Reader Tips

Thread open. We’re getting close to d-day on Captcha, so use the comments while you still can. With luck, we’ll get a new platform in place over the weekend. Wtihout luck, we won’t. Stay tuned.

34 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. I got the same, Kenji. Youtube/Google/Facebook are removing the velvet glove and starting to show their true colours.
    There are requests for a Ministry of Truth already. That’s part of why the pressure is being ratcheted up on the 2nd amendment. Unfortunately for them, there are some who are willing to learn from history, and they are the ones most likely to enlist in the armed forces.

  2. AGW Fraud.
    “A Utility Wants to Build America’s Largest Wind Farm—And Get Customers to Pay for It” (blmbg)
    “DOE: If it weren’t for coal-fired electricity plants, the Northeast would have blacked-out during recent bomb-cyclone”
    “From the “when the going gets tough, renewables can’t cut it” department. Wind power generation actually dropped 5% during this period”

  3. “Wind power generation actually dropped 5% during this period”
    Wind power always decreases in periods of high demand. At 40 below the air is usually still. On those hot stifling days when you crank up the air conditioner, the air is still. Wind power is great at producing surplus power when you don’t need it at a price many times coal.

  4. “Excellent video of David Hogg as Hitler. See it before YouTube disappears it.”
    And the fascists did. Drama student Hogg doesn’t make a good Hitler but he could have a long career playing Joseph Goebbels.
    Mind you with his Parkland experience he could be an in-demand crisis actor. I listened to 2 interviews. One said he was at home and rode his bike to school with his camera. The other one had him at the school playing hero. He’s a great actor. And the Mainstream Media believes both stories.

    Just had to say a few words about the system that has made our visits here that much more interesting over these many years. My understanding is that the word pairs appear randomly and appear in ‘pic’ form so bots cannot detect the text. Ha, the pairings sometimes didn’t seem so random though, did they?
    I have seen that I am far from the only one intrigued by the way these two words didn’t always appear random. An excellent reminder of the power of coincidence to convince people of a purpose at work. Personally, the one I have never forgotten was EMERALD GREEN. I’ve had other pairings just as apt together, but that is the one I will never forget. Enough to even make this skeptic wonder if some tech guy isn’t sometimes having just a little bit of fun with us.
    Kate, lance, I hope the transition to whatever system you upgrade to goes smoothly. Thankfully, I have a full weekend planned so I shouldn’t be ‘jonesing’ too bad. See you on the other side.

  6. PET POT Cemetery Report.
    “Canada’s GDP unexpectedly shrinks, putting economy on track for slowest stretch of growth in three years
    Decline was driven by sharp drops in oil production and real estate activity” (FP)
    “Doug Ford is about to change climate change policy for the whole country — and it’s about time
    Ross McKitrick: Ford’s priorities will lead to an inevitable showdown over Ottawa’s carbon-pricing mandate”

  7. Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha
    To quote a line from Monty Python’s very funny parody of religion, ‘Life of Brian’,… ‘E’s making it up as e goes along!’
    Pope Francis: ‘There Is No Hell’
    “In another interview with his longtime atheist friend, Eugenio Scalfari, Pope Francis claims that Hell does not exist and that condemned souls just “disappear.” This is a denial of the 2,000-year-old teaching of the Catholic Church about the reality of Hell and the eternal existence of the soul.”
    I figured out that the Catholic Church was absolute bullsh*t at the ripe old age of 14. I’m sure you can understand my satisfaction at how the current pope is proving me right at virtually every single turn. HaHaHaHa

  8. …_
    In Praise of Saints.
    “Here was a man who believed in saints.”
    “In reading of the fate of that French gendarme, Arnaud Beltrame, who surrendered himself in ransom for a kidnapped woman, and died as he could only expect, shot and with his throat slashed by a Muslim terrorist, we were slapped by history.
    Here was a man who believed in saints.
    I do not mean this casually. Raised in a modern home, free of religion, he was called to military service. As a French soldier, he was decorated for his bravery in Iraq. In his thirties, he became a Catholic convert; made a pilgrimage to Sainte-Anne d’Auray, to ask the Virgin Mary to find him a wife. Found Marielle, a woman of deep faith like his own.
    Just before the terrorist attack at Trèbes, he had made his latest pilgrimage, to Compostela. He was an amateur historian, too, whose interest was in the Catholic roots of his own once-Christian country, France.”

