39 Replies to “Har”

  1. Anyone know if his royal smugness & family skated there, or was he to
    Busy jet setting giving his words of wisdon to peoplekind.

  2. PM Clown Prince’s vision for (post-national, sharia compliant, Soros vassal) Canada, starting with Parliament Hill.

  3. PET POT Cemetery Report.
    Stupid Liberal Justine ask, What mess? Moi don’t see mess nowhere.
    “NDP ask ethics commissioner to open investigation into Liberal MP over India trip
    Raj Grewal’s office invited Yusuf Yenilmez, the CEO of a company from which Grewal profits, to receptions in India attended by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau”

  4. That looks like Obama’s inauguration day. Or any other protest being wrought by the current left in politics.

  5. Too much global warming to skate? Fer crying out loud … MY refrigerator (and double freezer drawers) run 365 days a year …

  6. Congratulations Canadians ! You have finally elected a PM that has made Ottawa look like Detroit. Quite the accomplishment.

  7. No rather it was deemed to cold to skate outdoors, at least for the planned minor hockey tournament. Around Christmas holiday week it was -35 or so in Ottawa and declared too cold for hockey.
    Gordie Howe’s and friends probably saw colder temperatures and kept on playing, but they were a different generation.

  8. The rink cost $5.6 million to build and operate (according to government sources). No cost estimates were given for tear-down and refurbishment of the Hill. Any guesses? ANOTHER total f**k up.

  9. Hit ’em where it hurts. Think about this hockey fans:
    The last time a Canadian team won the Stanley Cup when a Liberal government was in power was 34 years ago in 1984.

  10. The last figure I saw was over 8 million. 100, 000.00 for 80 different community arenas across Canada that would have left a lasting legacy. Or how many canoes for aboriginal communities ? ( I jest ) . The real story is how can you spend that much on a temporary arena. A forensic accounting needs to be preformed . I am strongly suspicious some connected people benefited disproportionately to the work and services provided. Who benefits from all the money being “invested ” may well be the new brown paper bag .

  11. This is a waste of taxpayer money. The Prime Minister should pay us back out of his own personal funds and be removed from office immediately. There should be more checks and balances against this kind of nonsense. Canadians should have more shame, we are the laughing stock of all time!

  12. That photo is the perfect visual metaphor for the condition Justin’s Liberals have left the entire country in.

  13. Pretty much. No one gives a rip. Relatives say that the government pretends to pay us and we pretend to work.

  14. 8 million. Chump change. A small drop in the bottomless bucket compared to the 2.65 BILLION Turdeau and Butts gave to Africa to fight climate change.
    You would think as climte activists these 2 clowns you have the belief “less is more for the good of Mother Gaia”
    Nope, we just need more carbon taxation for the peons.
    How many tons of CO2 were pissed away on this gong show?
    Its all public relations for these touchy feely morons.
    Lets jet set to India, play dressup and really screw things up for Cdn farmers.
    Lets fly to Aga Khans island for holidays. So we can excgange sweaters for overnight bags.
    Enough of this kabuki theatre.

  15. Enough of this kabuki theatre.
    But (post-national, sharia compliant, Soros vassal) Canadians want, nay, crave this kabuki. If they didn’t, would they have voted for those cretins in droves?
    We need to rename this (post-national, sharia compliant, Soros vassal) country Kabukistan.

  16. What you complaining bout? All I see is beauty; a shining Potemkin skating rink on a hill.

  17. Was it The Hip or Stompin Tom that did the the song “Fifty Fold Frozen Fake Lake”, or am I confusing it with something else?

  18. I strongly suspect that 60 to 70 % of the Liberano Vote was Zoolanders looks and Libs carrot policy but the balance was really a protest vote against PM Harper.(which for the life of me I still can’t understand.)
    Here was Stephen Harper and his cabinet steering Canada through the worst financial crisis the world has seen putting us at the top of the G7 is terms of fiscal stability and the voters turfed him out??????
    During the Senate pot debate Zoolander said he was given a mandate to pass pot legalization. Really?? Like Notley was given a mandate to govern Alberta to see as that incompetent lot sees fit. Laughable. I think not.
    Shame on the voters of Canada for putting the moronic Libs in power taking Canada from balanced budget to 10 BILLION+++ deficits for the next decade.
    I wonder how much the kickback is on that kind of waste……

  19. Wasn’t that a party!
    It certainly is a testament to the Trudeau government. Mr Dressup is making a mockery of the office of the Prime Minister. His dress-up family trip to India highlighted his immaturity.

  20. I count 3 large pieces of equipment just in that 1 picture. The daily cost of those large cranes would be in the thousands. I don’t know about any corruption but obviously a local contractor is doing very well indeed.
    BTW friends of ours visited Ottawa this past summer and they said that city is booming.

  21. And the mess from the skating rink —-will clean up itself!!!! Just another 10 mil.from the West to the East in EQUALIZATION PAYMENTS!

  22. Post Woodstock festival August 1969, Bethel N.Y. looked better, at least you had 3 days of Peace & Music!

  23. It wasn’t the Canadian voter’s fault but it was voter fraud that the Liberals used with the aid of outside help that put this guy in I suspect.

  24. Looks sustainable, green and environmentally friendly as opposed to that nasty Rideau Canal a couple blocks away.

  25. Remember, as Mr Sheer found out in Question Period, the government does not know how much they will reduce emissions with their $50/ton carbon tax, they just know we can’t afford not to do it. Shiny hair with no sheen.
    He never was ready, Harper was right, again. This bogus climate change shtick will have to be dumped quick during the election.
    Not that they care, as long as they get power, the end, that’s all that matters. Policies are malleable to that end.

  26. from the link:
    “All we need is a dumpster fire in the middle and the picture is complete .”
    actually no, we need a barrel full of scrap wood burning and a bunch of riffraff standing around with those cutoff gloves.
    suggestion for a cbc series: ‘Canuckistan, this is your life’

  27. When the ground gets cleared of the junk they will likely shell out big bucks for a new front lawn or fake grass. That’ll be another 8 million. Kaaaaa-Chhhhhing! They probably have the company and contract all sorted out already.
