Your Children, Their Politics

And so parents only discovered the campaign – which asserts that white pupils are complicit in an “invisible system of privilege” – when their children began complaining about it.


33 Replies to “Your Children, Their Politics”

  1. Charge the racist c*nt with a hate crime and let’s be done with this sick ideology.
    I now think it is only fair to demand that every bleating privileged white liberal in our school systems IMMEDIATELY resign their position and make room for a minority. Put your money where your bullshit-spewing mouth is.
    BTW, the hate-mongering bitch looks pretty damn smug about her own white privilege in that poster, doesn’t she.
    This is CHILD ABUSE…. nothing less!!

  2. “I have unfairly benefitted from the colour of my skin. White privilege is not acceptable…
    …though, heh, I intend to continue drawing my excellent superintendent’s salary of course.”

  3. Comment at the site from David at 10:50 is exactly right. This is not just damaging to white kids, it is debilitating for those told they are victims. So misguided!

  4. I wonder why she doesn’t go an preach her abuse of white privilege in places like South Africa. She should go there and tell them what a bad girl she has been. I propose we fund her ticket, that way she can spend her time focusing on her guilt and penance. I am sure that there are a few people in SA that will help her find the redemption she so desperately is seeking.
    PS: Parents, as long as you keep yours kids in school you are condoning this behaviour. It won’t change until parents give enough of a damn to pull their kids out. Call it a student strike, not for gun control, but for guilt control.

  5. “When do we have to start attaching white stars to our clothing?”
    Well, given the levels of ignorance, servility, and cowardice that I’ve seen in Canada’s adult population, I’d say within ten years.
    It’s a pity that social media has come along and provided those who wish to piss and moan anonymously with yet another surrogacy for meaningful action.

  6. Here’s a suggestion. How about the US and Canada swap all their Muslim refugees for the South African white refugees? Sounds like a fair trade to me. Trudeau and all his cult followers can follow them to their Sacred Africa.

  7. The whole “white privilege” meme is really an assault on meritocracy. It’s camouflage for justifying promotion and advancement based on political reliability rather than ability. In addition it’s used to suppress any effort to raise oneself from the station appointed by political masters. It makes for a nice, compliant herd of sheep. The schtick is always the same: “Don’t speak, don’t achieve, don’t strive for anything better.” As pointed out by others, its effects are most pernicious on those who buy into the “victim” meme, placing excuses for non-performance on external factors alone thereby crippling any ability to self-examine, self improve and better oneself. Substitute “white” for “aristocrat” or “bourgeoisie” or “kulak” and you have the Stalinist system in a nutshell.

  8. The #1 beneficiary of American Affirmative-Action programs are … white women. Yes, the program intended to give the American Negro a helping hand, after that whole slavery thing (100 years prior to enactment of these A-A programs) … mostly benefitted … white women. White women dominated in; college admissions, government hiring, private hiring, business startups, salary increases, executive hiring … on and on. Just look at this School Superintendent who … “smashed through the glass ceiling”. Do you think SHE is making less $$$ than HER male predecessor? Of course not, SHE’s making MORE$$$$.
    Yes … SHE … is the recipient of FEMALE PRIVILEGE … that was intended to be BLACK PRIVILEGE. We “white” men (do Southern Italians, and Spanish Catalans qualify as “white?) are the ones standing in the shadows. We are victims of reverse-privilege. We have to fight TWICE as hard to get ahead as women and faucahontus women.

  9. “Substitute “white” for “aristocrat” or “bourgeoisie” or “kulak” and you have the Stalinist system in a nutshell.”
    You beat me to saying this and said it better than I could have. Thank you.
    I am now the “white kulak”.
    This Cultural Marxist educational system initiative is nothing but thinly disguised race and class warfare.
    Let me tell you about the native farmer not far from where I live that apparently, last I heard quite a number of years ago, was doing quite well thanks to his obvious necessary good management skills and tax exemptions and provisions more favourable than what I could access.

  10. half baked self serving scripted spew . . . .
    far out, exactly what I had to endure in the edjukaSHUN cystem starting SIXTY years ago.
    some things never change.

  11. I totally agree.
    the good news its going to be only a one way ticket. mebbe she can have a chit chat with the murderous winnie mandela
    on her way to the ‘necklace’ ritual.

