66 Replies to “This Is Not Your Grandma’s Humane Society”

  1. I BBQ “murdered” cow steaks on my back porch and drink beer while doing it!
    Vegan fanatics have “no right” to DICTATE what other people choose to eat legally. They obviously forgot their B12 supplements, because they can’t think straight or logically.
    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group ‘True North’

  2. Just wait until they figure out that they can get restaurants shut down for “offending” them.
    Brave New World indeed.

  3. My favourite quote from the article.
    “Venison is the New Kale” – I like that. Canadian hunters have a new slogan!

  4. I know a vegan who went back to eating meat. I did not pump for info as to why but probably anemia is the reason.
    I suspect a lot of so called vegans eat meat in hiding. It is a difficult thing to keep up. No animal anything! I gifted 2 cookbooks and snooped around in them. They have irreverent jokes against meat eaters, the vegans are forbidden to even wear leather shoes! My guest had leather sandals and when I joked about the sandals I was told that they were second hand sandals. So, that is how it works!
    Knowledge is power. Agenda 21 aims to reduce the population!
    Beware of the hypocracy!

  5. “My guest had leather sandals and when I joked about the sandals I was told that they were second hand sandals. So, that is how it works!”
    Good! I’ll be happy to give them some second hand meat to dine on!

  6. Ah ha ha ha! Yeah the tough, real chewy stuff huh!
    I like all your comments Edward…always, you are a real comedian, for all I know you could be Jerry Seinfeld….”no soup for you”!

  7. As someone once responded to a k.d. lang vegetarian outburst about Alberta beef cattle:
    “Nice hand-tooled leather guitar strap you have there, k.d.!”

  8. If we need meat to survive, why is the longest lived human population on earth the Adventist Vegetarians?
    Turns out you can actually thrive without animal products, which is why the movement continues to grow.
    If you can thrive without killing animals, why kill animals? They are sentient beings, worthy of at least some moral consideration. If you don’t have to kill them, you shouldn’t. And yeah, ‘because they taste’ good is not a morally relevant reason to kill a sentient being.

  9. James….just because your ears are incapable of hearing them, don’t you think carrots and potatoes scream when they are skinned alive and thrown into boiling water. But if you can’t hear vegetative voices they aren’t. Right Hypocrite? Want to talk about baby carrots and sprout abortion?

  10. @BL@KBIRD So you are taking the position that plants are equal in sentience to non-human animals, and therefore there is no morally relevant way to distinguish between a carrot and a Schnauzer. Even Kate would disagree…

  11. there is no morally relevant way to distinguish between a carrot and a Schnauzer.
    After being a post-secondary educator, I concluded that certain varieties of garden vegetables were intellectually superior to many of my students.

  12. “Vegan fanatics have “no right” to DICTATE what other people choose to eat legally.”
    Unfortunately that is the mindset of so many SJW individuals and groups in our society these days. It has to be their way or you get shut-up or charged with some new trumped up law (no pun intended). Our freedom is disappearing at a frightening rate.

  13. “After being a post-secondary educator, I concluded that certain varieties of garden vegetables were intellectually superior to many of my students.” You just may have something there. My sister-in-law would agree.

  14. So, we all know that protein is a body builder. The natives, for thousands of years ate buffalo that committed suicide.
    When you visit the UNESCO WORLD HERITAGE site just 18 km (11 miles) N.W. of Fort Macleod AB on HW 785, where the foothills of the Rocky Mts and the Prairies meet, you’ll be at the place called Heads-Smashed-In-Buffalo-Jump. It has this lovely unique name for what was a natural occurrence. No violence committed by humans there, just a feast!
    We’re with you… eh, oui, un petit filet mignon …please, rare, very rare, please, merci!
    Take that you plant murderers, poor plants stuck in the soil against their will. Doing good taking in that evil carbon dioxide and giving the world oxygen. They should be given a break on Earth Day and not consumed. The vegans should be told to eat meat or starve or faint on that day!

  15. Turns out you can actually thrive without animal products
    It turns out Vitamin B12 deficiency is an actual thing, too.

  16. Having dominion over something doesn’t entail that you should eat it. I have dominion over my dog, does that mean I should eat it? Where do you draw the line? What is the morally relevant difference that makes it morally acceptable to eat a cow and morally unacceptable to eat a dog?
    Also, the Bible isn’t a perfect document. In the words of Dr. Peterson, the Bible is a series of books written, edited and assembled over thousands or years. You can’t just accept everything in it, you need to evaluate it and try to understand it.
    Do not wear clothing woven of two kinds of material. Leviticus 19:19
    All that have not fins and scales in the seas, and in the rivers, of all that move in the waters, and of any living thing which is in the waters, they shall be an abomination unto you. Leviticus 9:10
    Slaves, obey your earthly masters with deep respect and fear. Serve them sincerely as you would serve Christ. Ephesians 6:5 NLT
    No one whose testicles are crushed or whose penis is cut off shall be admitted to the assembly of the LORD. Deuteronomy 23:1 NRSV

  17. “…why is the longest lived human population on earth the Adventist Vegetarians?”
    And THAT is the bottom line with vegans, isn’t it?
    Don’t give me any ‘moral bullsh*t’ about eating or not eating meat. Religiously avoiding ALL meat products is mostly a naive and deeply narcissistic attempt by the ignorant to hopefully live longer. Also, I think the ‘activism’ of far too many vegans is simply an attempt to recruit the weak-minded, the core objective of any bullsh*t religion’s survival.

