Blowout 219

An eclectic mix of energy and climate news stories from around the world.

This weeks’ lead story inevitably features the Beast from the East. Was it caused by climate change? Of course it was. Stories to follow include OPEC meets the US shale producers; the plight of Venezuela’s oil workers; North Sea oil & gas; Australia buys Snowy Hydro; Fukushima nuclear releases; the Arab World’s first nuclear plant; coal in China; yet another 100% renewable study; surplus solar and cryptocurrency mining in Japan; UK zero-CO2 ad banned; a diesel car ban in Germany; GE’s gigantic new wind turbine and airdrops for starving polar bears.

Blowout 219

2 Replies to “Blowout 219”

  1. Looks like the future for some,is freezing in the dark to signal their virtue to a well armed uncaring set of elites.
    There is something inherent in us herdbeasts that we cowtow to power, until we lose it shriek, fling stuff and rip these same elites apart.
    Much of our history is made of these cycles,what they say of human nature should be taken under advisement.
    The duality of man, makes us most entertaining to watch.
    From a safe distance.

  2. Coming soon to a metropolitan area near you!
    And just to put a little juxtaposition into the mix how about this,
    Think there might be a connection in these two articles somewhere if only we had the time to explore them in depth!
