‘Roseanne’ Is Back.

Democrats and Hollywood, hardest hit. And yeah, it was funny.
Update: “Massive” ratings —oddly enough.

Yes, there were a fair number of funny lines. But forget writing, acting, directing, and the rest, it was positively thrilling to see something fictional transpiring on the television screen that reflected the half of America that has been so consistently and deliberately hidden from view or reviled by Hollywood. You almost couldn’t believe your eyes. Was this actually happening?

29 Replies to “‘Roseanne’ Is Back.”

  1. Unless it’s on H.B.O. it’s not funny! Sorry old girl gonna have to take a pass again!

  2. Loved it!
    Nobody had a better social commentary than Roseanne did on her show and I’m glad she’s back!
    Annoying or not, the element of reality and sticking it to progessives has me won over.

  3. Missed it. I’m not quite sure her support for DJT is genuine but you never know. To me she’ll always be the fat slob who butchered the national anthem and help degrade the culture with her unwatchable show in the 80s.

  4. It was very funny, they hit every recent PC item including the boy who wants to wear dresses. I think their problem will be to come up with fresh material to make it funny going forward. We’ll see.

  5. “I’m not quite sure her support for DJT is genuine but you never know.”
    I don’t think it much matters what Roseanne the actress believes. What impresses me is that the producers/writers made an honest decision not to defy the electoral demographics and went with portraying her TV family as the kind of folks who voted for Trump. Besides, they still have her sister (Laurie Metcalf) as a Democrat foil.
    Kevin Spacey (anyone remember him? Are we allowed to mention his name anymore?) once noted that they had quite deliberately chosen to make his president character in “House of Cards” a Democrat. Had they made him a Republican, everyone would have chalked the show off as another demonization of conservatives. The effect was to make the political affiliations in the show largely irrelevant, which I think helped to contribute to its success.

  6. Sorry. Been there, done that, bought the tee-shirt. My family broke up when a member decided to come out of the closet as a militant SJW lesbian, and insisted that all us deplorables in the family shape up, and get under that rainbow with her – or else. Our speech and thoughts would be policed by a couple creepy lesbians from here on out.
    Haven’t seen her since and it works just fine for me. Until those people realize that they are embracing, tolerating, and advocating lunacy… there’s no discussion to be had. They can think, say and do what they want and I will do the same.

  7. I saw the introduction to Roseanne and did the big CLICK. Hated the whiny old hag 25 years ago. Nothing’s changed for me. If I started watching Roseanne, I might be lured into watching reruns of Rosie and Ellen and risk an extended bought of the dry heaves.

  8. I can see the Roseanne family as big Trump supporters, atleast in the beginning. Then gradually they’ll start talking about Trump not doing this or that and soon the show will be talking about Trump not fulfilling his election promises. And that he’s just the same as all the other politicians. And oh, some Democrats aren’t that bad, maybe we should give them a second look.
    Once they get right thinking people watching, they’ll flip the premise from, Trump is great to Trump sucks. Just in time for the election.
    The flipside is that the show gets so popular, because it’s the only think on TV that half the country will watch, that even blue dog Dems that still voted for Democrats, start to embrace Trump and the fight against SJW’s

  9. “To me she’ll always be the fat slob who butchered the national anthem and help degrade the culture with her unwatchable show in the 80s.”
    Exactly my sentiment.

  10. None of my relations, as leftarded as some are, wear pussy hats or encourage their kids to experiment with their gender. This reboot seemed an attempt, to me anyways, to normalize these SJW ‘symbols’ in Republicans’ homes, too.
    Also, I suspect this ‘naive’ cast is being used to further establish the leftist myth that outspoken Trump supporters are nothing more than uneducated, ignorant white trash. On the heels of the popular ‘Last Man Standing’ being cancelled for apparently no more than having a conservative leaning, I doubt very much that ABC is trying to ‘bind the wounds of the nation’ with this show.

  11. I forgot that it was going to air and didn’t tell the better half and so missed it, but kudos to the show. We will try to catch it next Tuesday.
    If this kind of show does not turn your crank and to show support for a non lefty propaganda show you can always turn the show on and go and do something else until it is over.
    Wear the “Deplorable” badge with pride!

  12. Didn’t watch it, not that I ever intended to. Tuesday evenings for me are reserved to listening to the Internet radio program The Space Show. Last night’s program was about simulating a lunar colony and how it might develop over time.

  13. “Last night’s program was about simulating a lunar colony and how it might develop over time.”
    You had an Elon Musk wet dream?

  14. “Once they get right thinking people watching, they’ll flip the premise from, Trump is great to Trump sucks. Just in time for the election. ”

  15. If you missed the first episode you didn’t miss much. It simply wasn’t funny, no matter how hard they played the canned laugh track.

