The Sound Of Settled Science

…an endless stream of anthropologists have assured us that race is just a social construct, that ancient peoples made pots not war, that Aryan conquests in India and Europe were Nazi delusions, that the caste system was imposed on the egalitarian Indians by British colonialists, and many other agreeable suppositions.
As Fitzgerald’s friend Hemingway ended The Sun Also Rises, “Isn’t it pretty to think so?”

Via Kathy Shaidle

7 Replies to “The Sound Of Settled Science”

  1. If gender is a social construct, why not race? Even better, why not species?
    Maybe tomorrow I’ll be a gender-fluid playtus of colour…..

  2. “Invasion is wrong.”
    Reading to the end of TakiMag’s essay that was the conclusion. Well that settles it!

  3. This is the only story at Takimag that doesn’t have a comment thread. Is this only me?

  4. I’m trying to learn Esperanto ASAP! Since we all share the same language framework … it should be a snap! I can’t wait to converse with the Central American day laborers standing around outside my local Home Depot.

  5. You can’t get ahold of NA Indian bones or work on grave sites because Indians have their ‘own’ archaeology, called ‘Indigenous Archaeology’. It is unscientific and it has nothing to do with understanding the past. It serves to further the political ambitions of the tribes. Not unlike ‘Traditional Knowledge’>

  6. “Indigenous Archaeology”
    But oral history grandpa made up last week is equally as valid as 200 year old documents written by whitey.

  7. Indeed.
    The Indian Industry is a scam from the faux science of Traditional Knowledge to oral history. All intended to harvest cash.
