18 Replies to “Rocket Barbie”

  1. Why does the Hans Blix scene from Team America come to mind. Talk about a puffed up flyweight!

  2. The US has Team America negotiating while Canada has Team Amateur negotiating. Madame Freeland did not update us on the Feminist and Environmental Chapters of NAFTA. Maybe Justine has to check with MooShell first?

  3. Yeah – I am SOOOOOOO sure both Trump AND Kimmie give an entire $hit between them about Canada, Chrystia Freeland’s (or her boss’s) overinflated ego notwithstanding…

  4. This government is a political satirist’s dream.
    …too bad satire is dead in this grim new PC age.

  5. Even the CBC didn’t bite on that one, simply defining Canada’s role as ‘watching’.
    Freeland tried a few innuendos to suggest that Canada had a hand in facilitating this tentative meeting. I call bullshit, because if they did they would currently be embarrassing us with their self-promotion on how Justin’s Liberals saved the world.

  6. Mr. Dressup has a tickle trunk full of traditional North Korean Costumes and some Mao Jackets he inherited from his father that he’s dying to share with the Donald.

  7. ….Canada’s Socialist Government is impressed by NOKO
    advances in stopping “Global Warming”, than in taking
    Nukes away from the Short Fat Tyrant, who slaves his
    own people. Oh Canada….ooops!

  8. I think Hongcouver would be an AWESOME location for the Sake-summit between Rocket-boy and President Trump. I believe that Rocket-boy would feel … safe … meeting in the People’s Republic of Canada. Your Sockeye PM would guarantee Rocket-boy’s safety … and welcome him with a red carpet and matching hosiery.

  9. Freeland is truly cringeworthy, a special kind, as part of a cringeworthy cabinet.
    Exactly what is in her background to qualify? Vagina?
    From what Is published, she ran media conglomerates into the background, and her granddaddy was a Ukrainian Fascist in WWII…..hmmmmmmm……..

  10. “I call bullshit,…” Bingo! A three word perfect summation of Rocket Barbie’s verbal selfie.

  11. Freeland is a self aggrandizing puffed up phoney who permanently has that smug look of ‘I’m chrystia freeland and you’re not’ on her face.
    She was a Russian stringer in the news business who probably lived in her car for most of her life. A self appointed expert on Russia who couldn’t pack water to the people that actually know Russia – think Anne Applebaum or Condi Rice for that matter. Completely out of her depth.

  12. I often wonder how people in this country can sleep peacefully at night knowing that (post-national and Soros vassal state) Canada governed by the likes of Mr. Dressup, Climate Barbie, and Rocket Barbie.
    We would have been better off if we had elected the Keystone Kops instead.

  13. Geez, she’s almost as wonderfully humble and full of bullshit as our defence minister.

  14. Has the Nobel Peace Prize committee been informed about Freeland.
    The world should be apprised when we’re talking about Canada’s own Superwoman.

  15. “Canada has laid a lot of the groundwork leading up to this point, Freeland told The House.”
    HA! What a crock. All President Trump or even his Secretary of State Rex Tillerson has to say is, “No, Canada didn’t lay any ground work.”, and Freeland has smeg all over her schtoopid face. And YEAH, you have to be pretty schtoopid to set yourself up like that for a easy schlonging.

  16. So this is our principal NAFTA negotiator, you have to be joking if you think that she is even remotely qualified for that position. The Americans don t send the office boy to attend meetings and negotiate with knowledgeable, high ranking officials who are usually very experienced in their area of expertise. She is not up to the job and will be lucky to come back with ” Made In The USA ” stamped on her A$$. Good bye Free Trade hello 55 cent CDN Dollar.