  18. B12 is an essential vitamin produced by bacteria and archaea. Historically we got enough B12 in our diets from bacteria laden water and dirt on our food. Modern sanitation practices have eliminated natural sources of B12 from our diet.
    Before you go saying that animal flesh is itself a source of B12, please understand that animals do not make B12, and that although dietary cobalt for livestock is often sufficient as a precursor for B12 genesis, B12 deficiency is a problem for livestock in many parts of the world.
    Moreover, more than 40% of the general population is already flirting with B12 deficiency, despite eating record amounts of meat and animal products. There is no association between B12 levels and meat intake. https://agresearchmag.ars.usda.gov/2000/aug/vita
    Vegans take their B12 supplements, just like everyone else.

  19. Is there something wrong with wanting to live a healthier lifestyle?
    There are several reasons for going vegan. Some are ethical, some environmental, and yes, some are health related. People go vegan for various reasons, but the fact is we don’t need meat in order to survive and even thrive, and killing animals needlessly is wrong.

  20. I’m reminded of a scene from an episode of Trailer Park Boys. One of the three (Ricky, I think) was described by his girlfriend as being so dumb, the only way he could become smarter was to die and come back as a turnip.
    That had to be the funniest line in the entire series.

  21. This is NOT about what YOU want to put in your own body, James. Knock yourself out.
    This is about your ilk trying to guilt trip the rest of us into believing that we are immoral for not following you.
    That is typically devious religious bullsh*t, nothing less.

  22. James, what about those canines the Lord blessed your mouth with? Maybe meat eaters should start to pressure vegans to eat meat to keep things diverse and non intersectional or whatever word salad you speak.

  23. Whenever a weed-eater brings up the Seven-Day-Adventists-live-longer-because-they’re-vegetarians argument, I like pointing out that Australians are the biggest consumers of red meat in the world, but the life expectancy there (84 yrs) is far better than the three countries with the largest percentage of Buddhists (bean sprouts and rice) in their respective populations. Cambodia-72 years; Thailand-74.6 years; Myanmar-66 years.
    The odd time I get the rejoinder, “Yeah, but there a whole lot of other factors that contribute to those stats.” And my answer is, “Precisely. And the same can be said for your argument about the Seven Day Adventists.”

  24. Healthier lifestyle?
    Do you have any idea how much utter garbage is thrown under that label? I think not … because you are using it to claim moral superiority … so I won’t bother. You’ve chosen your own orthodoxy, and I will allow you to drink the (sugar free) koolaid you’ve mixed for yourself.

  25. “If you can thrive without killing animals, why kill animals?”
    Because they are tasty. Also just to p*ss you off, James.
    Personally I order the club sandwich because it has not one, not two, but three dead animals in it. Bacon, turkey -and- roast beef. Mmmm, good!

  26. I have my dental work done at the university clinic. One of my students claimed to be a vegan. She said she was one because it was a “lifestyle” choice.
    She was a bit of a flake, though. Her idea of tea was some sort of concoction that sounded like soaking lawn clippings in hot water.
    I’m not sure if it’s coincidence but she was, apparently, an Adventist as well.

  27. Aren’t all vegans and health nuts going to be embarrassed as at the end of their time on earth there they are dying from nothing. Eat a steak now or add 3 months to my advanced dementia existence in 30 years….. hmmmm Steak it is.

  28. “There is strong evidence that a typical Western diet, which is rich in meat, high-fat foods and sweets, increases the risk of developing dementia, including Alzheimer’s disease,” says Tammy Scott, PhD, assistant professor at the Friedman School or Nutrition Science and Policy at Tufts University and a scientist in the Neuroscience and Aging Laboratory at the Jean Mayer USDA Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging.

  29. There is equally strong evidence of “The French Paradox” … where people who eat an impossibly RICH diet that includes every animal imaginable prepared in the most tasty and creative ways … live long and healthy lives … because they EAT EVERYTHING… in moderation … completely unlike the average American who gorges themselves on “convenient” crap food. You are confusing meat-eating with CRAP diets. Not the same thing … not even close. But go ahead and quote some vegan-biased “scientist” … but leave the rest of us the hell alone. Eat your own twigs and berries … in silence.
    Oh … and PS … if you believe the “Eastern Diet” doesn’t include animals … then you’re delusional and just making shit up.

