Embrace Hollywood

Them vs Us.

[The Oscars] ratings disaster this year is so significant — down a whopping 20 percent compared to last year — it suggests a significant cultural shift has occurred that portends a great loss not just for the entertainment industry, but for the nation as a whole.
With this debacle, one would think its producers would snap to it and try to reverse the slide. Even the entertainment trade magazine Variety co-editor in chief vented on Twitter, “How low does the final ratings number have to be in order to prompt the Academy and ABC to freak out? Where is the bar set at which some serious changes will be made to the telecast format in order to reinvigorate the franchise?”
If they mean change the format that attacks half the population of the country to one that doesn’t, yes, that would be a good idea. But a change like that is not likely to come. For Hollywood, their rage at people who aren’t like them (conservatives, Trump supporters, Republicans, et al) has overcome any desire to return to their original mission — make movies that entertain and provide their audience with an escape from the strain of daily life.

33 Replies to “Embrace Hollywood”

  1. Let’s not ignore the impact of Netflix et al programming that offers better, more tailor-made options for consumers. Watching the oscars to see what might be worth going to see is very passe.
    Also the list of oscar-worthy movies that were also big box office was non-existent this year.

  2. Ratings for these award shows have been declining for years, but these identity fascists are certainly hastening their own demise.

  3. Why would I pay to see a movie when I know the “funny parts” or the ethical dilemmas will be built upon the ashes of religions, or small gov’t, or home schooled kids not being educated to their standards… ect..
    If I wanted to be scolded for my behavior and my thoughts, I’ll phone my sister that works for Rev Canada and ask for her opinion on anything. It won’t be entertaining, I’ll disagree with 90% of it, and the popcorn will be less than $8 for a snack.
    Sorry / not sorry Hollywood, it’ll be a long time before I spend anything in the theatres again. And for the record, none of my family (ex wife and kids) actually owns a functioning Tv. I hope your advertisers know this.

  4. This. The author is just reading himself and his values when he seriously suggests a ‘cultural shift’ is happening. I don’t really understand why people watched The Oscars in the first place.

  5. These people to do not represent my values. That is not that big a deal to me but they go beyond that. Their beliefs are destructive to society as a whole. I will go out of my way to watch a Clint Eastwood movie but he is one of the few.

  6. Spoiler alert!
    O.M.G. … just last night, the wife and I rented “3-Billboards outside Ebbing, MO” from Vudu (our HDX provider). I knew very little about this film ahead of the viewing, except that it was in the genre of “crime-thriller” (our favorite). After watching it, I suggest the correct genre is “political-cartoon” … aimed at children. Plot: cartoonish, Actors: cartoon stick figures, Dialog: stilted toward the average middle schooler. Theme: America baaaad mmmkay, esp. the Deep South, Wyoming, and Idaho. But “loving” leftist ideals will save America
    I was astounded by the number of “lessons” this film attempted to “teach” the viewers. All crammed into one disjointed, unresolved exercise in futility. Here are the Hollywooden “lessons” lectured, force-fed, and scolded (crudely and transparently) to the viewers (in no particular order)
    – Women can be tough, too … tougher than men … really NASSSty women
    – Dumbass hicks who use “fkcu” as a verb, noun, and adjective live in MO (really, the entire Deep South).
    – Cops are racists
    – Cops brutalize citizens on a whim
    – Cops are mommy-boys, who are really closeted gays
    – Cops are incompetent who read comic books instead of solving crime. Sheesh.
    – Cops make excuses for other bad cops … so their violent conduct goes unchecked
    – Black people good, white people baaaad mmmkay
    – Black women can own thriving businesses in the middle of the racist South. Huh?
    – Men are wife beaters, and the Cops don’t care
    – Peaceful Black women are harassed by marijuana laws
    – Denying your smart ass daughter car privileges will get her raped, murdered, and burned.
    – Actively parenting your wayward kids is gonna get em killed
    – “Ebbing” (a make-believe town) … as in “receding” … the racist South is receding (thanks to leftists who LOVE).
    – Hey all you ollllld people … you are asleep and dying on your couch … your era of HATE is over
    – The Catholic Church is evil and has no moral authority
    – The Catholic Church is closeting their own gayness
    – The Catholic Church is owned and operated by rich people
    – Dwarfs are people too … better people than shit-kickin Southerners … hey! Game of Thrones!
    – Even heinous Southerners can be “transformed” by LOVE
    – Men are really pedophiles at heart
    – Cute young women are really DUMB
    – Cute, young, DUMB women can be SAVED … if they volunteer to help liberated zoo animals
    – Suicide is noble, esp. if you leave LOVE notes behind.
    – Suicide saves the healthcare system a lot of money and personal suffering
    – Sex is always awesome, even in front of your young daughters
    – Woody Harrelson has a really nice cawk
    – Burning-down a Racist Police Station/Dept. is entirely justifiable
    – There is no justice in the world … evil deeds go unpunished
    – Ex military operatives are psychotic rapists … who live in Idaho
    – Ex military operatives raped, murdered, and burned Muslims … over there (implied)
    – Ex military operatives deserve to be murdered by vigilante leftist
    – Ex military who raped, murdered, and burned … over there … will do it here too
    – Fatalism rules the Universe. One wrong choice, and you’ll be raped, murdered, and burned.
    – Women of the Deep South are: ignorant, rageaholic, survivors of domestic abuse, incompetent mothers, who blame others for their own failings, yet are vindicated and saved by their questioning-lesbian-womanism.
    I should have known better, as EVERY film featuring Woody Harrelson is a leftist diatribe about something baaaad mmmmkay about America. This film is a farce and so much more (no wonder it is rated 92% by Rotten Tomatoes). This film attempts paint ridiculous charactitures about far too many issues all clumsily cobbled into a messy package of unresolved conflict, violence, and horror. The writer of this tripe is a sick puppy. A sick, America-hating, white-hating, Dixie-hating, military-hating, man-hating Leftist tool. And a really piss-poor writer to boot.

