19 Replies to “Venezuela: A Textbook Case in Socialism”

  1. Yup. But, like Canada, that’s what the thick – headed bastards voted for.

  2. Yes. A free lunch does have that allure.
    Let them eat the cake they asked for. We are heading there fast also, one Mr. Dressup session and failed natural resource project at a time.
    Maybe we can trade Venezuela some peas and lentils.

  3. Perhaps pointing a wagging finger at politicos like Turdeau is taking the easy way out. Whether it is our PM or some other progressive leader the bottom line is their ilk appeals to a large segment of the population. Fundamental human weaknesses? Systemic problems with Capitalism’s ability to deliver to the lower income groups? Lack of values? Poor political leadership across the political spectrum? Disruption in society as change accelerates?
    In my last 10 years of business I could see the financial struggle so any middle class families were under as their incomes either flat lined or declined. That started in the ’90’s!
    Values change when food, clothing and shelter become questionable.
    The world takes pleasure at discounting POTUS Trump. Labeling Trump the ‘fool’ gives comfort to many because the assumption is that his removal will be a return to normality. As I keep saying, Trump is the symptom, not the disease. One can argue that even under Geo Bush the USA was beginning to ‘adjust’ their world outlook. Disengagement to save money. Who is kidding who. The Euros and Japanese are broke. No one is too sure about China. These economies ultimately depend on American leadership. The USA is slowly recognizing the threat that their debt and entitlements represent. America First is an effort to save themselves.

  4. No aid.
    No bailouts.
    No sympathy.
    They voted for it.
    They get to love it and live it.
    Although, the Jeremy Corbyn clip should be played every minute of every day in the UK.
    They consistently vote for the same things Venezuela did.
    Same rules apply to them,
    And Ontario.
    And Alberta.
    And BC.
    And Quebec.
    Stop giving to charity; you might save a socialist from starvation.

  5. This is not tragedy. It is the result of the majority of a population believing in an economic fiction and voting for it not once in the case of Chavez but twice by doubling down with Maduro. Socialism/Communism/Nazism has never worked and always results in economic devastation and some form of genocide. I have no sympathy for the people of Venezuela or Canada for that matter. If the people choose to vote for a Chavez, Maduro, Trudeau or Wynne they get what they deserve. For the rest of us, keep your head down and stay on message. That means no faux conservatives like Scheer or Brown. They are cut from the same cloth as Chavez, Maduro, Trudeau or Wynne. They just move to the left at a slightly slower pace.

  6. It is always amusing when obvious communists try to troll here. They always say things like “Systemic problems with Capitalism’s ability to deliver to the lower income groups?”, and it is always the giveaway.
    Only the evil have thoughts like “it’s capitalism’s job to deliver to lower income groups”. Capitalism’s only job is to let people prosper from their own work; if you refuse to work, you shall not eat. It is your family’s job to deliver to you, if you are lower income. Isn’t it amusing how the same people for whom capitalism should be doing your family’s job, have been working so hard for so long to destroy the family.
    When you put a can in that bin, what exactly do you think you and the food bank are doing? Do you think you are helping, or enabling? Because those two things are not the same. I am done enabling socialists in any capacity. They voted for Bob Rae, Tommy Douglas, Wynne, Maduro, Notely, Sanders, Corbyn, Pol Pot, Hitler, Stalin, … let them deal with the consequences on their own. All socialists are the same; only the timelines to the great leap forward vary.

  7. Whether it is our PM or some other progressive leader the bottom line is their ilk appeals to a large segment of the population
    Limbaugh once said that the American Republic could survive Obama; what it couldn’t survive is a people that would elect him twice.
    Trudeau Junior isn’t the problem, either; he’s also a symptom. I know a handful of allegedly center-right women who voted for him for no particular reason they could articulate, but to listen to them talk about his merits as a potential PM it was clear they were voting with their ovaries.

  8. I spent a number of summers in the arctic doing field work. The camps were full of eager undergrads masters and so on.
    Che and Chavez were the order of the day – everyday.
    They disliked my politics… I often wonder if any of those tall foreheads ever figured it out.

