Turtle Swamp

It’s a start;

The United States will no longer shoulder more than a quarter of the multibillion-dollar costs of the United Nations’ peacekeeping operations, Washington’s envoy said Wednesday.
“Peacekeeping is a shared responsibility,” U.S. Ambassador Nikki Haley said at a Security Council debate on peacekeeping reform. “All of us have a role to play, and all of us must step up.”
The U.S. is the biggest contributor to the U.N.’s 15 peacekeeping missions worldwide. Washington is paying about 28.5 percent of this year’s $7.3 billion peacekeeping budget, though Haley said U.S. law is supposed to cap the contribution at 25 percent.
The second-biggest contributor, China, pays a bit over 10 percent.

13 Replies to “Turtle Swamp”

  1. To my Canadian friends… when y’all want to be the world’s policemen, when you want to spend on military as we do (you’re 50th percentile right now), let us Yanks know. We’d love to turn it over to you. And then, we can “comment” on your performance, just like your liberal elites have commented on our performance since the 1940’s.
    Thank you.

  2. UN? Peacekeeping? The blue helmets? Ahhhh Ha Ha ha ha ha. And where do you suppose ALL the UN “peacekeepers” are deployed? How about 95% in Africa?
    How about we all pull-out of Africa and let them sort themselves out? Allow ALL white South Africans into America and Canada as refugees … and return the dark continent to total self rule. Then stand back and watch them kill each other. And watch Izlam sweep across the continent with their own special brand of DEATH.
    Captcha- CALLE CALLE … good luck this weekend Kate and Lance

  3. Not to worry, Geek 49203, us Canuks got it in the bag cause our Minister of Foreign Affairs or Whatever has told us that we are gonna fill the void that Merika will leave when they vacate the Office of Policing the World. Yup, it’s all under control by King Ponce and his Minions./sarc!!!!!!
    Meanwhile on a brighter note your Northern Neighbours are getting prepared for this to show up on the streets of Parry Sound, Estevan, Gimli, Beaconsfield, Trail, or many other otherwise used to be peaceful towns and villages.
    Yeah, we’ve got it all under control!!!!!

  4. We are no longer a country so please invade us peacefully, the capital city has been raped by the U.N. and we need to be saved.
    They said we are now post national. The debt is climbing, they are squandering money like there is no tomorrow. They never campaigned on what they are up to. No good.
    Put back Mr Harper, we need law and order.

  5. That’s the Alinsky playbook … crash the Capitalist economy … and force the bankrupt citizens into the benevolent arms of the Socialists. They will give you FREE SH*T! … hell … now they’re even promising a “base wage” for everyone. Of course this results in food shortages and paying for your bread with a wheelbarrow full of Loonies. But look on the bright side … you will have a government job … so you won’t really have to work.

  6. https://theapocalypsepostnewsletter.com/2017/06/13/36/
    “Hey, I’m a nationalist and a globalist. I’m both.
    And I’m the only one who makes the decision, believe me.”
    Donald Trump, April 28th, 2017
    Contrary to popular belief, there is no One World Political System yet;
    only a vague skeleton Zbigniew Brzezinski called in his 1997 book
    The Grand Chessboard: “the existing and increasingly antiquated UN structures.”
    So, in the same way that The League of Nations provided the skeletal
    structure for the United Nations, the UN will provide the skeletal
    structure for the actual New World Order. First, the UN has to be proven
    a failure and Trump pulling the United States out of the Paris Climate
    Agreement is a clear step in that direction as well as Netanyahu calling
    for the dismantling of the United Nations Palestinian Refugee Agency.
    A bill was introduced into Congress in January called H.R. 193:
    The American Sovereignty Restoration Act of 2017 which calls for
    (1) the President to terminate U.S. membership in the United Nations (U.N.),
    including any organ, specialized agency, commission, or other formally affiliated body;
    and (2) closure of the U.S. Mission to the United Nations.
    If the United Nations is, in fact, the “great horn” of the “he-goat” written
    of in Daniel Chapter 8 (see The Daniel 11 Hypothesis on BIBLICALRESEARCHLABS.com)
    then what we are seeing unfold is followed by the emergence of
    The One World Political System written of in Revelation 13:
    The REAL New World Order.

  7. I’ve heard that the UK contributes just over 6.5%. If so, then it is bigger contributor per head than the USA.

  8. Don’t disparage Canadian troops. They continually punch above their weight.
    Blame the ass hats who call the shots. No financial support, and no backbone. Embarrassing to the the nth decibal as Socksy would say.

  9. Back in the early 80’s when their were no jobs in Saskatchewan and my buddies were all heading off to Alberta to get work, we always kidded that the best thing that could happen to Canada would be if the U.S. would invade us and conquer us. Then they would have to implement a Marshall plan and we Canada would become prosperous just like Japan!
    Those days may be coming back!

  10. Yes Saul and HER were friends and SHE wrote HER thesis based on his nonsense.☆ He then offered HER a job but SHE had other plans to go to the Swamp and try to get rid of Nixon… etc. The part I liked is that SHE failed the bar exam the first time. SHE is all about someone elses’ ideas especially in the books that SHE wrote, nothing much new there.
    So no we don’t want free stuff we want our country back. Nothing is free. The Communist way is evil and this gov’t had no right to trash us with their bad boy balls!
    ☆ his nonsense was from Karl Marx and others like Mao, Stalin,
    Woodrow Wilson.