  12. “pull their kids out”. What a great idea. Too bad there is no way to stop sending the school board your money. You can’t stop paying property tax, can you. You can’t stop paying income tax, can you. You can’t get funding pulled from universities can you.
    About the only thing you can do, is keep driving when you see what could be a socialist stuck in the snow. You can hold the door at Parliament for someone from Allan’s Snackbar instead of trying to stop them. You could help a socialist continue to make bad choices every time you put something in the donation bin at the grocery store. Every time you fail to delete your facebook or twitter account, you are helping socialists. You can prevaricate while you help socialists, by saying “I never post anything to facebook, I just use it to find people”. You could continue your socialist enablement, by buying political party memberships; the group is always more important.

  13. In communist run country in the centre of Europe, the self criticism peaked in late ’50s of the past century.
    We were taught in school as young kids that we need to self criticise.
    If you don’t believe it, one can understand, it is unbelievable.
    What can one say?
    Telling you here, they have mostly taken over the media, “justice”, political cartel.
    While a person can speak their mind on a blog, the media cartel will not allow public to know what people think.
    At times, when their communications break down, they may let some truth out though it would be only by an error.

  14. Definitely listen to every brain dead enabler you ever hear, who comes by and says “but we have to help those poor victims, won’t someone think of the children, it is just basic human decency”.
    Venezuela won’t get better, if we just let socialists kill everyone who supported them. Why, we have to send money and food, so that the socialists in the army can stay strong and defeat the counter-revolutionaries who are trying to do despicable things like eat. You must never let anyone suffer for making a bad decision! To be a decent Christian, why, you must enable bad life choices, and never let anyone suffer for making any. The only people who deserve to suffer, are people who make good life choices, like going into STEM instead of anger/victim studies. Those A-holes really need to get shafted more…
    I wonder how long they are going to stick with the obviously broken captcha? I am betting they will double down on broken; it will be years. It takes me an average of 65 reloads to actually get text to enter, rather than “upgrade notice”.

  15. Back when I was high school, “privilege” accusations came in the form of phrases such as “teacher’s pet” or “stealing all the As”. Apparently, applying oneself to one’s studies, plus having some semblance of intellectual talent, was seen as undue advantage.
    Of course, the ones who complained the loudest were often those who, rather than doing homework at night, preferred to go out and party.

  16. You’re probably correct…years.
    Just click “SUBMIT”. No need to type in anything. Captcha is now totally superfluous.

  17. Once again, SJW identitarians advance an argument that is moronic if you think about for more than a minute. Their argument assumes that white skin is the sole reason for success. In their make-believe world there’s no differences like attitude, behaviour, IQ, family structure and dysfunction or class advantages that are confounding variables.
    Of, course the success of Asians and Indians create a huge, glaring problem for this theory. Luckily, in make-believe world SJWs can just erase inconvenient facts. After all facts are racist, according to them.
    The other obvious error is the idea that a white kid from a poor, low IQ, dysfunctional family has more advantages than a wealthy, high IQ, intact family of color. So Obama’s kids have less advantages than Steve Avery’s kids (Making a Murderer)? Even to get away from the extremes, do they think the children of African doctors from Vancouver have fewer advantages than a white working class kid from La Loche?
    It’s just more fairy tales for adults. The purpose of perpetuating such nonsense is the real question.

  18. Will the Superintendent give up her job for a “person of colour” because she received her job due to racism?
    I didn’t think so either.
    Another example of the Left beginning to eat themselves.

  19. Ah yes, my white privilege; one of eight white kids on a white man’s RCAF Sergeant/WO salary, with my privileged white mom making ends meet working in the (probably all white) officers’ mess dining room.
    We all had the same chance from there, identity fascists. From my august perch, most of you are but coddled brats.
    The proponents of identism are simply whining babies and useful idiots for the collectivist cause.
    As for the educatocrats, speak for yourself! I’m not paying, you go ahead; work for free, whatever, I don’t care.
    You haven’t a clue, in your insulated, pretend world:
    – reality is racist
    – censorship is free speech
    – fascism is freedom
    – elections don’t count if the great unwashed don’t play along
    – common sense is bigotry
    – indoctrination is teaching (not all teachers, lots of good ones out there)
    – taxation is investment
    – disdain and violent hatred is the new tolerance
    – belief is the new truth; actual facts must be ridiculed and their proponents demoralized
    – their outrage is some whitie’s fault, including every schmuck working their butt off to get ahead
    – Up is down, black is white, exclusion is inclusion, the exception proves the “rule,” and statism is “good.”
    – oh, and liberty is an American construct. Human rights to your stuff is our Justin way.
    How long will it be before the Commissariat comes for the kitchen ware? The Leviathan never sleeps.