  9. The really essential problem here is that those that need to hear this will never have a chance.
    They are too busy with their daily lives, this is not a fault, this is a fact of life.
    A question.
    Why is it that in an up to now wealthy and prosperous country as Canada there are people that don’t know the absolute bottom base of economics?
    Even in communists schools they taught us that in order for economy to work you have to have a profit, they called it surplus, which of course is the difference between investment, expanses and net earnings.
    Why is it that there are people in this country that can’t add up. Don’t know nothing of history of Canada and the common knowledge of history of the world. Don’t know about what socialism, fascism, communism and other assorted ‘isms have done to destroy the very people that they professed to help.
    How is it that the best paid teachers (Alberta) in the whole damn world are willfully indoctrinating young minds about fabulous* economics that they don’t know nothing about.
    Yeah, the problem is ignorance, willful ignorance and illiteracy.
    *mythical · legendary · mythic · mythological · fabled · folkloric · fairy-tale · fictitious · imaginary · imagined · made up

  10. All nonsense. Venezuela’s challenges have been artificially created by Multinational Capitalist Oil Corporations who invented and deployed fracking technology for the sole purpose of crashing the market price of oil. They have willingly destroyed the American ecology in exchange for Venezuelan suffering. The Capitalist criminals are responsible for this temporary difficulty for Venezuelan Socialism. American Capitalism must be destroyed!! Exxon-Mobil must be destroyed throughout the world as we have destroyed them here in the homeland of Venezuela. We would like to thank our Socialist brother in arms, Justin Sockeye Trudeau for ceasing all production of the Canadian Oil Sands. And for blocking any and all pipelines intended to deploy that tar sands oil. Thank you, Mssr. Trudeau for helping to make Oil more scarce and profitable on the world market … whilst protecting the sacred lands of your native peoples. [sarc. over]
    See how easy this is to explain to the average North American college student who hasn’t yet passed elementary mathematics, English, or history. It’s like feeding candy to babies.
    PS … when CNN is banned for being “too right wing” … too capitalist-liar … you know your country has jumped the shark.

  11. kevin, are you referring to the economic system that evolved over THOUSANDS of years in various forms *all over the world*. kinda like why various currencies were invented, backed or not by gold, exchange rates, etc etc.
    aaaah. ya, that one. just watched a couple of episodes on history channel about the vile horror lenin and stalin inflicted on Russia in the early days. socialism Does. Not. And. Never. Will. Work. As. An. Economic. Model.
    it is counter to basic human nature, support oneself thru work, enterprise, shrewdness, reinvestment at al. where are these in the marxist ideal? NOWHERE. except maybe the ‘work’ thing where the state takes ALL of your ‘surplus’ productivity.

  12. Why is it that there are people in this country that can’t add up. Don’t know nothing of history of Canada and the common knowledge of history of the world.
    That stuff hasn’t been taught in Canadian schools for at least 30 years. I found that out when I began my post-secondary teaching position in the late 1980s.
    It’s all about self-esteem and feelings now. For example, students are pushed through school in order to make those institutions look good. If one fails a grade, one is allowed to repeat it, but, after that, they pass. Any incentive to improve oneself is thereby removed.
    I’ve got lots of stories about how I butted heads with administrators and fought idiotic policies that didn’t do the student much good nor did they benefit society as a whole.

  13. … If one fails a grade, one is allowed to repeat it, but, after that, they pass…
    I know for a FACT that NO ONE Fails – ZERO’s ARE Verbotten.! At least in Alberta
    God forbid we should allow poor grades to lessen ones self Esteem…”Oh the Humanities” – oh, wait, it’s their friggin fault.!!
    And that’s why we have uselessness in the work place…hopefully after getting turfed before the 90 day probation period, some will actually smarten up, the rest who don’t, should be left on the mountainside ala the Ancient Greeks….where they can learn some real Science…Bugs, Snakes, Cougars, Grizzly Bears and the like.

  14. I know for a FACT that NO ONE Fails – ZERO’s ARE Verbotten.! At least in Alberta
    I remember the flap that ensued after that Edmonton schoolteacher gave out that zero. That happened while Alison Redford ruled as Queen of Alberta. Of course, what does one expect from a province in which its Ministry of Education was “rebranded” as the Ministry of Learning?

  15. Kevin @ 9:42 Am and Lev @ 11:47 AM, well said.
    “Why is it that there are people in this country that can’t add up. Don’t know nothing of history of Canada and the common knowledge of history of the world.
    That stuff hasn’t been taught in Canadian schools for at least 30 years. I found that out when I began my post-secondary teaching position in the late 1980s.”
    Exactly. The last issue of Dorchester Review is basically dedicated to exposing the final stages of that Marxist takeover of Canada’s history and the rewriting of it.
    As well, a new book purchase from Amazon.ca arrived today. “Clio’s Bastards” or “the wrecking of history and the perversion of our historical consciousness”, by Curtis R. McManus (a Saskatchewan resident).
    McManus says, “Over the past four decades, academic history was slowly perverted….”; “Historians altered the content, purpose, and goals of the discipline as they sought not Truth but Justice as part of a larger ideological program of radical social change.”
    McManus ends with, “We come to our world expecting to see light and so we see light. but it is not light at all. It is rather, twilight. If we look closer, we see that the shadows have already begun growing longer. Ant there, off in the distance, we dimly apprehend a darkness, gathering, and it is coming this way”.
