Y2Kyoto: Red On Red On Redford


Last week, in the latest skirmish in the British Columbia-Alberta pipeline wars, B.C. Premier John Horgan (pictured above) responded to an Alberta threat to turn-off the oil taps to B.C. (thus hiking gas prices in his province) by saying he wants Ottawa to “deal with” the situation and “take some leadership” in keeping gas prices down.

33 Replies to “Y2Kyoto: Red On Red On Redford”

  1. It’s funny because this is exactly what these leftarded green scumbags want right? No oil. So Alberta “threatens” to give them what they want and all of a sudden it’s not what they want. I swear the average voter just doesn’t think straight.
    They bitch about high gas prices AND are against oil pipelines and heaven forbid they build another refinery anywhere near anything. Gas prices in Vancouver are now above $1.50 a liter because o f the lunacy of the left. People think it’s oil companies ripping everyone off or something but never think about why it would be that prices are so much higher here in retard land than anywhere else. Could it be leftist politicians and their anti-oil development bent? Hell no, it’s the evil oil companies that we need to keep out of here. That’ll lower those prices.

  2. Let it all burn.
    I live close to the border and take advantage of cheaper US gas. And cheese, and eggs, and milk and products bought on amazon.com. Costco here we come.
    Pile on the transit taxes, carbon taxes, sugar taxes whatever to the gas price.

  3. Just watch. If Alberta shuts off the tap then oil/gas will be tankered in from Washington state. And with little or no environmental protest. But the US wins, Canada loses, again, as planned.

  4. And the Washington State refineries get much of their feedstock from Canada. The Alberta government should only sign export permits for product that is destined for Asia through the Kinder Morgan pipeline. None to BC or Washington state.

  5. So Notley threatens BC NDP with no oil and higher prices for gas, which is what the BC NDP claim they want.
    Notely does this because she wants to sell more oil so it can be burned, which is what she claims to be dead set against.
    So why isn’t Horgan just telling her to do it? Why is he wanting the feds to keep gas prices low while he adds on carbon taxes whose purpose is to raise them?
    The NDP must all be terribly conflicted by this conflict.

  6. It is all just theater. Start at the beginning; Horgan, Trudeau, and Notely are united, no one wants pipelines. Horgan, Trudeau, and Notely are united, all want re-election.
    To get re-elected, Horgan can openly oppose pipelines, appear to want low gasoline prices. To get re-elected, Notely and Trudeau must appear to support pipelines. Notice how Notely didn’t just go ahead and do it; only a press release. Just like Trudeau issues press releases about how someone should maybe do something, at some time; nothing ever actually happens.
    Keep believing the CBC. They never push the sacred narrative.

  7. not in the slightest.
    with ALL politishuns, one must determine their long term memory capacity.
    in the case of those 2, the memory is far closer to short term.
    and they dont know what hypocrisy is because their recollect doesn’t go back far enough to pick up the contradiction.
    voters are like that, BIG time.

  8. As an aside, why don’t we just end run around them all? What do you think the chances are?
    In Alberta, there is a person who could just get up from his desk, walk over, and twist those valves shut. That person could ignore anything Notely says for the rest of time. The police sent to get him could #HighRiver their bosses, and keep the valves closed.
    The captain of the HMCS Calgary could put a blockade on the port of Vancouver; no oil tankers allowed. Is there still an HMCS Saskatchewan? A naval blockade of the St Lawrence might actually scare 3 people in Montreal.
    It is well past the time, where a wrecking ball needs to be taken to the Peace Tower.

  9. Hey Kevin, take a long walk off a short pier.
    The Peace Tower is a “memorial to the debt of our forefathers and to the valour of those Canadians who, in the Great War, fought for the liberties of Canada, of the Empire, and of humanity”

  10. “The Peace Tower is a ‘memorial to the debt of our forefathers and to the valour of those Canadians who, in the Great War, fought for the liberties of Canada, of the Empire, and of humanity'”
    Thanks, Mike.
    Some people just need reminding now and then that the collective history of Canada is much greater than the crimped and parochial view they have of it.

