28 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. Works for me. Anything that keeps Kamala or Bernie out forever.
    At least Hillary isn’t President. And never will be.

  2. Well, no doubt he subscribes to that turning the economy around on a dime stuff…:-)

  3. Trudeau family home from India, tickle trunk unpacked, Justin the Imposter has mumbled and bungled his excuses, truth not told, now it’s over. Off to March break, case closed. Vive le Canada!

  4. Decades ago there was a Corporal from Austria who wanted to:
    – remain Chancellor for life
    – keep pigmented people out of the country
    – increase military spending
    – hold huge military parades
    – protect inefficient domestic industry by keeping imports out
    – build the Westwall (Siegried Line)
    – a total and complete shutdown of Jews entering the country
    – AND
    – Make Germany Great Again
    DISCLAIMER: Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

  5. I suspect that Trump was musing about the left and their plans for the US. I recall musings about Obama going for a 3rd term. Although a president for life in the US might not be totally out of the question from either side if the continued destruction of society by the Marxists is not arrested.
    Speaking of the left becoming more radical. Former physician Ryan Meili elected leader of the Saskatchewan NDP. One supporter suggests this victory shows people’s acceptance of further to the left politicians like Bernie Sanders and Jeremy Corbyn.
    Moving toward Che?

  6. Winx Drubs Rivals in Historic Chipping Norton Score
    Australia’s super mare soared to her 16th group 1 win March 3 by seven lengths.
    Nudge Nudge Wink Wink…Away She Goes!
    Australia’s super mare swept around the field into the straight in the March 3 TAB Chipping Norton Stakes (G1) at Randwick and easily strode out to her 23rd straight win—her 16th at the group 1 level.
    The 16th group 1 decision moved her out of a tie for that record with Black Caviar.

  7. It was a joke at a luncheon moron, but go ahead and pee your pants.
    Here’s the second line of the article you linked. Conveniently you left that out. As I bet CNN will also.
    “Trump’s remarks were met with laughter and applause during a luncheon for Republican donors Saturday at his South Florida estate. CNN said it obtained a recording of the remarks.”

  8. I love Alex Jones. You get some red herrings but he reports on things CNN or MSNBC won’t go near. I suspect YouTube will approach Jones with caution. I’m not sure they want or need an anti-trust investigation. YouTube is essentially a monopoly.

  9. You forgot to mention Hitler didn’t drink alcohol.
    Hitler had a bald spot (too).
    Hitler had a retreat outside of the capital, like ____.
    Yes, I see where you’re going with this.
    Hitler limited government; no wait.
    Hitler hired Jews to head his business and had a Jewish son in law. No?
    Hitler surveilled political opponents. Dammit.
    Hitler staged an coup, a “resistance,” I think he called it a putsch, and basically bullied his way to power.
    Hitler used state power against any opposed in any way his version of political correctness.
    Oh, you mean Hitler and Hillary? They both won the popular vote after all.
    OK got it.

  10. NYSlimes’ Walter Duranty’s Ghost Haunts liberals.
    Hitler’s ghost is dead; slain by Joe Stalin-Bolshevik.
    “Making the World Safe for Communism—Again
    Fellow babblers.”
    “In an April 1976 essay in COMMENTARY titled “Making the World Safe for Communism,” Norman Podhoretz observed that “the Soviet Union has fewer apologists in the United States than ever before, but this is not because more people have become convinced that it is a wicked and dangerous country; it is because fewer and fewer people any longer consider the Soviet Union to be any better than the United States.” Third World revolutionary regimes still counted fans among liberal intellectuals, but, on the whole, the Communist project was intellectually exhausted by the 1970s.
    Would that it were still so today.
    A recent surge of Communist nostalgia suggests that a Marxist revival of sorts may be afoot in some elite American quarters. Nowhere is this more apparent than in “Red Century,” the New York Times editorial page’s yearlong series of op-eds commemorating the centenary of the October Revolution.
    The overall tone of the series can best be described as elegiac. These are columns written in regret over what became of the righteous cause of world socialist revolution.
    According to most of the authors invited to contribute to the series, their Communist protagonists were starry-eyed idealists who set out to repair the world and who made tremendous progress. The original vision was noble.
    But the grimy realities of politics, bureaucracy, and history ended up distorting that vision. Even so, the columns aim to show that, more often than not, Communism was synonymous with progress, non-conformism, and fun.”

