8 Replies to “When The FBI Does It, That Means That It’s Not Illegal”

  1. “Sure enough, on Tuesday, Wray issued a press release promising to double the number of people working on the document request.”
    What does 2 x 0 equal? There is a certain faction in the FBI trying to run out the clock. If the Dems take over the House, they take over the Chairs in the investigating committees and most of this goes away.

  2. As was stated in the article, I am wondering if the speed at which the redactions now doubled as well? Will those documents approach comprehension?
    The Democrat implants in most departments ensure that only files of nothing-burger status be viewed or exposed to the scrutiny of prosecutors or those who would have the ability to decipher and connect the dots.
    Deep State is doing what they do best, run with “statistics” and “Russia was here” stories to divert the masses from Truth.

  3. Russia, Russia, Russia becomes Stormy, Stormy, Stormy, then something else, but it’s always Power, Power, Power.
    Given their abuses of power, it’s clear this collectivist cabal would murder if they thought they could away with it.
    Maybe they already have, I put nothing past them now. Anyway it worked for Lenin, so why not try it?
    Oh darn, out of power, subject to legal consequences. Drat. Nail.Them.All. every one of those seditious twits.

  4. *sigh* … I feel the need to quote scripture for the second time in one day … because this entire charade is getting tiresome. Once again, God … thru Christ … provided the wisdom applicable to the serial foot-dragging, and slow-walking, and subpoenas…
    All you need to say is simply ‘Yes’ or ‘No’; anything beyond this comes from the evil one (Satan)
    Time for the FBI and DOJ to let their Yes (we will retrieve those documents) … mean YES! And fkcuing DO IT! produce the documents … NOW! Anything but the speedy presentation of these documents is EVIL.

  5. its a vicious circle, the fear of election/leadership position loss drives the powahs-that-be to resort to ever more skullduggery. look at any 20th century tyrant getting overthrown. its the same 3 act play with different actors.
    – get elected
    – oppress the people and by trot out the modern equivalent of ‘beads for the locals’
    – repeat step 2 until the peons have NOTHING LEFT at which point the deadly and unpredictable revolution really takes off.
    just ask marcos, nguyen van thieu, shah palavi, etc. oh wait, whut a coincidence, all those were puppets of the white house !!
    whatever could it all mean???

  6. whatever could it all mean???
    They’re just as corrupt and oppressive as dictators in communist puppet states?

  7. When Lerner gets “Seth Riched” on her morning walk, the Deep State minions will get the message:
    Every Man for Themselves”……
    Have a BIG notepad ready….. can’t wait…..