  7. “- Cops are racists
    – Cops brutalize citizens on a whim
    – Cops are mommy-boys, who are really closeted gays
    – Cops are incompetent who read comic books instead of solving crime. Sheesh.
    – Cops make excuses for other bad cops … so their violent conduct goes unchecked”
    The middle point is iffy but the rest of it sounds like an observation of plain reality, like it could be a documentary. Don’t trust cops.
    These points are also completely true:
    – Peaceful Black women are harassed by marijuana laws
    – The Catholic Church is evil and has no moral authority

  8. I like Netflix. They’re (somewhat) breaking the binds of Hollywood as the only means of film entertainment. They sometimes (perhaps wastefully) are even taking chances on up-and-comers and new entrants into the biz.
    I fear for Netflix.

  9. Typical leftist. “Cops are hateful racists who beat down the non-white guy but they’re the only ones we trust to have guns!!”

  10. Sacheen Littlefeather and Marlon Brando started this decline into politics some 45 years ago and the descent continues unabated at an exponential rate.

  11. Netflix and other streaming services have the benefit of perfect market intelligence. They know exactly who’s watching what, when and for how long. They know if you bail out of a series after two episodes and never go back; they know if you binge watch the whole thing. They had a brief flirtation with social justice foolishness a year or so back and it’s quietly gone away; they know, better than most, the truth of the “get woke, go broke” mantra.

  12. Anyone who has seen this CRAP film … and actually BELIEVES the portrayal of police are anything even close to reality … are truly warped individuals … who are living cartoon lives in the midst of reality (much like the writer of this dreck).
    THIS film is why Hollywood is losing viewership. This was the FIRST, ONLY, and LAST Academy Award nominated film of this past year that I will EVER watch. And here I thought a “crime-thriller” would be free of leftist indoctrination … sheesh.

  13. Good point about their metrics.
    But I’m more worried about who in his high castle sees their growing influence as means to an end and as seems to be happening with Twitter, Youtube, Google, Facebook….
    I hope straight up capitalism prevails and it should go without saying, that includes healthy competition.

  14. In the early days of the California film industry no self respecting Californian would allow their name to be associated with anyone from Hollywood.Looks like history should be repeated.

  15. If anything, cops are worse than depicted in the film. It varies from department to department, but in general they should be viewed as a gang of scared animals with a license to kill.

  16. “With this debacle, one would think its producers would snap to it and try to reverse the slide.”
    Hell, no! They will double down.

  17. Unme
    You seem to have issues with the Police. Is it your demeanor around them that draws attention? Do you look and dress like a lowlife up to no good? You should think on what it is about you that draws the Police to look at you as a potential criminal.

  18. And in the red corner we have mooselimb fellating UnMoron. And in the blue corner we have JBT fellating law and order morons. Place your bets who will swallow the first load.

  19. “I don’t really understand why people watched The Oscars in the first place.”
    Personally, I’d rather climb the Himalayas in clogs than watch them.

  20. “Where is the bar set at which some serious changes will be made to the telecast format in order to reinvigorate the franchise?”
    Har Har…. It ain’t the FORMAT, you out of touch morons…. it is the CONTENT!
    You can tweak the Format all you want: as long as you feature brain dead actors and actresses who are incapable of writing their own lines lecturing us, we will find more important things to do…. toenails to clip, tea to drink….
    You wanna talk “Woke”? How about the slightly-over-half-the-population that has finally realized that you, Hollywood and Entertainment industry, are actively at War with everything we believe in and hold dear. We no longer even pretend to care.

  21. Hate to break it to you but outside of shitholes like North Korea a person’s choice of clothing is not a reason for JBTs to harass them?

  22. “Cops make excuses for other bad cops … so their violent conduct goes unchecked”
    How is this even remotely controversial?

  23. I haven’t paid to see a movie in a theatre for nearly 25 years.
    From what I’ve seen on cable in recent years, I didn’t miss much. I think the last flick I might have been willing to see would have been Master and Commander, and that was made early in the previous decade.

  24. I remember seeing the Brando/Littlefeather stunt on TV and wondering what happened.
    I stopped watching after Vanessa Redgrave’s political diatribe during the 1978 Oscars. I remember how the audience gasped in horror that she should take the occasion to do that. A short while later, Paddy Chayefsky raked her over the coals for it.

  25. *
    “unme squeals… it could be a documentary.
    Don’t trust cops.”

    yeah, yeah, french connection… we know where you stand.
    “The only outrage here is the continued persecution of people for
    committing non-crime such as drug dealing and owning guns.”

    a proud criminal.

  26. Indeed. It’s in the same tradition of movies such as Captain Blood and The Sea Hawk. I need to add all 3 to my DVD collection.

  27. “– it suggests a significant cultural shift has occurred that portends a great loss not just for the entertainment industry, but for the nation as a whole.”
    Leftist entertainers have been stridently politically active and The Right has become, ‘WOKE’. That there is the ‘cultural shift’ which you bemoan.
    Boo-frickin’-hoo. They put their own collective foot in their mouth and then shot themselves in the foot. It was suicide on their part.