  11. …-
    PET POT Cemetery Report.
    ““Retaliation is equivalent to grabbing yourself by the throat, putting the gun to your head and saying,‘Stop it or the dummy buys it’,”…”
    “Canada won’t be spared from Trump’s steel tax, White House official confirms'”
    “White House trade official Peter Navarro, making the rounds of weekly talk shows, said excluding one country will create a slippery slope – he said tariffs would go up on the remaining countries, and everyone else would demand the same treatment as Canada.
    “That’s not his decision,” said Navarro, when asked on Fox whether Trump would exclude anyone.”
    “Canada retaliation in U.S. tariff row ‘like grabbing your own throat'”
    “Retaliatory options all risk hurting Canada as much as they do the United States, which has an economy 10 times the size of its northern neighbor.
    “Retaliation is equivalent to grabbing yourself by the throat, putting the gun to your head and saying,‘Stop it or the dummy buys it’,” said trade lawyer Milos Barutciski at law firm Bennett Jones.”

  12. I expect it was 3D sarcasm, since presidents are selected rather than elected…doesn’t matter who the caretaker is, the general direction is always the same.

  13. I haven’t been able to find out if the listeria laden cantaloupe in Australia was grown organically or not; nothing’s being posted in the media. Does anyone here know?

  14. The omissions are glaring in that puff piece.
    Police say party of 30 people chanting and carrying banner,throwing rocks and releasing explosive projectiles, yet zero arrests.
    Now appealing to public for information…
    I guess the property owners will get the bill for the police time, to not protect their property and for not arresting vandals and arsonists.
    But beware should you decide to not pay for these nonservices.

  15. PET POT Cemetery Report.
    “Morneau says Canada ‘prepared to react’ against U.S. tariffs if necessary” (CTV)
    “Retaliation is equivalent to grabbing yourself by the throat, putting the gun to your head and saying,‘Stop it or the dummy buys it’,” said trade lawyer Milos Barutciski at law firm Bennett Jones.”

  16. AGW Kills.
    “The estimated rise in deaths, compared to a five-year average, comes as thousands face broken down boilers and fuel poverty, preventing them from heating their homes to safe temperatures.”
    “‘I got extra oil, food and logs in, knowing this was coming’:
    Ministers were warned about the Beast from the East a MONTH ago by Met Office forecaster who even stockpiled his own provisions”
    “UK weather: Big freeze death toll could rise above 2,000 as it emerges Met Office warned ministers a month ago”
    “The number of people who have died in cold homes in the UK might reach 100 per day this winter, a charity warned in an analysis of Office for National Statistics figures.”
    “The total number of cold-home deaths due to the “Beast from the East” cold front is therefore estimated to be more than 2,300.
    At least ten deaths have so far been attributed to the cold weather, but the true death toll is likely to take longer to emerge due to the increase in strokes and heart attacks linked to cold weather.
    Mr Smith’s analysis is based on ONS data from previous years and a comparable period of cold weather in the winter of 2010-11.”

  17. …-
    “Angry, fed-up Italians turn away from mainstream parties
    I’m going to vote for the ‘least worst’ is a typical reaction among the electorate on polling day”
    ““I’m voting for Salvini’s Lega because he promises to get rid of all the illegal immigrants,” said Mencarelli, who has previously voted for Berlusconi’s Forza Italia and the Christian Democrats.”

  18. Listened to radio today – Roy Green. First police on the scene radioed for backup. That took a while to arrange. The group broke up after about 25 minutes and melted into the night.

  19. I read Podhoretz and COMMENTARY lot in the 70’s. He made sense and the Soviets were in serious decline at the time finally skidding to a stop.
    They have been resurrected by the soft on communism western limousine liberals.
