13 Replies to “Israel for Canadians”

  1. I like John Robson. His stuff is always worthwhile. This could be useful to balance against the strong pro-palestinian sentiment on the left.

  2. I agree. Robson writes fairly often in the Dorchester Review.
    Robert, pledged by me. I like hard copy in the hand.

  3. John Robson? That the guy that threw The Rebel under the bus last August during their darkest hour? The guy that, even if he did have a difference of opinions, instead of silently moving on, thought it best to write a public admonishment of his former team-mates?
    It’s one thing to distance oneself from an organization that had done something demonstrably evil. In the case of the Rebel, it was simply a conflation of events, coupled with an offer that Robson likely received from Post Media offering a regular gig in exchange for a public dissing of The Rebel in support of National Post’s laughable ‘expose’.
    I wouldn’t spend a penny supporting a Judas like Robson.

  4. “That the guy that threw The Rebel under the bus last August during their darkest hour? The guy that, even if he did have a difference of opinions, instead of silently moving on, thought it best to write a public admonishment of his former team-mates?”
    This demonstrates that he has good judgement, your rabid tribalism notwithstanding.

  5. Sorry…I don’t belong to Ezra’s Tribe. In fact, I live in Mexico and have never met the guy nor anyone associated.
    However, I do recognize a nasty back stab when I see it.

  6. How much money have they accepted from planned parenthood? Fruit of the poisoned tree.

  7. ‘kcdist’: Is this the “throwing under the bus” incident of which you spoke: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-q9JvmoVTUw
    I couldn’t imagine a more genteel, kind-hearted way for a person to say, “We’ve been friends and like-minded individuals for a long time but I’m not on board with the tone and approach that you’re now taking so I’m going to withdraw my contributions.”
    For years I’ve criticized many on the Left for an absolute group think mentality that did not allow ANY dissent from the official narrative. During the Obama years, if any member of the Leftist Tribe dared verge off of the reservation even a little, they were deemed to be a racist. More recently, Matt Damon had the “audacity” to state a fact: Not all male sexual advances automatically put them in the same category as Harvey Weinstein. We all saw how he had to do a major backtrack and mini-apology tour to rescue his career.
    Among some ardent Trump supporters, I’ve noticed a similar predilection. His recent public support for tariffs is a case in point. Wiser economic thinkers have rightly pointed out that tariffs from one country always result in tariff wars by all sides and ultimately everyone loses. But dare point out such historical facts and you’re deemed by some to be “throwing Trump under the bus”. Incorrect. You are, in fact, daring to remain an individual and expressing your honest opinion of what you sincerely believe to be a bad approach.
    John Robson’s great crime was remaining true to his convictions and politely getting off of The Rebel bus.

  8. Is there not a publication in Canada willing to run a series on the subject that would serve the same purpose?

  9. Refer to my initial post.
    If the goal of Robson was to indeed simply ‘get off the bus’ then fine. He could have quietly disappeared in the same manner as Andrew Lawton. (Don’t know why he left, but might simply have been a directive from his primary employer.) I am referring not to the video you linked, but his public statement he released a month earlier during the ‘crisis week’ – a statement that was picked up and reported on with glee by the MSM.
    What Robson did was add fuel to a fire that was already well fueled. His timing coincided exactly with the publishing of the National Post article, which obviously had been weeks (months?) in the making. It was a manufactured take down that was released with perfect timing (Faith Goldy….what was she thinking?).
    Had he had an ounce of integrity, he could have simply had a polite, private conversation with Ezra, and then ceased his contributions. What I found particularly galling is that, immediately following his public denunciation and the posting of the National Post article, he appeared to gain a somewhat steady gig with the National Post.
    There are few, if any, including Levant, who didn’t concur with the sentiment that The Rebel needed some tweeking. There was no herd mentality in place. However, to publicly quit and criticize your friend and ally when they were already in crisis mode….poor form indeed.
    (As an aside, a would love a rational discussion on The Rebel. I find Ezra’s quest fascinating. What he is trying to accomplish in a small market is a herculean struggle – Start up and operate a media company focusing on politics, without the support of main stream advertising, whilst being ridiculed, belittled and hammered from all sides from the very outset. Although he has re-hashed and ridden many political stories done elsewhere, he has also shone the spotlight in many areas that would have otherwise been hidden from view. Perhaps another day….)

  10. At the time of the Rebels darkest hour I too withdrew my financial support. I have since reconsidered. Ezra is strident and he admitted his error – but he is doing something unlike anything else on the landscape.
    I like Robson, Ezra and subcribed to the Dorchester Review in pre publication. People make mistakes

  11. I liked Ezra. At one time I would have voted for him to be PM, except he gave his seat in 1993 to some dick named Stephen Harper who did nothing of value with his parliamentary seat in 22 years.
    Anyhoo, although Ezra was reputedly a lawyer, he kept getting himself involved in one defamation suite after another and another and another and not only kept hounding me for money to pay for his schtoopid-on-steroids out-of-control-yap, but shopped my e-mail address around to like minded parasites who also hounded me for cash. As you can imagine, I no longer give Ezra Levant the time of day let alone actual money.
    Anyway I have been to a number of Jewish events. I have come to the conclusion that Jews don’t actually like non-Jews, Goyim.
    They like our money just fine, but they don’t like us at all. Kinda like Indians that way.

  12. “Israel for Canadians”
    For a moment there, I thought somebody in Israel was getting a bit dewey-eyed that the historic Canadian nation was being swamped by mass immigration advising, perhaps, that we should build a wall or something.
    Silly me, apparently there’s a danger that I haven’t been appreciating Israel nearly enough.
    If memory serves, Stephen Harper did all but ride a unicycle backwards in a tutu to bring Jews into the Conseervative party, fat lot of good it did him.
    Also, Andrew Scheer recently promised to move the Canadian embassy to Jerusalem.
    Yet more is required.

  13. If you’re referring to Harper’s support for Israel, his recent editorial in the Wall Street Journal would suggest it was more likely because he thought it was the right thing to do than pandering for Jewish votes since he has no electoral considerations now.