  16. No thanks. Been there, done that, bought the tee shirt.
    In my family, the militant liberal lesbian social justice warrior came out of the closet, demanded that the rest of us join her and her creepy life partner under that rainbow – where they would police what everyone could say and think. It wasn’t even a family discussion.
    Screw them, and screw Rosanne. There’s nothing to talk about with those people.

  17. On the heels of the popular ‘Last Man Standing’ being cancelled for apparently no more than having a conservative leaning
    That’s fake news. The show was only contracted for six seasons and was dropping ratings 10-20% year-over-year, plus after the sixth season production costs would have shifted from Fox to ABC. That’s a big financial hit they weren’t willing to take.

  18. Many people tolerated her 80s show because John Goodman, a good actor I liked in the Babe Ruth movie.

  19. Roseanne is a racist, sexist bigot homophobe and needs to be sent to a sustainability and gender studies course immediately. Russian bots hacked the ratings services and pushed up her ratings but they can’t keep it up forever. I didn’t watch, instead I cozied up and watched Maddow and then stared into Anderson Cooper’s dreamy non-homophobe eyes.

  20. The simulation is a computer model formulated and constructed by someone who now lives in Mexico with the assistance of a number of fellow space enthusiasts.
    In the program, she discussed various aspects of the habitation, including the size and shape of the structures, who would live there first and how many, the support system that would be needed to get people and materials to and from the moon, how it would be financed and by whom, and even what the inhabitants would use eventually for money.
    It was an interesting and educational 2 hours.

  21. Goodman nearly steals the show as Dude’s bowling buddy Walter in The Big Lebowski.

  22. First of all, Daniel, I clearly said “apparently”. You might want to go grab a dictionary.
    According to every interview/article I saw on the show’s cancellation, it was almost a completely unexpected event at a time ratings were solid. It certainly wasn’t ‘easily explainable’ to anyone with first hand knowledge who was living through the event at the time. But then, what would these people know about their own lives….
    Ha, on the other hand, even though I strongly suspect you weren’t there yourself either, you challenge that you KNOW the real reason and state it as FACT, but then offer no proof.
    Too funny, you hypocritical partisan hack.

  23. When Roseanne Barr was a big deal, she was an absolute monster to everyone who had the misfortune of having to work with or for her. I am sorry I ever rooted V1 for this fat, ugly comedienne to succeed.

  24. If the leftist, Christophobe, Hollywoody writers employed on the “new” retread Roseanne show feel the need to include a gender-confused 5yo boy as part of their new program … then I feel the need to bingewatch The Crown … or wash my hair.
    I am not given to quoting scripture, as it would make me sound like some “religious” vegan scolding you to NOT eat meat … however … in the case of Hollywood sewage flowing into the consciousness wrapped in a shiny cover called a “pro-Trump” narrative … I am going to make an exception. Because I HOPE we can all agree that it is not healthy to eat shit (see, I’m not your average Bible thumper).
    Philippians 4:8
    Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, dwell on these things.
    Simply put … you are what you eat.

  25. Great Scott, dude, get some perspective. The argument that Last Man Standing was cancelled due its conservative leanings was entirely fabricated out of whole cloth. Not one news outlet (yeah, I was around at the time) offered even secondary evidence of that claim. It was fake news intended to gin up the Internet outrage machine.
    On the other hand, the fact that the show was only contracted for six seasons and that ABC had to pick up the production costs for a possible seventh season is a matter of public reporting. So is ABC cancelling “comedy Fridays” (was the cancellation of three other sitcoms that season also motivated by politics?) Any show, let alone a sitcom, running for six seasons is unusual in 2017. Ratings were sliding year over year and cast salaries were going higher every year (pro tip, people who don’t understand how TV production works: it’s not ratings that matter, it’s ROI. Last Man Standing had a large ensemble cast with large sixth season salaries and only half an hour to sell ad time. Shunting it to syndication and replacing it with a new long form drama with cheaper salary/production costs is a no-brainer). Contract renegotiation would have meant even higher production costs as the cast pushes for more money.
    It certainly wasn’t ‘easily explainable’ to anyone with first hand knowledge who was living through the event at the time. But then, what would these people know about their own lives
    I’m assuming they can read their own contracts, although Tim Allen is a self-admitted cokehead and drug dealer.

  26. Ha. All that typing and you still just offer the same obviously bigoted bullshit speculation with NO evidence.
    Both my perspective AND experience tell me you are a dedicated partisan hack who is enthusiastically out to sell his particular tired brand of leftarded bullsh*t, so kindly just FO with your lies.

  27. I could GAF if Roseanne is back and is proTrump. You are only being suckered by Hollywood a$$holes if you watch. ABC is owned by Disney who are as despicable as they come. They can all rot in hell.
