snow. And yesterday the UK grid operator announced we were about to run out of gas. What a mess!”
    Excuse me for laughing.

  5. Meanwhile back at home, the NDP Government in Alberta has a carbon tax on the only fuel we have to heat our homes. A fuel that even the far left consider a transition fuel.

  6. And why was the situation necessary? Why must we replace reliable coal and natgas with unreliable wind and solar? Why do we subsidize wind and solar and use carbon taxes to hobble fossil fuels? Why have electricity prices in places like Ontario doubled? Why do we tolerate the increase in energy poverty and losses of well paying jobs in conventional resource/energy industry?
    Because concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere went from .000150 to .000400 (150ppm to 400ppm) as the climate recovered from the Little Ice Age low temps at the end of the 1850s.
    STEM and trade/tech directed energy outcomes- reliable, affordable power and continually improving environmental performance.
    Political science and social science directed energy outcomes- unreliability, shortages, rationing, crony capitalism, high prices *and* wind and solar power that, during its operational lifetime, cannot recover its own carbon footprint from mining, manufacturing, transport, cement (concrete?) etc. So, all pain, no gain.
    “If you put the federal government in charge of the Sahara Desert, in 5 years there’d be a shortage of sand” Milton Friedman

  7. Correction .000280 to .000400 (280ppm to to 400 ppm).
    And…to avoid the ugly “denier” label. Yes, humans have increases CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere but only sunce 1950, according to the IPCC. It increased the pace but CO2 concentrations trend had been increasing naturally since the Little Ice Age.

  8. Does anyone have a site for pictures at the north pole today, March 2? I believe at this time of year the pole would still be dark with the sun below the horizon hence all the pictures shown on various “news” sites seem to show full sunshine with open water.

  9. In hindsight, it’s a damn good thing that environmentalists worldwide have been so anal about protecting trees.
    If the left’s eco-fraudsters march us down their current energy path much longer, we will need every bit of that wood.

  10. .
    I always have the same response when I read yet another climate change exploding cigar story … and that is Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha …. Oh god … hahahahahahahaha…. oh sorry, but I’ve been calling for a global cooling period for some time now and it looks like I have been correct without fudging any numbers.

  11. Don’t worry. All those windmills and solar panels will keep them toasty warm.

  12. Well, never listen to the green cult fanatics again. Either lesson learned, or screw y’all and the horses y’all rode in on.

  13. Yes, to any climate change denying twits out there. The Arctic is 20 C degrees above normal right now. This is funneling Siberian air SW into W. Europe. This kind of phenomena is happening more and more so we can expect continued extreme weather events. I’m not convinced we can do much about it but we had better learn to adapt and soon (to increased droughts, flooding, extreme temps, etc), and plan for the potentially huge social and political disruptions. For God’s sake, the Pentagon and CIA are very concerned and are making plans. So it is time for climate change deniers to go crawl in a hole and bury themselves.

  14. Who are all those “climate change deniers”? Does anyone actually think that the climate doesn’t change? If you are going to confront skeptics of CAGW, then try being a little more creative than spewing CNN talking points. Given your apparent certainty on the future of “climate change”, perhaps you should lead in adaptation by moving to the “warming arctic” for example.

  15. Here’s a little helpful viewing, Singsing …
    Although I do apologize for the introduction when Dr Roy Spencer claims there are only 2-types of scientists … male and female. Clearly, he is not an expert in Genderdynamics. If he were … he would know there are at least 56-types of scientists.
    Dr Roy Spencer is NOT an expert in mental illness … from either the Warmist pathology or the Gender pathology.

  16. A few questions. During previous warming periods, Roman warming and Medieval warming, did these “extreme weather events” in the Artic occur? Sea level rise? Droughts? Flooding? Extreme temps? Do we have that level of precision to even determine if such events occurred in those warming periods (the difference between high resolution and low resolution data)? What were the benefits of warming in those periods (for fauna, flora and humans), especially compared to cooling periods?
    Next question. Are droughts, flooding and extreme temps really increasing? There’s lots of debate on that question, what’s the other side saying? I hear lots of one sided assertions surrounding catastrophic anthropogenic global warming without discussion of opposing facts and uncertainty. I find most discussions by the CAGW crowd are fundamentally dishonest.
    Final questions. How does a carbon tax fix the climate? By how much (in degrees Celsius) and when?

  17. Since I’m stuck in a question asking roll: what is the optimal global climate temperature? What is the optimal CO2 concentration? Are those optimal temps and CO2 concentration levels the same for plants, animals and humans? Who gets to make this decision? I’d like it warmer and with more plant food (CO2).

  18. It’s -18 C in Iqualit & Yellowknife, -20 C in Whitehorse right now.
    Last I learned in skule, ice & snow is still frozen at -18 C & doesn’t melt until 0 (zero) C. What’s your point?
    Wake me up when that Law of Physics changes.