  11. “The Peace Tower is a ‘memorial to the debt of our forefathers and to the valour of those Canadians who, in the Great War, fought for the liberties of Canada, of the Empire, and of humanity'”
    Thanks, Mike.
    Some people just need reminding now and then that the collective history of Canada is much greater than the crimped and parochial view they have of it
    Oh please! Spare us the king and country speeches! The great war was nothing more than the murder of innocent young men to keep the rich and powerful of Britain and France, rich and powerful! Take of the loyalty blinkers for once in your life.

  12. Well, some of you are right & some of you are wrong. Washington State gets most of it’s oil from Alaska. It sails in evil tankers, right by Horgan’s office windows daily. Then some it’s shipped by barge over to Vancouver as finished product, mostly as jet fuel. Don Braid has a column in the Herald today that seems to spell out all that touchy feely, good fellas, smiley faces, between Horgan & Wash State Gov Jay Inslee.
    A long time ago, airline companies in Vancouver got together & built a terminal in Richmond BC to handle their jet B problem. It came over on barges from Seattle, as there wasn’t enough supplied from Burnaby refinery to fill all those jets going to China, whatever. Now they are building….wait for it…..a pipeline to supply them direct from those Washington Sate refineries. Yeah, a PIPELINE.
    They are motivated to block TM, as the deal is already done. FU Alberta, Canada or any folks from east of Hope BC. Notley even knows it, but she’s just playing along in this charade….she’s NDP, eh? Sock Boy is doing the same. The country, from where I sit has dissolved, there is no rule of law here any more & provinces are now acting on their own, with a compliant federal government that is working on it’s own scams, some in conjunction with some of the provinces.
    The media aren’t reporting the news, you’ll hear more about what Trump is doing because they can’t report the real news, it doesn’t fit the Agenda, but 4 RCMP officers have been injured at the Burnaby BC worksite lately & they aren’t too happy about that, as they have been limited on what charges they can lay. (Hint) Most of the “protesters” are natives so we can’t have any “racist” law being dealt out, right? Sock Boy is making sure that TM will never be built.
    Why was Sock Boy apologizing to FN’s out in BC the other day, from before 1867 for murdering whites, building a road then with the help of the same FN murderers? (read up on the Chilcotin uprising). To make up for Colin Bouchie getting whacked by a white man, in Saskatchewan. That apology will set the precedent that FN’s can do what they want with whitey, & now get away with it, if they can come up with an argument that they are “protecting” their land. Currently being acted out on at TM, with the Federal Government’s blessing.
    Mr Kenny, should he get elected as Premier, should take Alberta right out of Confederation, Day 2 of his government. Albertans should demand it.

    1. If Saskatchewan FNations believe that they will ramp up an agenda of intimidating, beating, killing, or robbing rural Saskatchewan people and farmers and claim victim politics. Then we have a few surprises for them. This aint South Africa and never will be. Your old land is gone. You never had any. You were nomads. This has been the case since you trapped furs for the Hudson Bay Company.
      The feds pull any crap with “Personal property rights” or any smell of expropriation of private property in the name of “Environmental Stewardship” or “Land Claims Settlements”. Then there will be a guaranteed SHTF.

  13. On a positive note, we got to see Elizabeth May hauled away in handcuffs.
    I must admit I was personally shocked at the spectacle…. I was sure they would have used a halter.

  14. Too bad for the socialists Canadians find common sense in refining our own crude instead of importing it from SA.
    BS about upstream and downstream emissions is pure paralysis by analysis and must be held as unacceptable.
    Hypocrisy in crying about crude off the west coast while allowing SA/other crude in the St Lawrence must end now.
    Crying about climate change while carbon taxing the crap out of the poor reveals their power and entitlement motives.
    Sheer needs to say by the end of his first mandate, the Canada East pipeline will be sending crude to Canadian refineries.
    Then we can set our own price for our needs and share in the bounty of our natural resources, which is our birthright.
    Bigger government is neither limited nor good government as required for Constitutional lawmaking authority.
    Section 91 of the BNA/Constitution Act of 1867:
    “Federal Government Powers: This section gives the Canadian Parliament the power “to make laws for the peace, order and good government of Canada.” It defines and outlines the responsibilities and duties of the federal or national government:”
    Hulk Horgan may want to go over the division of powers in that Section, he may figure out he is acting illegally.
    Bigmouth Lizzie is accountable too, she commits illegal acts as a lawmaker, and should be removed/jailed or both.
    Thinking one is above the law because their cause if just is nonsense and a recipe for totalitarianism.
    Without limited government, peace and order, the other two requirements for lawful authority, inevitably fail.
    These legal requirements are still in our Constitution, at least for now, unless cabin boy deems them to be gender incorrect.

