27 Replies to “Left And Lefter: Ryan Meili Hits Ground Runging”

  1. Heh.
    Just got a mailer from our NDP (provincial Ontario) candidate. She’s from South Africa (white-ish), and of course knows what’s good for us because she lived through (yet somehow escaped from and doesn’t want to go back to) SA.
    I’m truly hope she knocks on my door so I can ask her if she’s in favour of Canada taking white SA farmers as refugees…I’m hoping for a “Kids in the Hall” Chicken Lady type of reaction from her.

  2. I hate it when this happens. Everyone will say they are stupid and will have low expectations. Then when they actually do spell it right all will be amazed and think they are way smarter than we thought. So idiots will vote for them.

  3. Well, looks like they got the approved gender mix about right.
    But I don’t see any dijnuss or brijnulls in the crowd. Matter of fact, no peoplekind of colour. And what about the LGBTQers, sheep/goat-shaggers, and necrophiliacs? I mean, c’mon NDP! Get with it! It’s 2018, eh!

  4. Can’t EVEN SPELL Saskatchewan….And this is seeking to run your province..?
    Jesus H. Christ God help us all.

  5. “Well, looks like they got the approved gender mix about right.” Not sure. Could be one of them might have identified as a peanut butter and jam sandwich the day the photo was taken.
    Can’t spell and can’t do simple math either, and just love carbon taxes.

  6. Hmmmm … ? Where are the candidates ovvvv cullller ? Sorry. FAIL! Gotta have some dot.Indians and some woodcarving totem Indians … or you are just EVIL “settlers”

  7. Don’t make fun of our next premier.
    most crown corporations
    most drunk drivers
    most suicides
    most socialist

  8. I hope not. I lived in Saskatoon during the latter days of the Blakeney Dipper government. It subsidized a lot of financial sinkholes. If it lost money, it was supported.

  9. “I lived in Saskatoon during the latter days of the Blakeney Dipper government. It subsidized a lot of financial sinkholes.”
    Actually, Sewy, they didn’t just subsidize. They bought industry. Pulp mills, potash mines, oil companies, farm land.
    The plan was for the government to own everything and for everyone tp work for the government. After all, it was going so well in USSR at the time.

  10. sskchwn. there. fixed it according to present edjukashun standards.
    geography lessons? out the window!
    speling lesns? out the window!
    practical skills emphasis? out the window!
    p.s., who’s gonna clean up all this broken glass?

  11. Sasquatchewan – as it is occasionally spelled and pronounced south of the 49th. No! Seriously.
    (Yeah, I’m still south of the 49th.)

  12. I look at this picture of a group of simple-minded sh*ts who couldn’t operate a lemonade stand much less a province. Unfortunately, due to the stupidity of many in my neck of the woods, one of those in the picture is my MLA. These silly little socialists should refrain from doing their own advertising and leave that to their union sidekicks who love to urinate away union dues in an effort to portray the Sask Party as heartless and unfriendly to the working man. The union ads may reek of embellishment and downright bullshit but at least the spelling is correct.

  13. The correct spelling is ,”Saskabush” as everyone from Manitoba well knows of the stubblejumper Province next door.
    The Dipper lineup in any Province is always interesting, social workers, civil servants, teachers,social workers, more teachers, government employees, did I mention teachers?
    Rarely do you ever see a business person run for the NDP,although we had one a few years back who was slated to run Dipper but she got into a row with the Party and they dumped her.
    Before the voters of the ‘Bush go nutso and vote for these upstanding communists,they should reflect on the fact that probably half of them are in a conflict of interest due to their Union loyalties,and they WILL vote for increases in the salaries and pensions of their fellow in public service once in power.
    The rest of the voters can expect bugger all and nothing.

  14. “Gotta have some dot.Indians and some woodcarving totem Indians … or you are just EVIL “settlers””
    Heh. Dat’s true, Kenji.
    So anehwehs, I lookt up dat Belanger fellow in the picture. I tink he’s got as least as much brijnull blood as dat Lizbutt Worn.
    Mehbee he’s too-spirrided too?

  15. They bought industry. Pulp mills, potash mines, oil companies, farm land.
    True. I remember how Eldorado’s 737 flew regularly to Uranium City, often nearly empty.
    I worked for a certain company that couldn’t make money if it tried. The only way it kept afloat was because the Saskatchewan government kept bailing it out.
    Then Grant Devine was elected with the promise to do away with that sort of thing. The story I heard was that the Conservative government looked at my employer’s books and realized that it shouldn’t be shut down. Putting more than 200 people out of work right after being elected wouldn’t have been good for public relations.

  16. Go do a google news search and see how often “Saskatchwan” is spelled by the likes of the Toronto Star and the National Post.

  17. Reminds me of an old joke where a not so smart fellow is being interviewed by his psychiatrist, doing word association. Every word the Dr used the fellow came up with some lurid sexual reference. The doctor decided to turn the tables and said “vagina,” to which the fellow responded “Saskatchewan.”

  18. I heard a different association of those same words, but decorum prohibits me from repeating it.

  19. And I thought math was hard. Apparently spelling is harder.
    The sad thing is that some day these clowns will be back in power. Then they can unite with the brethren in Alberta and B.C. and finish off the oil industry for good. And maybe the uranium industry as well, although Germany and Japan have already made that highly unprofitable.
    Somebody needs to teach these clowns that gasoline for their vehicles and natural gas for their furnaces comes from oil. But that is science and although they are all sciency it is obviously beyond their comprehension.
    It’s getting close to the time to put rocks in my pockets and head to the pond.

  20. Socialists-always trying the easy way.
    SASKATCHEWAN. You have to chew before it can be wan.