  20. Blatant racism, it’s no longer discouraged but now incorporated into the leftist bilge that passes for public school curricula.

  21. But YOU are the publics schools. And you don’t stand for office or even vote; you just complain.

  22. Right out of the Red Guards, during Mao’s “Back to the Fields For You Bourgoisie” movement. Plenty of self criticism & banning to “re-education” camps back then, growing bok choi, if you weren’t taken down to the gravel pit to meet Mr AK-47, after being “socially difficult”.
    So, watching this, nothing new here. More virtue signalling from well paid (in AB a school superintendent makes $500,000 & benefits, today on 660 AM) well entrenched, entitlement whores. Like they’ll give up their “privilege” for anybody? Not holding my breath, but they’ll sure screw with your kid’s minds over it, in the meantime.
    Man, I had a STEM degree & I never came close to making what these A-wholes get through “compensation consultants”. Then they indoctrinate your kids to do what the Castroites did: rat out your parents for “anti social behaviour” & then drag ’em outside, prop them up against the wall & have someone like Che G. shoot them. The kids are then drafted into The Young Communists Youth Groups.
    They are “education professionals”, so $5.00 words like “euthanasia”, “re-assignment”, “re-focusing”, “re-integrate”, “re-align”, “re-educate” will be used to brush off any questions as to what happened to Linda so & so, she used to work here.
    Notley, Horgan & Wynne’s Heroes, plus some lesser well known folks who think that if you don’t sing from their SJW/Green/LGBTQXYZ Song Sheet, you need to be arrested & prosecuted, jailed, or just outright hung from the nearest convenient hanging tree.

  23. Here in AB it has come to the attention of the ndp that the salary of some school superintendents exceeds 400k. Shocked by this news the Minister of Education has called for the contract of every superintendent to be ‘on his desk’. Ha ha
    Funny the ndp haven’t heard of this since they have been auditing the books for a coupla years now?
    A very easy target for the ndp as the sup’s have no union and are hired by school boards who are elected.
    Someone might ask what the salary of rachael notley’s executive assistant is or other ‘consultants’ that work for the ndp.
    A straw man.

  24. “wonder how long they are going to stick with the obviously broken captcha? I am betting they will double down on broken; it will be years.”
    Yeah? Am I the only one who has noticed lance’s absence? You know lance, Kate’s IT guy and sometime contributor?

  25. .
    There NEEDS to be a child abuse charges levied against District 74 and specifically the woman whose idea this was, namely, Ms. Downs. Telling white kids they are bad because they are white will create a lasting burden on those children’s psyche. It also suggests that non-white kids are victims … Fat self-loathing tw@ts like Ms. Downs should be nowhere near school children.

  26. “While a person can speak their mind on a blog, the media cartel will not allow public to know what people think.”
    They are working on implementing more censorship to eliminate any dissenting blog and social media that informs people about what is going on. We might well yet become “The Whisperers”, Orlando Figes.
    Thanks Dr. Tom for the information. Interesting, but not surprising.

  27. I have been having trouble with the “Sign in to comment” not remembering my sign in since Sunday some time.
    PO’ed in AB, “banning to “re-education” camps”. It does appear that we are headed there real fast. They are trying to shut up Dr. Jordan Peterson and the newly vocal Assoc Professor Rick Mehta of Acadia. No lawyers from Trinity wanted and U of Windsor is reorienting their law faculty from a law orientation to a social justice orientation.
    How far behind are Judge Roland Freisler and Special Prosecutor General Andrei Vishinsky?

  28. Sent:
    To Ms. Downs et al:
    I’m sure I’ll not have been first to mention it, but I eagerly await hearing that you have resigned your highly lucrative position in order to facilitate some highly qualified ‘person of colour’ to benefit from your angst of white privilege.
    Oh, I also note from your website that women are hugely over-represented in your organization, so I’m sure in the interest of gender balance you’ll undertake to rectify that little problem too.
    Leave the children alone, hypocrites.