  15. Can it be said that the socialist extremists in the provinces are your basic hypocrites?
    Yes it can.
    Its what socialists do.

  16. “The great war was nothing more than the murder of innocent young men to keep the rich and powerful of Britain and France, rich and powerful!”
    Ah yes, the conspiracy theory view of history.
    The Great War essentially bankrupted the British Empire and France. So much for keeping anybody “rich and powerful”.
    But you just keep on believing that.

  17. “On a positive note, we got to see Elizabeth May hauled away in handcuffs.”
    She should have disappeared forever from Canadian politics immediately after her drunken rant at that Press Club shindig in Ottawa.
    Whatever you might think of them, had Harper, Mulcair or Trudeau pulled something like that, they’d have been toast.
    (Of course, it is true that she represents an inconsequential fringe party of no account. Still.)

  18. Last week, the price of liter regular in Tsawwassen was in the vicinity of $1.55.
    Price of the same gasoline, for it is from Washington state refinery, a kilometer or two down the road in Point Roberts was $1.25.
    And that is only because it is so close to the border. You go to Bellingham the price is around a Canadian buck.

  19. This situation reminds me of the Great song by Trooper “Santa Marie”! Trudeau being the drunk captain,” Does anyone know how to drive this thing!” —–I think I see a PIPELINE OUT THERE!!!! NOBODY SEEMED TO CARE! NOTLEY AND HORGAN being the crew!

  20. What the Peace Tower is, is a palace. Where your moral and intellectual superiors rule over you from. Built with treasure stolen from Peter, used by Paul. A palace not unlike tye UN building in New York. You can believe what the CBC tells you to believe, if you want. I will continue to think for myself.

  21. Horgan is a socialist, which means he is an ideologue, without a clue about how business or economics work. He doesn’t believe the warnings given by qualified, experienced people, of the potential damage caused to individuals and businesses by reckless, ideological ENDP policy. Witness the uproar around their usurious Speculators Tax, they are bound and determined to keep it, penalizing frugal taxpayers, who have invested wisely, kept second vacation homes in their family, and working hard at increasing their personal value and worth.
    No good deed goes unpunished by the ENDP.
    This is a group of tone deaf kleptocrats, supported by a Greentard bloviating hypocrite

  22. “What the Peace Tower is, is a palace. Where your moral and intellectual superiors rule over you from. Built with treasure stolen from Peter, used by Paul. A palace not unlike tye UN building in New York. You can believe what the CBC tells you to believe, if you want. I will continue to think for myself.”
    My, that was quite a rant.
    You must feel so much better for getting it all off your chest!

  23. It’s almost as if these Commies have finally discovered that the Energy Companies are happy to see “environmental” regulations squeeze the fuel supply as it drives up the market prices. Yes, Big Oil is a happy and willing partner with the RED-Eco-Leftists. They are THRILLED to sell less product for artificially higher market prices.

  24. The Peace Tower is the Peace Tower, who rules what from there? Utter nonsense. Do some reading to educate yourself.

  25. “I must admit I was personally shocked at the spectacle…. I was sure they would have used a halter.”
    Halter are used for horses, NOT cows.

  26. “It is all just theater. Start at the beginning; Horgan, Trudeau, and Notely are united, no one wants pipelines.” Bingo!
    Horgan and Notely, pot and kettle calling each black. Meanwhile PM butt fiddles.

  27. Imagine how drastically different this would be playing out if just one of those actors was a Conservative. No matter who, no matter the position they held, they would be declared as ‘CLEARLY THE ONLY PROBLEM HERE’.
    BTW, I am waiting for PO’ed in AB to show up with an apology for everyone here about OUTRIGHT LYING about a pipeline between YVR(Vancouver airport)and Washington State refineries.
