The Left’s Complete Lack of Ideological Diversity

The Left constantly brags about how much more diverse it supposedly is than the Right. Yet when it comes to ideas, thought, and free speech, its views are narrower than a toothpick viewed sideways. Case in point is the recent hiring by The Atlantic of writer Kevin Williamson:

If strongly left-leaning but not specifically ideologically-purposed entities such as the Times, the Post, or The Atlanticdo as their critics seem to wish and cleanse their pages of conservative voices their critics deem unacceptable, then the loss to American intellectual life will be immense. Writers who wish to enjoy intellectual freedom will soon find that they’re only truly “free” when working with people of like mind — a condition that contributes immeasurably to cocooning, polarization, and intellectual stagnation.

Whether it’s the media, or academia, or culture, the Left wants ALL dissenting voices cleansed. They will never stop trying to destroy the careers and lives of anyone who “dares” disagree with their group think.

4 Replies to “The Left’s Complete Lack of Ideological Diversity”

  1. He’s not even a conservative, pure establishment RINO. These censorcrats are as hopeless as they are pathetic.
    “A lot of Comfortable Class pundits – like Jonah Goldberg and Kevin Williamson – have been wagging their fingers lately at the Working/Middle Class folks for getting riled up by Donald Trump. Jonah tells us that “anger is not an argument,” and Kevin tells us that we are WHINOs. Either way, Trump will betray us and disappoint us, they say.”

  2. is this kinda like the responses I got a couple days ago posing a question regarding the NRA’s true agenda and tactics? ya, that thing about piling up alll kinds of freedoms and tolerating (ooooohh!!!!) all sorts of policies the end result being a HUGE ‘safety margin’ between what is currently legal and what they really want.
    that kind of ‘tolerance’?

  3. Williamson is an establishment RINO. How pathetic that even he is considered an alt right wacko (aka not a socialist at 30, so therefore in possession of a brain). But to be against this guy; way over the top imho.
    “A lot of Comfortable Class pundits – like Jonah Goldberg and Kevin Williamson – have been wagging their fingers lately at the Working/Middle Class folks for getting riled up by Donald Trump. Jonah tells us that “anger is not an argument,” and Kevin tells us that we are WHINOs. Either way, Trump will betray us and disappoint us, they say.”
    Well of course he will. That’s what all politicians do, sooner or later, and usually sooner rather than later. That’s what “put not your trust in princes” was all about.”
    So let’s get over all this teenage-girl hyperventilation and remember what we are all here for.”
    After the fundamental transformation of Barack Obama we are all agreed, surely, on the need to move the needle towards smaller, more limited government and a return to the rule of law.”
    Hear Hear.

  4. You would think that Williamson’s rabid Never-Trumpism would mitigate his near libertarianism in their eyes but the left will have none of it. It’s a good lesson for those libertarians thinking that the left is less hostile than the “right”. Jonah Goldberg is similarly positioned with a post Trump election diminished client-base. What it’s demonstrated is that Trump’s populism and success has usurped much of what many loosely held as conservative principles resulting in an even more fractured coalition within the GOP big tent.