  30. sentient being.
    does this mean I can’t have shrimp anymore? no seefood at all, aka ‘I see food I eat’?
    we are what we eat. by that reckoning, Im a combination of fish, chicken, pork, beef, home grown asparagus, home grown raspberries, home grown rhubarb pie, home grown apple sauce, corn, bread, potatoes, carrots, tropical fruit, potato chips, bags of raisins, dates, figs, and anything else in reach. which I am inclined to share with my part mastiff.
    why the fcuk would I introduce some ‘political statement’ in my very broad diet choices?
    p.s., in addition to eating pig, I eat *like* a pig, that because my metabolism was shaped by the 1st 5 yrs of my life living in an uninsulated wood frame with NO central heat. heat consisted of the father figure getting up before anyone else and tossing a log into the kitchen stove sose the mother figure could then proceed to make b’fast. from then on my bod would BURN OFF the calories in body heat. came in handy when I did my ice diving qualifications in an off-the-shelf wet suit. last time I went to an all-you-can-eat buffet, I finished FOUR plates and THREE of dessert. BURRRPPP.
    Ive been 190 pounds for about 16 yrs now. and as far as the dementia angle, just today I used the washroom @ the A&W without having to ask the cose since I remembered it from LAST WEEK.
    what I DONT have is plate after plate of fast food sugary starchy CARAAAP.
    etc etc.
    m’kay? its a POLITICAL statement, NOT dietary.

  31. Has it occurred to you that I might take great pleasure in p*ssing you off?
    The difference, of course, being that I don’t kill sentient beings for no reason…

  32. It’s an ethical statement, not political. It is unethical to kill a sentient being without a morally relevant reason to do so. You haven’t identified a morally relevant reason that we need to kill animals, and I suspect you wont…
    No one cares about your childhood or how heavy you are. The issue is whether you need to eat meat to survive… Fun fact, you do not.
    If you don’t need to kill, why kill?

  33. You mean those tiny useless vestiges of canines that are incapable of tearing through thick hides and uncooked flesh? Why do you eat your steak with a knife bro?

  34. Mmmm yeah … however you left out all those other relevant bits in the article such as MEAT eating does NOT = an “unhealthy” diet. Or the bits which suggest that heart disease is MORE related to genetic disposition than MEAT eating. And that MULTIPLE countries and cultures have quite different (meat-centric) diets that produce similar positive results … which need further “study” to fully understand.
    And this study did very poor epidemiology work, if they failed to acknowledge that the French people smoke like chimneys (a very bad habit) yet STILL show lower levels of heart disease. It seems the EXTREME omnivore lifestyle works quite well for the French.
    The FACT remains … the French people and their cultural MEAT EATING DIET … is a “healthy” lifestyle.
    Hint: … Also… try to learn what the word “suggest(s)” means.

  35. James said: “Has it occurred to you that I might take great pleasure in p*ssing you off?”
    I thought that was understood at the outset. Your entire lifestyle and presentation is intended to annoy people like me. That’s about all you live for, it seems to me.
    But I think I’m winning this contest of the wills, with the Three Dead Animal sandwich. And that guy with the deer leg? That was classic!
    James also said: “The difference, of course, being that I don’t kill sentient beings for no reason…”
    Neither do I, James. Food is the only good reason there is, other than shelter. Even monkeys kill animals for food, college boy. They kill each other too, for that matter. I’d argue with you about the nature of sentience too, but I don’t think it will be a very stimulating conversation. You don’t seem too bright, if you don’t mind me saying so. Second-year English major, right?
    But that’s not the real difference, even if it was true. No James, the real difference is that while I may find your lying, idiotic vegan lifestyle and pointless agitating to be mildly annoying, my mere existence is driving you crazy. I don’t have to do anything at all, just live my life, and it burns you like a hot coal.
    Get used to it.
    If I may add, your pretended concern for my and others well being and health is hilarious. Get a better line of patter, kid.
    Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to go chop up and cook a delicious dead animal corpse for dinner. Or perhaps more than one, the Cornish game hens were on sale… maybe a little pork sausage in the stuffing! A two-fer!
    Enjoy your broccoli, veggieboy.

  36. French Paradox… a term invented in the early 80’s by French doctors…
    At the time of those French studies, the French food supply had only lately become high in fat. Because chronic diseases take decades to develop, CHD rates have not yet had time to respond to changes in dietary patterns.
    The proportion of energy from fat in the French food supply increased by 10%, to almost 40%, over the 25 years before 1980. In the US, by comparison, the proportion of energy from fat reached 39% in 1950 and remained at or above that level for the next 40 years.
    If we all started smoking today, there would be no measurable difference in lung cancer tomorrow.
    Finally, French coroners have been shown to under-report CHD deaths by approximately 20%. When you correct the data to adjust for differences in CHD reporting, the French Paradox disappears.

  37. Believe me, I don’t care about your health… But, health is important to the ethical argument underpinning veganism.
    (1) If a practice causes serious harms that are unnecessary, then that practice is
    morally wrong. (don’t taze me bro)
    (2) The practice of raising and killing animals for food causes serious harms to animals and
    some human beings. (don’t make me bring out the pictures…)
    (3) These harms are unnecessary. (a vegan lifestyle is nutritionally adequate for all stages of life)
    (4) Therefore, the practice of raising and killing animals for food is wrong.
