We Don’t Need No Flaming Sparky Cars

fter Friday’s fiery fatal crash of a Tesla Model X on U.S. Highway 101, police and firefighters are assessing how emergency response will need to change in a world where electric cars are becoming more common.
On Monday, Caltrans workers were at the scene, clearing debris and repairing a freeway divider that was damaged when the Tesla crashed into it and was struck by two other cars before becoming engulfed in flames. The crash shut down a carpool ramp and two lanes of the freeway for almost 6 hours — twice as long as most accidents of this type, said Ofc. Art Montiel, a spokesperson for the California Highway Patrol.
[…] In this case, that included a fire engine company that escorted the Tesla to a tow yard, and then stood guard for hours.
“Even after 24 hours of extinguishment, these (lithium) ion batteries could reignite if they’ve been damaged, and again cause a fire,” Diaz said.

But that’s not all.

Tonight, the ABC7 I-Team has word of a major development in the investigation. His family says Huang complained about the Tesla’s auto-pilot “before” the accident. Dan Noyes has an exclusive report.
Walter Huang’s family tells Dan Noyes he took his Tesla to the dealer, complaining that — on multiple occasions — the auto-pilot veered toward that same barrier — the one his Model X hit on Friday when he died.

30 Replies to “We Don’t Need No Flaming Sparky Cars”

  1. “Walter Huang’s family tells Dan Noyes he took his Tesla to the dealer, complaining that — on multiple occasions — the auto-pilot veered toward that same barrier — the one his Model X hit on Friday when he died.”
    So he kept using it? Darwinian

  2. Thonk of it this way:
    WINDOWS VISTA is driving you along at 60 MILES AN HOUR………
    Let that sink in…….

  3. Years ago, the suggestion was made that the U. S. Navy should adopt Windoze as the operating system for computers on board their ships. Some wag said that if that was to happen, the ships would go down all by themselves.

  4. Wow, from the aerial footage looks like the Tesla barely knicked that barrier. Certainly not a fatal accident in 99.8% of cars.

  5. Tesla’s response:
    You misunderstood what we meant by “auto-pilot”. It doesn’t mean the car is “self-driving” … it is providing “driver-assist”. Sorry for the inconvenience … of your death. You know, statistically, our “auto-pilot” high tech electric saloon is much safer than any “Asian-piloted” car on the road.
    Please accept our condolences, and a free Tesla key fob

  6. Tesla is gonna be bankrupt and a bad memory in a few months. Too bad the cars are killing people before that happens.

  7. It’s bad enough the progz want us to share the roads with millions of drunken, uninsured, unlicensed, fentanyl-dealing illegal aliens. Make it stop!

  8. Hitting that barrier should not have been a fatal accident. The first 30 feet use wood posts which are designed to break and absorb the energy before the vehicle hits the concrete barrier behind it. If any other car hit this, except perhaps and old Volkswagen Beetle with the gas tank in front, there would have been no fire.

  9. Do self driving cars eliminate the need for a driver’s license? You are a passenger,you are not in control of the car, does that mean you can toke up, booze up? Who will be charged in the case of an accident?
    How high is the insurance?

  10. Tesla is a svelte high tech wonder on a dead end branch of automotive evolution.
    Nice try.
    Self driving cars the same.
    Saw it here first: uncontrolled railway crossings.

  11. “Our data shows that Tesla owners have driven this same stretch of highway with Autopilot engaged roughly 85,000 times since Autopilot was first rolled out in 2015.”
    I wonder how many tens of millions of non auto pilot cars drove by the same spot without running into it over the same period?

  12. People better get their lawsuits in now while multi-billionaire Musk still has some unhidden money.
    Can’t wait to see the carnage ‘self-crashing’ Tesla big rigs will cause.

  13. No sense suing Tesla. By the time the case hits the courts, Tesla will be bankrupt, and even if you win you go to the end of the line for collections.

  14. And this is a model that Kathleen Wynne absolutely salivates over, to the extent of giving people $14,000 to buy one. She also plans subsidized charging stations billed to the Ont taxpayer. All in the name of reducing carbon footprint; in another month or so Ont will see the back of her and the end of these insane green giveaways.

  15. “Hitting that barrier should not have been a fatal accident.” I expect that you are right. A local friend just spent a month in Arizona and while there noticed a Tesla for sale on a car lot. He inquired out of curiosity and was told by salesperson that while the motor was good, the car’s construction was garbage and it was falling apart.
    I’m not sure why a salesperson would downgrade a car he was supposed to sell to that extent.

  16. Tesla is gonna be bankrupt and a bad memory in a few months. Too bad the cars are killing people before that happens.
    It’s probably only one NHTSA mandated recall away from bankruptcy.

  17. That’s if the YUGE negative cash flow issue, and crash in its bond values, don’t kill it first. The stock fell $60 the other day, 20%
    Death is near (that comment got me banned from FB for a day)

  18. Damn straight, brother!!! Try driving in illegal infested CA. It’s so bad that I actually LIKED driving when gas was $5.00/gal. … because it kept a lot of the riff raff OFF the roads!

  19. “…why a salesperson would downgrade a car he was supposed to sell to that extent. ”
    Perhaps he hoped if it didn’t sell the business wouldn’t accept another Tesla trade-in and he wouldn’t have to try to sell more of them. Short term pain for long term gain?

  20. … given all we know about computers and how much they suck, who would willingly sit in a car driven by one?
    And that’s surely just from the user standpoint. Anybody whose career centered on software development ( raises hand ) should understand how enormously complex even “simple” real-world situations are, and how riddled with erroneous assumptions and outright errors any software that attempts to anticipate/respond to it will be. I will never have anything to do with a vehicle like this, and hopefully neither will any of my family or friends. It’s bad enough that the yahoo in an adjacent lane may be in one.

  21. … And I wonder how much data Tesla collects about each and every Tesla driver ? WTF? Big Brother was never envisioned to have a fraction of this surveillance power! We have completely surrendered our liberty … our very lives … to a soulless automation nation.

  22. EV’s…?
    A Colossul JOKE as is Tesla…
    Auto Pilot.?
    Only for Lazy Imbeciles. (will help clean up the gene pool though)
    Computerized Internet connected vehicle that can be easily hacked.?
    Only for the mentally infirm and blithely ignorant.
    Thanx but no thanx.
    My ride (06 Dmax), has 3/16″ plate steel bumpers both ends – no internet and It goes where I want it to….Controlled by me & Me only. ITS CALLED FREEDOM.
    Sometimes ya gotta step back and go, ok…you can build/create it, but should you actually use it..?

  23. If you put a Tesla in the nose cone of a rocket and send it into space, is that concealing evidence or just plain littering?
    Just askin…

  24. not only that, but it ‘thinks’ it’s traveling 60 *KMs* per hr . . . . .
    because the programmer charged (pun intended) with that subroutine did not yet have their 5th cup of coffee.

  25. With the recent cold weather, I’d recommend staying close to your TESLA, untill the fire department arrives…..
