12 Replies to “Wynneing!”

  1. The (wife) beatings will continue until their moral improves and progressive politicians are no longer dhimmis.

  2. Your daily reminder that leftists who claim to be Christians are liars and the United Church is an evil agent of Satan:
    NDP MPP and women’s issues critic Cheri Di Novo said this is an example of why politicians should read the books they “endorse.”
    “As a United Church minister, there are many comments in the Bible that require understanding the time in which they were written, when women were considered ‘property’ and had few rights,” she said. “One should never mistake them as the word of God.”

  3. Considering that, under that “faith” that we are not allowed to disparage, a wife with an independent attitude is considered immoral and must be beaten into submission, you may have been correct the first time.

  4. This particular MPP should be booted out, he’s been nothing but incompetent in every portfolio Wynne has given him. He goofs up one and she gives him another….it’s all about politics of the stupid for the stupid.
    Big changes coming to Ontario this June, Wynne and company will get the boot, it will free her up to do speaking engagements with her idol Al Blowbag Gore.

  5. The revisionist history and revisionist bible editing is stomach turning. Show me one passage in the Bible that suggests women are “property”. Read: Song of Solomon and you will learn how women are worshipped, yes sexually … but also for their very being. And if you are going to use the quote saying that women should “submit to their husbands …”. Then please finish the passage where men are instructed to treat their wives with respect and honor. Men and women shared labor and responsibilities … back in the day. Equal effort, not necessarily equal work. Think of it as specialization. Men did things that their inherent strength and testosterone were suited for, while women did equal but different tasks suited to their unique physiognomy. Only in the latter-half of the 20th Century when industrialization and automation made for Ives of leisure, did women begin to demand “equality” with men. Don’t “consider the time in which the Bible was written” … because that time was the NORM for virtually ALL of human history. No … instead “consider” our time as the aberration… as “changed”.
    Which BTW … women should not be struck by men in any way whatsoever. However, I DO have a question? According to this Labor MPP… Can a Muslim transgendered “husband” punch shims cis-gendered lesbian wife? Just curious. If I have to use their invented pronouns … then what does Islam have to do ?

  6. During the past few months, the Rebel’s Sheila Gunn-Reid reported on similar attempts to “sanitize” the Bible by an Alberta school district.
    That school district threatened to punish a Christian school for teaching certain “objectionable” verses and demanded that the offending passages be expunged.
    Look up the videos on The Rebel’s YouTube channel using the search terms “Battle River”.

  7. oh lordy.
    I had a real good day long laugh with the missus one day I stumbled on that scripture about 30 years ago.
    having observed it already there was no need to relearn anything.
    curious the kor-nholer-an DOES condone hitting the woman, and of course THAT fraternity takes it to the extreme
    like they do pretty much everything else in the tome.
    I never even slapped my lady, the 95 pounder. I joked she knew kung fu and would
    ram her fist right thru my midriff if I ever tried anything.
    never in 30 years, not even an impulse.

  8. This comes as a surprise…? an Islamic named Yasir Naqvi.?
    Say it aint so….?
    Of course he would condone it.!
    It would be blasphemy for him NOT to…poor POS mighta lost his head over that.!
    The BIG Question is, Where are our Hero’s, the FEMINISTS on this eh..??
    Kathleen and her army of LGBTQWERTY activists standing up for ALL Women hmmm.?
    Disgusting silence all bent over, kissing Islams ASS.

  9. Or perhaps, sir, is it that your wife belongs to the generation that owned a wooden rolling pin – complete with wooden handles for notches – and knows how to use it?
