41 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. Canadian Climate Minister Urges Attention to the ‘Gendered Impacts’ of Climate Change
    “We need to consider the gendered impacts of climate change on women, girls and children. I am proud that Canada is training up women negotiators so that we have more female voices around the table”
    Climate Barbie is also a fruit cake with lots of nuts?

  2. 1920, Warren G. Harding make “America First”
    “Let’s Make America Great Again” – Ronald Reagan
    Make America Great – Clinton, Oct 4 1991
    “Make America Great Again!” – Trump
    What’s that line about doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results?
    Jer 17:5  Thus saith the LORD; Cursed be the man that trusteth in man, and maketh flesh his arm, and whose heart departeth from the LORD. 

  3. Ronald Reagan said “Let’s Make America Great Again” — and he did.
    Donald Trump said the same thing, but does not expect a “different result”. He wants the same result as Reagan, that seems eminently reasonable. And it appears that he is getting it. There is nothing insane about that.
    OTOH, I do not vouch for anything Hillary’s husband says or does.

  4. Heh, if you seriously believe gov’t is consuming less taxpayer wealth and becoming less intrusive upon the populace ever since the first make america great slogan, then I have some cheap ocean front property in Arizona I’ll sell cheap.
    par·ty pol·i·tics (ˈpärdē ˈpälətiks)
    politics that relate to political parties rather than to the good of the general public.

  5. Make ________ Great Again. Now where have we heard that before?
    From the January 4, 1934 issue of the Green Bay Press-Gazette:
    Adolf Hitler, out of prison, took advantage of the groans. He told people that he would make Germany “great” again.
    February 24, 1940 edition of the St. Louis Star and Times in Missouri. The newspaper quotes a Hitler speech that was broadcast throughout Germany and even played on radio in the United States. In a direct quote from Hitler:
    “Nationalism and Socialism had to be redefined and they had to be blended into one strong new idea to carry new strength which would make Germany great again.”

  6. Climate Barbie is quite the comedian in the funny strange category. She’s also been touted as one of the brightest in the Pony’s stable.
    Oh Canada, in all of us command…… God help us one and all, we are not in good hands.

  7. At least it beats the Democrats current rallying cry of…. ‘Make America Shitty Again!’.

  8. “We need to consider the gendered impacts of climate change on women, girls and children. I am proud that Canada is training up women negotiators so that we have more female voices around the table…”
    You. Couldn’t. Make. This. Up.
    I cannot think of a previous Canadian government of any stripe that prattled away like Grade Nine students at a school public speaking contest.
    The Current Federal Government is a children’s crusade.

  9. Moving forward we should engage in discussions on gender impacts of climate change instead of mocking. Help them prove their point by asking questions, for example. If I changed my gender for a few moments what new impacts would I feel? If I change back to original gender do those new impacts still apply? Can I get a research grant to go outside and document the impact as I swing about on the gender pendulum?
    We need a diverse panel of baby scientists to sort this out.

  10. You know things are deteriorating for Justin when leaks like this happen:
    If his favourables fall below the LPC for an extended period expect an attempt to remove him before the next election. A lot of liberals resented his election because he won only because of his surname. And if there is a threat to them staying in power if he stays as leader they will dump him. Because, after all, having/staying in power is all that matters to liberals.

  11. AGW RIP.
    “establishment climate alarmists will undoubtedly seek to quash the news”.
    “In Startling Reversal, Scientific American Counsels People to ‘Chill Out’ over Global Warming
    Apocalyptic scenarios attributed to global warming are simply false and the human race will be able to accommodate whatever “climate change” throws at us, claims a remarkably sober new essay in Scientific American.
    The essay, penned by John Horgan, the director of the Center for Science Writings at the Stevens Institute of Technology, analyzes two recent reports by “ecomodernists” who reject climate panic and frame the question of climate change and humanity’s ability to cope with it in radically new terms.
    One of the reports, a work called “Enlightened Environmentalism” by Harvard iconoclast Steven Pinker, urges people to regain some much-needed perspective on climate, especially in the context of the overwhelming material benefits of industrialization.”
    “While climate skeptics will welcome this gust of common sense wafting in from the Scientific American, establishment climate alarmists will undoubtedly seek to quash the news, knowing it could affect not only the funding they depend on, but the ideologically driven political programs they seek to impose on the world.
    After all, if the world is not under imminent peril from climate change, who will listen to—and fund—the prophets of doom?”

  12. *
    “rizwan says… He told people that he would
    make Germany “great” again.”

    file under… “everybody i don’t like is hitler”
    what passes for logic these days.

  13. *
    ps… riz… but bearded weirdies screaming
    “allah akbar” and murdering random
    civilians have “nothing to do with islam”
    just curious.

  14. Teachers do it for the children….
    The average number of sick days taken by employees at the Ottawa-Carleton District School Board has soared by 38 per cent over the past four years, from 7.85 days in 2012-13 to 10.87 days last school year.
    The number of sick days taken by school board employees across the province is increasing, according to the 2017 report from Ontario’s auditor general.

  15. Londonistan…
    Austrian Martin Sellner of the Generation Identity group, American commentator Brittany Pettibone and Canadian activist and YouTube personality Lauren Southern tweeted Monday that they were denied entry into Britain.
    Southern, who has more than 400,000 subscribers on YouTube, tweeted that she was “officially banned from UK for ‘racism'” but was doing fine.

