66 Replies to “This Is Not Your Grandma’s Humane Society”

  1. Where did James-UnMe go? Out for a Gitanes or a Gaulois?
    Perhaps some birdfood for an early dinner, or maybe he fainted?

  2. James, it is abundantly clear that you consider us all evile and wish we would die. We prefer that you be frustrated in your wishes, and are happy to see it be so.
    You arguments:
    1)Who determines what is “unnecessary”? In a free society, the individual. That would be me, deciding for myself. Not you, deciding for me.
    2)Nothing is perfect, and men are fallible, but a farmer who mistreats his animals will shortly go broke. That is simple economics. Mistreatment happens to humans too. Life is hard. Wear a cup.
    3)There that word “unnecessary” again. The vegan diet was originally created a religious asceticism. It is meant to be a -penance- for pilgrims and holy men. As well, there are many people with wide-spectrum allergies who will die in weeks on a pure vegan diet. Children have died of being fed pure vegan by their parents, particularly babies. This notion that the “vegan lifestyle is nutritionally adequate for all stages of life” is a heinous lie.
    4) you sir are a liar and a fabulist, who actively seeks to harm other people.
    We see you for what you are.

  3. Excuse
    Your rigid orthodoxy reads like the Global Warmists. Everything … every fkcuing thing is ruined by Global Warming. Everyone is dying from eating tasty meats. Yep, even as our lifespans are longer than ever before … therefore more diseases present in our older ages … it’s all the fault of …meat.
    Studies that do not control for multiple additional conditions are just rubbish.

  4. 1) Unnecessary, meaning not needed.
    Needed, meaning something that is essential.
    Is eating meat essential in order to sustain your life?
    2) Explain to me how you can kill an animal without harming it?
    3) “Well-planned vegan and other types of vegetarian diets are appropriate for all stages of the life-cycle including during pregnancy, lactation, infancy, childhood, and adolescence.” – American Dietetic Association

  5. 1) Yes.
    2) Quickly.
    3) Because quasi-government agencies and jumped-up “associations” are the be-all and end-all of science, and they never get anything wrong or bow to pressure groups. Feeding a baby a pure vegan diet is child abuse, is often fatal to the child, and morons go to jail for doing it every year.
    I see that you are not contesting my judgement that you are a liar and fabulist. Wise decision.

  6. On October 13, 1972 a plane, Air Force flight 571, crashed in the Andes carrying 45 people. There were 16 survivors. They were the Uruguayan Rugby team from Stella Maris College. They survived sub zero temperatues in the aftermath till they were rescued.
    A very interesting book on their survival was published in 1974 written by Piers Paul Read, published by the J.B. Lippincott Co.
    Later a movie was made about this story. Personally I preferred the book, but it is a matter of choice.
    I would strongly suggest you vegans out there read this book.
    Those of you who know this story, who saw the T.V News item at the time, read this book, or may have seen this movie know what I’m talking about.
    You show off vegans have never starved, pontificating the way you do. For one thing you need to be more respectful, learn more, read more. It is so sad to read what you write.
    …..”if there is any excellence and if anything is worthy of praise, dwell on these things”…( thanks for quote Kenji)

  7. “What is the morally relevant difference that makes it morally acceptable to eat a cow and morally unacceptable to eat a dog?”
    I would have thought that was obvious: it’s not morally acceptable to eat dog meat in our society because we do not raise dogs for food.
    If we were Hindu and living in India, it would be morally unacceptable to eat a cow as well. But then, we’re not Hindus in India.
    Different societies might also have different mores?
    Get out.

  8. Good thing we aren’t all starving in the wilderness and don’t NEED to make such stark choices in our everyday lives.

  9. 1) You will not die, there are millions of people not dying every day.
    2) If I were to hypothetically kill you quickly, that would not harm you?
    3) If vegan children and babies often die, can you find the statistic that supports your assertion?
    4) Didn’t contest your name calling because it is irrelevant to the argument…

  10. JJM, so in this example you are asserting that the morality of eating certain types of meat is dependent on social context or custom.
    Would you agree that there are historical examples where social norms are morally wrong?
    What about abortion in western societies? Abortion is socially acceptable, but many people believe it is morally wrong.
    Some societies allowed slavery, which we generally agree is morally wrong.
    Do you see how social norms are not always the best guide?

  11. What would have done in that scenario if your plane had crashed and you survived the crash and were left stranded without food? Would have chosen to die because you didn’t want to eat what the survivors ate? Can you answer us honestly?
    ( Please, you don’t NEED to use capital letters as if you are yelling at me! )

  12. Hey Guys…
    Bet you a million, he doesn’t answer the above question posted at 11:14!
    Where’s he gone? Out for his Gitanes or Gauloise again? Bet he ‘s talking to the boss or eating some fava beans, or sneaking a bit of Chianti?

  13. Re 11:14 Post: the word “you” is missing twice. Correction…in: first sentence and second sentence…sorry.

  14. I knew he wouldn’t reply the question is too serious for this fake vegan. When reality hits, they’re out of there in a flash!
    Good job guys.

  15. ” Good thing we aren’t all starving in the wilderness and don’t NEED to make such stark choices in our everyday lives”
    At 10:03 am today:
    This guy was done! Got him! Toast!