  9. AGW Fraud.
    “Surprise: Australia closed a cheap coal generator and electricity got 85% more expensive
    Last year one of our largest coal power plants suddenly closed, with only five months warning, catching the market by surprise and taking out 5% of our cheapest generation.
    (This kind of improbable anti-free-market feat shows just how screwed our national market is). The Australian Energy Regulator (AER) has looked at the effect the closure of Hazelwood had on electricity prices and concluded that closing cheap brown-coal plants and replacing them with black coal and gas will make electricity prices rise.
    This will come as no surprise to anyone who can count to 100. It was something every second engineer in the country predicted.
    Dan Harrison at the ABC reports:…”

  10. …_
    The Communion of Saints.
    “Yad Vashem described van Hulst as a Calvinist Protestant who smuggled children to safety in a “large-scale” rescue operation.”
    “Dead at 107: Johan van Hulst saved hundreds of Jewish children but was haunted by the ones left behind
    ‘Try to imagine 80, 90, perhaps 70 or 100 children standing there…. You know for a fact that the children you leave behind are going to die'”

  11. PET POT Cemetery Report.
    “Even on the topic of sexual harassment, the Liberal record is appalling.”
    Stupid Phony Feminist Liberal Justine’s Grade FFF: “aren’t fooled by Trudeau’s fake feminism”.
    “Real women aren’t fooled by Trudeau’s fake feminism”
    “There are currently five Liberal MPs suspended from caucus for alleged sexual harassment: Scott Andrews, Massimo Pacetti, Hunter Tootoo, Kent Hehr and Darshan Kang.
    On top of that, Claude-Éric Gagné, a top aide in Trudeau’s Prime Minister’s Office, is currently “on leave” amidst similar allegations.”

  12. My Dad was a fossil-hunting enthusiast, which may be why I enjoy this type of article:
    Published Thursday, March 29, 2018 7:54AM EDT
    Human footprints found on an island off the coast of western Canada date back to around 13,000 years ago, making them the oldest discovered in North America, according to a study published Wednesday.
    The footprints are likely those of two adults and one child walking barefoot on clay on what is today a beach on Calvert Island, northeast of Vancouver Island, according to the authors of the study published in the PLOS ONE journal.

  13. my intro to catholicism came courtesy the iti mic woman next door who looked down at the working poor buffs next door.
    8 years neighbors, not ONCE did that pompous byatch crack a smile or a kind word.
    named her brats peter paul and mark. pompous judgemental superioristic and hard core no meat friday type.
    my intro to catholics.

  14. On a world basis the US has a low homicide rate. Mexico has more murders that the US with 1/3 the population. White people don’t murder each other in Europe or the US. The US is 13 % black while 52% of murder arrests are black.

  15. …_
    “Iowa man who said town smells like ‘rancid dog food’ wins free-speech lawsuit
    An Iowa man threatened by city officials with legal action for saying on a website that his hometown smelled like “rancid dog food” won a free-speech lawsuit Thursday when a federal judge prohibited the city from further threats and awarded him damages.”
    “Josh Harms, represented by the American Civil Liberties Union of Iowa, filed suit in U.S. District Court earlier this month asking a judge to block Sibley officials from suing him.”

  16. School employee threatens violence, causing lockdown:
    Harding High School on Central Avenue in Bridgeport, Conn. Photo: Autumn Driscoll
    Photo: Autumn Driscoll
    Harding High School on Central Avenue in Bridgeport, Conn.
    BRIDGEPORT – Harding High School was put in lockdown Wednesday after police said a school employee threatened to go on a killing spree.
    Carl Lemon, 63, an in-school suspension coordinator, was charged with second-degree threatening and breach of peace and was later released on $5,000 bond.
    Police said shortly after noon officers were dispatched to the high school for a threatening situation.
    The school’s principal, Dane Brown, told officer that Lemon had made threatening statements to another teacher.
    Police said Lemon stated that he hates white people and couldn’t wait “for the panthers to give the OK and a revolution begins because he will execute every white man he gets his hands on.”

  17. Several years ago, we had a tenant in our building who was an instructor at the same institution where I used to teach, though he started there well after I left. He was, frankly, a lush and was often drunk in public.
    Looking back at what I had to put up with from my students, I’m sure I can understand why he was so well-acquainted with the bottle.