  16. …-
    NEO! Thank you for posting that. It is a trite ploy of the liberals to use “hitler” as a smear; always ignoring the Red Bolshevik Lenin-Stalin-Mao brotherly wing of the National Socialists.
    NEO: “file under… “everybody i don’t like is hitler””.

  17. AGW RIP.
    Things that make you go Hummmmmmer.
    “a surge in U.S. shipments to Asia threatens to undermine a deal between OPEC and its allies,”.
    “Arnold Schwarzenegger to sue big oil companies for “first-degree murder.”” (WUWT)
    “Say goodbye to $60 oil because the OPEC deal looks doomed
    The Middle East will not stand for much longer the U.S. grabbing a bigger slice of the prized Asian market, says ING”
    “a surge in U.S. shipments to Asia threatens to undermine a deal between OPEC and its allies,”.
    ““They continue to give market share away to the U.S.””
    “OPEC should beware as U.S. shale producers are set to steal a bigger slice of the market in Asia, which consumes more oil than any other region,”.

  18. Kate, I’m not sure what is happening but I have to login on every comment. Checking off the “Remember personal info” box does not help.

  19. The best way to vote on these polls is to spoof your vote. Instead of clicking the link from readers tips, copy the link and open your incognito(chrome) browser or private browser on safari and paste in the http address provided.
    If you click the readers tips link the star will know you are coming from SDA and will use language in their follow up reporting of polls to descredit the results if not in their narrative favour. IE they saw a lot of traffic from a far right/alt right white nationalist website lol
    By accessing and utilizing your incognito or Private browser and pasting the link the star gets a clean “from” on their end, it looks like a legit anonymous vote. Also closing out your browserand reopening and re-pasting let’s you vote again, just like a lefty.

  20. Ford has 40% 4553 votes
    Anybody But Ford 50% 6025 votes
    Undecided waiting on platform 10% 1012 votes
    Not bad considering it’s the star

  21. AGW RIP.
    “Travel-halting blizzard for New England
    Roofs could collapse.
    Travel-halting blizzard for New England
    18 inches of GloBULL Warming hits West Virginia in 4 Hours”
    “Ha! West Virginia could see 8 inches? Try 18 inches with more snow still falling! ”

  22. Uh no, seriously.
    The LPC won’t ditch the Spawn. Its not going to happen, not with the Hair Apparent. They will live and die with Mr Dressup

  23. The Trudeau name is magic to the Liberals. They could run a stuffed toy animal called that as a candidate and it would likely win.

  24. …-
    Death Battle of the Brothers: Adolf’s Black National Socialism Killed by Joe’s Red Bolshevism.
    “The Last Stage is a 1947 Polish feature film directed and co-written by Wanda Jakubowska, depicting her experiences in the Auschwitz concentration camp during World War” (wiki)
    “Oskar Groening, Convicted ‘Accountant of Auschwitz,’ Dies at 96” (bloomberg)
    “Historical testimony reveals gruesome new details of Stalin’s massacre of 22,000 Polish soldiers
    The testimony of a former American prisoner of war provides evidence of Soviet responsibility for the 1940 Katyn massacre that Moscow had blamed on the Nazis”

  25. “CBC pushes fake news to spur a racial divide”
    “The report also initially claimed that,”…the RCMP never seized Stanley’s clothes.”
    Why should they have seized Stanley’s clothes? As evidence for gun powder residue and blood splatter. We’ve all watched CSI, we all know this is standard procedure. So why would the RCMP not do this?
    Well it turns out they did.
    CBC made up two fake news claims and then found “experts” to comment on them, denounce the RCMP as being sloppy and then get Boushie’s family to denounce the system for failing an indigenous man.
    These two claims are proven false by a document that was agreed to by the judge hearing the case, the crown prosecutor assigned to it and defence counsel.
    These facts were adjudicated in court as all sides wrestled with what portions of Gerald Stanley’s statements made to police could be deemed admissible in court. The facts clearly state that Stanley was held in a cell overnight after his arrest, that his clothing was seized from him during that stay, that he wasn’t released and allowed to come back and make a statement but rather held and then interrogated for four hours.
    And yet CBC, our state broadcaster, the one our prime minister holds up as a glowing example, publishes what is literally fake news and then adjusts their story twice and keeps it going.”

  26. …-
    AGW Kills.
    Climate Barbie threatens Saskbushers’ wallets.
    Stupid Liberal Justine say, Tha’s Moi Green-red Barbie doll.
    “Federal environment minister says Saskatchewan will have carbon tax”
    “McKenna said in her letter that Saskatchewan will be subject to a carbon tax, whether it signs on to the national plan or not.
    “To be clear, we cannot accept your request not to price carbon in Saskatchewan,” she said. “In the event that your government does not adopt a price on pollution that meets our standard, we would have no choice but to ensure that a price on pollution applies in Saskatchewan, just as we would anywhere else in the country.”
    The federal government would apply its carbon pricing in Saskatchewan and would ensure any revenues raised stayed in the province, she said.”

  27. Hitler liked Muslims so much that he gave them their own SS Division. 13th Waffen Mountain Division of the SS Handschar (1st Croatian)
    This Nazi Muslim SS Division were totally down with murdering Jews and Christian Orthodox Serbs, a real genocidal 3rd Reich Two-fer.
